Your survey isn't very good

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Feb 18, 2007
I just visited this site for the first time and I clicked on the "Liability" link just to see what it had to say. The survey provided is really poor, with EXTREMELY loaded questions setting up straw-men all over the place.

I also wanted to mention that I am in favor of reducing our current gun control in the vast majority of cases. I don't dislike the survey because I disagree with you. I dislike the survey because I find it useless.

This is my way of publicly suggesting that you try to put out a more useful survey, or change the link to an informative one (this is WHY we support the right to gun ownership). Just an outsiders 2 cents.
Well, first of all, welcome to THR.

Secondly - - what?!

We don't have a member survey that I am aware of and we don't appear to have a "liability" link. If we do, I would like to take a look at it. Please let me know where you saw the link you are referring to.
I think he is referring to Oleg's questionaire which can be reached by clicking the left hand image on this page:

I think it could be better, but the essential idea of these 'loaded questions' is a good one. It's meant to show antis how ridiculous their position is.
Ah! Thanks, Fosbery.

However, that is not an integral part of THR and when ug333 said "your survey" and "this site", he obviously implied that the link is to be found on THR.
Sorry for the confusion. From my point of view, it was an "integral part of the site", since it was linked from the entry point that I was using. I can see how it was confusing.

The problem with the survey, from my point of view, is that it DOESN'T show proponents of gun control the flaws in their argument. Primarily because it sets up straw-men. Most people who disagree with you will simply look at the survey at see that the answer they want isn't there.
I found this site through Oleg's site. I took the poll as being sort of a filter and thought provoking exorcise. I did not see straw men setups and at the end of the poll there is a enlighten us box with which you can share your wisdom on the subject. Welcome to the High Road. I have found it very invigorating here. Good for the brain and blood pressure. Jim
I'm still cornfoosed... I do not have ANY links on the left, right, top, or bottom that take me ANYWHERE but to other pages of THR, and CERTAINLY not to a liability poll?

WTH is he talking about?
Hemicuda: Fosbery had it right, I came here through a different web site. It was a single user experience to me, but obviously it isn't something maintained by this site. For the confusion, I am sorry.

The URL:

Lunga Bunga: Where to start with you?
#1, I really really don't like Hillary. I don't see why you would think I do?
#2 It isn't that I don't like this site, I just had an issue with the survey (which it turns out isn't even a part of this site)
#3 Just because I disagree with you on a single aspect of a web-site, you want me to leave? I may disagree with CrawdaddyJim about the survey, but we both seem to enjoy mental invigoration. I would include a healthy discussion on a topic in that category. "Love it or leave it" doesn't fly with me. I'm not a troll, I agree with the basis of this web site, I just was voicing my opinion about a single aspect.
A Human Right is one of several pro-2nd amendment/civil liberties websites run by this forum's originator, Oleg Volk. It was put together quite a while back, and is likely to remain unchanged. It is really not a part of The High Road, although it does contain a link to THR.

I actually find the questions at A Human Right no more loaded than other surveys I have read, on both sides of the 2nd amendment issue. As a matter of fact, they are a lot less loaded.

I hope you enjoyed Oleg's site, and welcome to The High Road.
Lunga Bunga ~

That was rude, and out of line. That's not the way we do things on THR:

THR Code of Conduct said:
4.) Spamming, trolling, flaming, and personal attacks are prohibited. You can disagree with other members, even vehemently, but it must be done in a well-mannered form. Attack the argument, not the arguer.

Please don't do that again.


I re-read the survey, and I kind of have to agree with you. Yes, the questions are pretty loaded. But there's a point to all of it. The survey doesn't hone in on what your reasons are for supporting gun control, but more the consequences of supporting said gun control. And I think it does a fine job in that respect.

If I choose to defend myself with a firearm, I would favor the...

[ ]least effective type possible

[ ]most effective type possible

Obviously, no one, not even an anti-gun person is going to choose "the least effective type possible". But that is a consequence of gun control. Us honest to god citizens are banned from using the most effective type of self defense: Guns.
If I may make a suggestion, lets go through this survey question by question with this new member and see what flaws and strawmen he is refering to

My level of familiarity with firearms is:
-I am ignorant of how they function.
-I know the basics of gun safety.
-I carry for self-defense, compete or hunt.
-I am an firearms instructor.
-I know how guns function from watching TV.

