You know, maybe it is WAY too easy to get a gun.

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Feb 3, 2003
Blue State
That was a very disturbing title to post...

Recently, my daughter's loser boyfriend (no steady job until a couple months ago, too early to tell on that) who has been arrested for driving on a suspended license, driving without insurance, turned the tender age of 21, waited his 5 days or whatever Washington requires (I have a CCW, so I don't have to wait), and bought a 9mm XD. Now, according to her, he's mister bad-ass, who WANTS someone to mess with him.

This is a kid with maturity issues, family life issues, etc. He gets in an argument with my daughter, decides that the only way to "handle" his rage is to empty his magaine into a tree outside his house at "oh-dark thirty" in the morning.

With no violent priors, and not being a felon, he legally bought the gun. Now I'm fearing for my daughters life, and even for mine and my wife's, as he knows we don't care much for him.

Sure, the cops came by and couldn't find out who did it. I (secretly) ratted him out to the cops when I found out about it, and that whole drama is just now in play. HIs mom took away the gun for now, but what about later?

It just makes me wonder sometimes, if maybe the darn things are just a little to easy to get. Don't worry, I'm not running to HCI or turning in my NRA Life Member card. It's all just kind of scary when your family gets put into this position. Certainly, I'm all for people carrying and what not. I know all the arguments here supporting liberal 2A freedoms, having spouted them for years. This one just hit home fast.

Thoughtful comments appreciated.

WOW that sucks. If she was my daughter I would encourage her to date this "great" guy. Now hear me out. Children are more likely to due the opposite of what parents want. Translation: Mr. Wonderful is gone. Hopefully. Good luck with your situation and please keep us posted.
Statistically there are too many restrictions on gun ownership in this country, but that still doesn't mean that there are not individual occurrences where people that shouldn't have a firearm have access to them. The fact that the overwhelming majority of us are safer with more access to guns doesn't provide any comfort when you find yourself dealing with one of those rare instances where the wrong person has access to a gun.

Understand that this liberal handgun access assures that you have a better ability to deal with this more volatile, younger, stronger person who poses a threat regardless of his access.

Good luck. I hope your daughter considers shooting up a tree as being a serious danger sign of what he could do.
Sounds like he is on a path to the criminal life, just give him time. I foresee a felony in his future and his firearms rights will be surrendered. Unfortunately for your daughter if you tell her No you cant see him, she is in the age to do the opposite of what you say. If you haven't already taught your daughter gun safety, now is the time. Take her shooting, tell her the problems with mixing guns, alcohol and anger. Keep good communication with your daughter and if she tells you things he is doing, keep the PD informed, they will be watching him.
well I feel for you but if he went through all the checks by law he is allowed to purchase a weapon but I do agree that a person has to be extremely responsible and have good character too but unfortunately that comes from the parents
Unfortunately this idiot will be the one to give the anti's more ammo to fight with (no pun intended). "You see he is of legal age and incapable of possesing a firearm."
My godsister was stabbed to death by her boyfriend in peaceful, gun-free Apartheid Chicago.

Maybe they should try to get rid of knives first...
If the guy wants people to mess with him, they will. And he will die. Problem solved.

And discharging a firearm in a threatening manner inside city limits is a felony.
If he's 21 and still acting like 12 there's a lot more wrong than his ease of access to firearms.

Someone failed him long before he turned 21.

If it wasn't a gun he'd be driving his car into something.

It's not the tool that is the problem here.

No offense but maybe the best place you could put your energy is into trying to improve the judgement of your daughter.
This guy is a loss, maybe she still has a chance.
I guess you're finding out if you really believe in our freedoms or not...

Best of luck to you and your daughter, but unfortunately, at this juncture, it sounds to me like her judgement isn't the best in the world. Hopefully she will come around sooner rather than later.
Guys like your daughter's boyfriend aren't any less dangerous if they can't legally get a gun.

It doesn't sound like he's the sort to hesitate to buy a gun illegally, and illegal guns will be available as long as there's a demand for them. Prohibition doesn't work.

Assuming that it was actually possible to keep him from getting a gun, there are plenty of other ways that someone of his temperament can be dangerous. Things from bare hands to pointed sticks, gasoline, rope, knives, and automobiles have been effectively used to kill and injure people.
Mr bad ass should be careful cause someday,someone one badder than he will make him eat that XD. My advice to a lot of "youngsters" who think they are the next Leroy Brown there's always some one just a little bit tougher......
The law can't protect everyone in all situations. I'm sorry to hear what you have to deal with.
I'm not a parent but I've been a concerned brother before. I think concerned family can sometimes exaggerate the dangers our loved ones face.

arrested for driving on a suspended license, driving without insurance

the only way to "handle" his rage is to empty his magaine into a tree outside his house at "oh-dark thirty" in the morning
Is he really the kind of guy that would be stopped from getting a gun because of the law?

