Yet Another Police Gun Turn-In Event In My Town This Weekend

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Oct 6, 2007
Crackerville, Florida
Here we go again!
Wendy Rose is the Public Information Officer and she refuses to answer any of my questions, such as: "If someone turns in Grandpa's deer rifle with a scope and tooled-leather sling on it, do the scope and sling get destroyed along with the rifle? Or, is this stuff removed and goes home with some cop?"
I also volunteered last time to take photos and write down serial numbers of all the turned-in guns, then to show up when and where they are to be destroyed to make sure they are all still there.
This suggestion was met with an extremely chilly reception. ;)
Oh well, I guess they need to operate in secrecy.
Must be a police thing. :rolleyes:
If florida is a face to face state what's stopping you from offering 75 to anyone standing in line with guns that are actually worth owning?
If florida is a face to face state what's stopping you from offering 75 to anyone standing in line with guns that are actually worth owning?

Most of the time these things are held on private property and the property owner can tell you to stop.

At least around here the Dallas PD usually makes sure to do this on private property to avoid what you describe.
This particular event (the one closest to me) will take place in the Sheriff's Department substation parking lot. I doubt they would take kindly to me standing there offering to buy guns. :rolleyes:
I was at the last gun turn-in, asking all kinds of questions. They behaved rather hostile toward me and wouldn't let me get within 50 feet of their stack of guns.
The heartbreaking thing is that I saw some really fine long guns from where I stood craning my neck.
Some of the rifles indeed wore scopes and tooled-leather slings. :eek:
The people who turn in this stuff for a $50 gift card are idiots! :cuss:
Well that can say in Sarasota, and I'll stay here in Bradenton with my case full of guns that anit goin' no where.. But $50 each maybe I should dig up a few more RG's that are worth $10 and take um lol
not to jump to a different place, but you posting this got me looking to see if anything like this was going on around here. And while I couldn't find anything around SC, I thought this was pretty interesting from Chicago

lol....all you have to read is the first two paragraphs.
"and two inert hand grenades" "two inert hand grenades" " inert hand grenades" "inert"
Hmmm, a fence for stolen guns. I'm sure the criminals love it. Plus, after they're destroyed, guess they can't run the prints on a crime gun, right?
It's not a buy "back" - the governments who run these event never owned any of these firearms originally. It's a partially compensated voluntary confiscation.
I've shopped in the parking lot at 2 of these events. I highly recommend it if you have the time to spend hours waiting for someone to bring in something worthwhile.

So, on the PUBLIC sidewalk, set up a table or something (not obstructing the flow of traffic) offering to give the bluebook value of any gun, and maybe have some guys from the local collectors club with you, Put up a sign with something like

"find out how much it is REALLY WORTH, PLEASE DON"T GET RIPPED OFF by the city"
dress nicely and bring business cards.
Austin Texas had a buy-back recently and several individuals were on hand to offer more than the PD, and they bought several very nice guns. What an excellent idea.
People are moronic. If you did something similar with a non-controversial items, like cars or musical instruments, no one would be dumb enough to sell their valuable property for next to nothing. The ironic part is that, because of tightened legislation and action like this, guns are becoming MORE valuable, and yet these places are offering less.
Actually, bring a sales flier from a local walmart, or sears or sportsman warehouse, and a blown up photo of a 70, or 700 and say, this gun is worth $400-$700, might get some attention.
I would make a banner for the back of my truck saying," interested in all quality firearms $100 call (insert your #)" and park on the public street just before the entrance to the event. $50 is an insult, make them pay! Then sit there feeding the meter or whatever all day long handing out free bottles of water or whatever as a community service in case the LEO get mad and want you to "take down your advertisement" (read get run off), then if you have video take them to court for infringing on your rights.
Just make a sign and stand on the sidewalk or somewhere publuc stating that you would be willing to buy guns for $75.
There was one in my home town a few weeks ago. I unfortunately due to scheduling couldn't attend so I put out my idea here. That was take your blue book and offer free appraisals along with your phone number to those that want it. Fortunately there were several other people who were able to attend, and they said they even did some buying, that the cops were polite and professional about it. Even if you your department is not about such things I don't see how the cops can get upset about your offering appraisals. You can see the whole thread including some talk about it afterward here:
BTW - take a buddy with a video camera maybe 2 buddies. Document everything. Who knows you may have to use it in court if they get overly zealous.
Maybe they need to buy 3/4 tank of gas.....

It's highway robbery, just put an ad in the paper offering to buy guns for $75 each and see if you get any bites.....
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