I suspect the only issue with this question is the final option, regarding TV (and movies and games). First off, whether people choose to admit it or not, when you have almost no knowledge of something, how it is depicted in the entertainment industry has a big impact on you. It is easy to start believing, or not realize how far off from reality TV movies, etc etc is. I think most of us forum members have had experiences where we encountered 'experts' who got their knowledge of how gun A differs from gun B based on Counterstrike or a similar video game.

I can see how the final answer would be a bit disconcerning because it may force people to admit that their knowledge of guns comes only from TV (and this could be entertainment or news) OR that they have no real knowledge at all. No one likes it when somene points out they are ignorant on a subject being discussed. However, it is a legitemate point.

Are there any other issues you have with this question?
Bear in mind that the survey isn't meant to be fair and unbias. It's there to prove a point. I think it does a good job at that, but I can see where you're coming from. Still, the point isn't to get fair and balanced survey results; it's to make a point to antis.

BTW, welcome to THR. It's always nice to have another point of view. Sorry your were confronted so roughly earlier in this thread.
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Every few months, I get a complaint about the loaded questions. I always ask for suggestions for improving them, so far no one ever emailed me alternative question/answers.

I will revise and update that web site eventually. Suggestions are always welcome. Keep in mind that the poll is for self-reflection only, the answers are not sent anywhere.
Oleg Volk

Is it a survey, because I have clicked on both just to see if they take you to the same site, by the way its a great web site.

Oh never mind,
Keep in mind that the poll is for self-reflection only, the answers are not sent anywhere.

Although, I bet most people are like me and have checked both.
I've tried to keep your point present in the wording, and did not reduce, remove, or add any questions. Just changed the tone of most of it so that it starts less confrontationally. Nothing perfect, but here are some suggestions:

This survey is a personal challenge on the topic of firearms. No results are collected. The survey is intended to provoke thought and reflection on the American culture’s popular reaction to firearm issues.

My level of familiarity with firearms is that
---I have no familiarity with firearms.
---I know how guns function from watching TV.
---I have some familiarity and know the basics of gun safety.
---I participate in hunting or competition, or I carry for self-defense,.
---I am a firearms instructor.

I would prefer that my kids learn about guns and safety from
---Mass media, such as television.
---Army or National Guard drill sergeant.
---Coach at school.
---A certified instructor.
---Me or my spouse.

Before completing this poll, please remember that possession of firearms by felons is already illegal in the United States. Therefore, you should not suggest "prohibiting criminals from having guns" as a solution—the law already does that. We have also seen that the laws are not very effective in preventing possession. Do consider, however, the effects of your suggestions on you, personally.

Is it morally correct for a police officer to shoot, lethally or otherwise, an attacker in order to save an innocent victim?
---Yes. No.

If no police officer is present, is it morally correct for the innocent victim to shoot an attacker in self protection or in defense of dependents?
---Yes. No.

The proper response to a drive-by shooting is to
---Prohibit you and other law-abiding citizens from buying the type of the car used by the perpetrator.
---Prohibit you and other law-abiding citizens from buying the type of the gun used by the perpetrator.
---Limit the rights only of the person or people who committed the crime.

The proper response to an arson is to
---Prohibit you and other law-abiding citizens from buying gasoline.
---Prohibit you and other law-abiding citizens from buying any flammable fluids, matches and lighters.
---Limit the rights only of the person or people who committed the crime.

The proper response to electronic fraud is to
---Prohibit you and other law-abiding citizens from buying computers.
---Limit you and other law-abiding citizens to computers that have no more than two of the following features: 66MHz or faster processor, 14.4 baud or faster modem, 8MB or more RAM, 500MB or larger hard drive.
---Limit the rights only of the person or people who committed the crime.

Over my lifetime, it is ________ that I or my family would be intended victim of a criminal.

If I am confronted with a life-threatening situation, police will _______ be there in time to prevent any violence to myself or those around me.

If my child or my spouse were physically assaulted, I would
---Try to run away with my child or spouse.
---Focus on memorizing details to provide to the police after the assault.
---Try to convince the attacker to stop through verbal persuasion.
---Fight to stop the attacker.

If I chose to resist a physical assault, my primary concern would be
---The health of my attacker.
---My own health.

When forced into a life-threatening conflict, I would prefer to defend myself with
---My bare hands.
---Pepper spray or other irritant.
---A firearm.

If I must defend myself with a firearm, I would favor a
---Model that causes minimal physical damage to the target.
---Model that causes high physical damage to the target.