With no violent priors, and not being a felon, he legally bought the gun.
Maybe he's a big talker, the world is full of those. My experience is the most vocal boasters of a particular trait (strength, power, intelligence, creativity, sexual prowess, holster making, whatever) often seem to be trying to make up for a very real deficit in that area. The more a guy talks about what a tough ass kicker he is, the less likely I believe he doesn't run at the sight of angry florists.

With no violent priors, and not being a felon, he legally bought the gun.
Maybe daughter is going for some sympathy points or enjoys drama, she's sticking with a guy it sounds like she shouldn't be with so I question her decision making abilities, no offense.

We care a lot about people we love and sometimes I think our fears can take control. He sounds like a loser who may talk a big game but doesn't have a history of actual violence. He's such a tough guy in fact that mommy took his gun away. I know its easy for me to say not being in your position but I don't think any fear for your lives is justified. Your daughter needs to leave the relationship with this loser but you and her both probably know that already. I know people "snap" at all stages in life, but this guy sounds like a chest thumping idiot more than a murderer.
Guys like your daughter's boyfriend aren't any less dangerous if they can't legally get a gun.

It doesn't sound like he's the sort to hesitate to buy a gun illegally, and illegal guns will be available as long as there's a demand for them. Prohibition doesn't work.

Assuming that it was actually possible to keep him from getting a gun, there are plenty of other ways that someone of his temperament can be dangerous. Things from bare hands to pointed sticks, gasoline, rope, knives, and automobiles have been effectively used to kill and injure people.

Excellent Point:D
Girls always want to date the "bad boys" until they get hurt. Unfortunately its often too late by then.
Sounds to me like the kid is self limiting. Either he's gonna get caught shooting up the neighborhood and get convicted of a crime that will get his right to own restricted, or he's going to find someone to "mess with him" and get himself killed. More likely he's too cowardly to find someone to mess with him.

Your problem is now convincing your daughter to stay away from this loser before she ends up on either the wrong side of the law by association, or on the wrong end of a firearm.

Moron sounds violent enough to escalate to battery against her anyway, see if you can convince the girl to dump him and then get a restraining order. The whole shooting at the tree crap was a control thing. He did something that was a radical display in order to be manipulative. That type of stuff will most likely escalate until he starts knocking her around, and could eventually lead to him doing a whole lot worse. These types of things don't get completely out of hand overnight: it happens as a result of escalations over time.

Notice that mommy didn't call the cops or get rid of his pistol. She is his enabler/co-dependent. She rushes in to save him from himself. That is fine for them, but does nothing to deal with the real issues of him being an immature, manipulative twerp who will most likely just get worse as time goes by.

The minute this jackass makes the slightest threat against you, or any member of your family get a restraining order. It may not stop him from becoming a problem, but it is one link in the chain of evidence if you need it for defense in a court of law.
What law would have prevented this idiot from getting a firearm? Higher age limit? I'm sure there's a whole bunch of upstanding twenty-somethings that would just _love_ that. Longer waiting period? That'd just be wonderful for the rest of us.

The point is, the guy hasn't done anything legally wrong, or at least not that the law knows about, anyway. In order to prevent this law abiding idiot from obtaining a firearm, we have to do the same with _all_ law abiding citizens. It's not worth it.

There's a few issues here... if he was firing a gun in a threatening manner, he should be in jail. If he's such an idiot, what's your daughter doing with him? Hey, I have 4 teen to young adult daughters myself. Believe me, I know how difficult it is to get a young adult to do what you know is best for them. Still, if it's bad enough that you are in fear for your daughter's life, what on earth is she waiting for? Get her the heck out of there!

I don't believe that guns are near easy enough to get. Should be no more trouble to purchase a new gun than to buy anything else that it's legal for you to purchase. Just like buying a morning newspaper.

It's not availability... idiots who want to hurt someone will find a tool with which to do so, even if that tool is nothing more than a rock. It's the idiot, not the tool, that is responsible for their actions. Making a particular tool less available does nothing to reduce violence. If this idiot is going to hurt your daughter, he could easily do so with or without the gun.
The best hope is that he's gonna mess with the wrong person and learn it the hard way.

Meanwhile....I'm wondering if you can somehow pursade your daughter into not dating losers.
I'd say the time for petitioning mythological figures is past. There's definitive action that needs to be taken NOW before the OPs family is hurt.
While on one hand i'd like to agree with the OP about how scary it is that this individual might be armed, restrictions will do nothing to save us from him.
an idiot this determined will find his gun, legal or not.

best thing we all can do is be better shots than him.
With no violent priors, and not being a felon, he legally bought the gun.
With or without violent priors or a felony conviction he could have just as easily bought one out of the trunk of a car.

Many years ago I used to hang out at this little bar that was frequented by many "1%er biker" types ... most of which had long rap sheets. One in particular drove a beat old van full of guns and other illegal stuff ... on several occasions he offered me real good deals on various firearms including an AK with "da switch" ... I always politely refused.

Point is, outlawing a thing doesn't necessarily make it more difficult to acquire.

best thing we all can do is be better shots than him.
Your daughter and family have been threatened by a man with a gun.

Think about that for a while.

Now explain why he is still in your lives.
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