Your State's Brady Score?

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Jul 27, 2008
I'm not sure if this has been done before, most likely yes, but whats your states brady score. In NH its 11 last I checked.
Wouldn't you just be able to look up all the states without asking?

I was interested in seeing how the population of this forum was distributed. I was wondering if most of the people on here were from low scoring states.
8/100 points

Its because of the stupid waiting period we have. Yeah because in passion crimes, people really take a timeout to go buy a gun.:banghead: At least we have Castle doctrine, where in the words of the Brady campaign, "permitting him or her to assume the role of police officer, prosecutor, judge, and executioner."
My state is 20 out of 50 states. Score is 13. This is what annoys me, though...

Are there limitations on large capacity ammunition magazines? No

Ohio - There is no state law restricting the sale or possession of large capacity ammunition magazines that can fire 30, 50 or even 75 rounds without reloading. Ammunition magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds of ammunition are considered large capacity magazines. These types of ammunition magazines are available for any firearm capable of accepting a detachable magazine, including assault weapons and semi-automatic handguns.

We can't use anything over 32 rounds, or Ohio classifies it as a machine gun. Sure, load the magazine, own the magazine, but do not put it in the gun. Stupid, I know. I think some people who have the stamps/permits for machine guns can use the larger capacity magazines.
Frankly, I don't give a water stoppage structure about where Brady ranks my state.

Ditto, other than to see what to write my congress people and state legislators about what to REMOVE from our books. There are too many Federal laws as it is. There is certainly no need for state laws to futher restrict our rights.

NY ranks 51 out of 100.
It doesn't 'RANK' 51st out of 100, it racked up 51 POINTS out of a possible 100.
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