For the following questions, bear in mind that criminals often gang up on a single victim. Shooting accurately under stress is difficult, and more than one shot may be required to stop each attacker.

If I must defend myself with a firearm, I would prefer the magazine to hold
---1 round
---6 rounds
---10 rounds
---30 rounds

Some say that just owning a gun increases a person’s propensity for violence. If your friend was gifted a firearm, do you think that your friend would
---Randomly attack a place with a lot of people in it?
---Fire bullets at an Army base.
---Kill somebody the are familiar with in anger.
---Not change in disposition?
---Act even more politely than before so as to avoid confrontations?

Some people argue that allowing unlicensed firearm ownership will make psychopaths more dangerous. This logical argument extends to other life styles and activities. In your opinion, this argument also applies to
---Alcohol—a return to Prohibition is warranted.
---Computers—limits on personal computing technology should be enforced to reduce hacker attacks.
---Cars—just making everyone drive at 5mph would reduce the number and severity of accidents.

Now let's consider real-life firearm situations.

Police officers carry high-capacity handguns and store shotguns or sometimes submachine guns in patrol cars because
---The police need a constant threat of lethal force to keep citizens compliant to all laws.
---Police departments cannot afford more powerful military weapons.
---Such firearms are an effective means of self-defense.

If all guns were outlawed, I think that all criminals would
---Turn in their weapons to police and enter into peaceful, gainful employment.
---Turn in their guns and beg for small change.
---Keep their guns and prey on disarmed law-abiding people.

If a person planning robbery, rape or murder does not own a handgun, they would likely think
---“I should not and will not commit this crime."
---“I will buy an illegal gun from my drug supplier, then commit the crime."
---“I will use a knife or a baseball bat instead."

A rapist choosing between two victims (one armed, one unarmed), would prefer to
---Attack the armed one, so he could "take her gun and use it against her."
---Attack the unarmed one because that would be less hazardous.
---Not attack either if it is likely that they are armed, but cannot be sure.

Someone planning a drive-by shooting would use
---Use a 10-round magazine out of fear of an increased sentence for owning a high-capacity magazine.
---Anything he wants because he does not plan to get caught.

The First Amendment to the Constitution
---Guarantees free speech only for official State news agencies.
---Protects the individual's right to only participate in means of expression available in the 18th century.
---Recognizes an inalienable individual right to free speech that the government may not remove.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution
---Guarantees possession of arms only by the Army and National Guard.
---Protects the individual's right to own flintlock muskets and other 18th century arms.
---Recognizes inalienable individual right to keep and bear arms that the government may not remove.

If your elected officials do not trust you with free access to information, do not trust you with ownership of firearms, nor trust you with other personal choices, do you think they represent you well? What steps can you take to ensure your rights, and regain those already removed?
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I just looked at that survey for the first time. I too noticed more than a few problems. On the victim question, my status of already having been victimized was not one of the choices. Additionally, I disagree with the wording on what I believe the appropriate selection to be on the 1 and 2 A questions. The Bill of Rights is a document that works on the basis of NEGATIVE rights, that restrict the government, as opposed to positive rights, which are permission or entitlement rights that allow the citizen to do something.

But, it is good tool for it's purpose. It seems to me, to be a soul searching tool- something to induce reflection.
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A couple thoughts on the survey:

First, it isn't really a survey in that it's not so much designed to gather information from a random sample of individuals as it is to provoke thought by a person reading it. Perhaps a few lines of introduction at the beginning about the purpose of the questions would help people to focus on the questions rather than getting angry that the questions might be loaded (which is not relevant to the purpose).

Another way to reduce annoyance would be to include options for "Other" or "don't know". Even if you don't care about those responses it helps to reduce feelings of having words put in one's mouth.

Terms like "proper response" are ambiguous. Proper by whose definition? Whose response? My first thought on the drive-by shooting question was "run like hell". You could change

"The proper response to a drive-by shooting is..."


"How do you think the legal system should respond to a drive-by shooting?"

This is still not quite right (I don't like "the legal system") but it references "proper" to the reader's own standards and is clearer about who is responding. If you prime a frame of reference that is different from what was intended (like "how should I respond if I see a drive-by shooting?"), a mental adjustment is required to read the categories and this interferes with comprehension.

