You guys ready for another batch of THR shirts?

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Okay, wow. Certainly looks like there is enough interest. I'll get the details taken care of this week, and post the ordering information/prices/details here when I'm done. Looks like I need to add hoodies to this run.
sweet. I am in for a couple of hats and long sleeved shirts. (Apparently my dog is an anti, cause he chewed up my other two Molon Labe hats)
Yeah I'll take some stuff. My original hat is lookin' a bit rough, and I can always use more shirts.
+1 for me for a hoodie...and a hat, as long as it's a low-profile design. None of those farmer hats, OK?
I'm in for a shirt.

Could there be a necktie design in the works? Something to wear on the road next time I travel for business or even something to sport on Sunday mornings.
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