Here's a textbook example of a loaded question:

Given a choice, I would prefer to defend myself with...

my bare hands

an ineffective weapon, such as pepper spray

an effective weapon, such as a firearm

It could be argued that pepper spray is at least sometimes effective, and even a firearm is not 100% effective. In any event you combining a question with an attempt to persuade the reader what is or is not effective. Many people don't like being asked a question and being told how to answer it in the same breath. Just list the choices or ask a separate question about what weapons readers judge to be effective or ineffective. If the questions are good it will get them thinking anyway. You want people to think this through for themselves, right?

Those are just a couple of examples. But even though there are problems like loaded questions I wouldn't want to suggest that the exercise is a bad thing. The questions are interesting and thought provoking, it is not too long, and the layout is reasonably easy to read. It could well get people to think about the issue in ways they might not otherwise. It's a lot of work to write a good survey for serious purposes, you need many drafts and lots of feedback from people with a variety of perspectives. I'm not sure that is so terribly important for your web page.

But given the purpose, I suggest it might be enough to include a statement at the beginning about why you are asking the questions. Make it friendly and inviting to encourage people to read through the whole thing. If you are honest about your intentions people will read and think; if you attempt to persuade under the guise of asking questions you are only going to get people angry and they will not pay attention to your message. If people understand why you're asking the questions (to get them to think), they might not be offended even if they are a little slanted.

Let me take a few of the ones you changed. These are the first I noticed with substative changes.

First off, here and in others, you choose 'physically assaulted'. To me, this is redundant. Yes, people on occassion use 'assaulted' to mean something other than physical, "The 70's retro outfit was an assault on my senses." But here it is quite clear we are dealing with a physical attack, not verbal or any other form of assault. After all, when charged, a criminal is booked for 'assault' not 'physical assault'

I will use (same) to indicate a line that is identical in both

Your Version
If my child or my spouse were physically assaulted, I would (same)
---Try to run away with my child or spouse.
---Focus on memorizing details to provide to the police after the assault.
---Try to convince the attacker to stop through verbal persuasion. (same)
---Fight to stop the attacker. (sane)

Original Version
---run away and hope my kid or spouse can keep up with me
---be a good witness so I can tell the cops what happened later

Lets take the first line. Your version makes choice A much more acceptable, and much less realistic. Lets take a more detailed look at it. The average man in good physical shape can run faster than the average woman in good physical shape, and the average child in good physical shape (note, not talking about adolecent offspring) This is why whe have different catagories based on gender in highschool sports, college sports, and olympic competition. Hence, the adult, especially the male adult, is going to be able to flee fastest, leaving the spouse behind, or leaving the child behind. In the alternative, 'try to run away with my child or spouse' now the group is moving only as fast as it's slowest member, which greatly increases the chance of the attacker being able to run faster than the slowest member of your group. That's the reason 'run away and hope X and Y can keep up' is much more truthful. It is possible that your question can be improved to be more fair and realistic through additional information, such as "Try to run away with my child(ren) and spouse, hoping the attacker is slower than the slowest member of my family" but then the original is shorter and more to the point.

For selection B, 'Focus on memorizing details etc etc' To me that sounds like corporate doublespeak and buzz terms. First off that statement is vague, what details are you going to memorize? Exact time of day? Type of foliage and insects in the area? The use of 'be a good witness' carries the implication of choosing relevant data to remember. Also, the use of memorization, obviously at a time like this, memorizing exact details is probably not going to be feasable. Besides many details in a crime are not 'memorizable'. Sure, a licence plate number is, but the attacker's hight and weight are more impressions than memorizable facts.

Your Version
If I chose to resist a physical assault, my primary concern would be
---The health of my attacker. (same)
---My own health.
Original version
If I choose to resist, my primary concern would be...
---My own safety

Inclusion of physical not necessary to qualify assaut. Nor is assault necessary as this is building off the previous question. However, not really an issue either way.

I prefer safety. 'My own health' makes me think cholesterol level, and there are times when you are physically healthy, but not necessarily safe. A person locked in a car with a man-man beating on the windows, can that person be described as 'healthy'? Probably. Can they be described as 'safe'? probably not.

Your Version
When forced into a life-threatening conflict, I would prefer to defend myself with
---My bare hands. (same)
---Pepper spray or other irritant.
---A firearm.

Given a choice, I would prefer to defend myself with...
---an ineffective weapon, such as pepper spray
---an effective weapon, such as a firearm

By choosing 'when forced into' you are projecting your own experiences and ideas into the equation. What about attacks where you are not forced into it, but as an innocent bystander come upon a rape in progress, or it is your child or spouse being attacked. You aren't being forced into it then, you are making the moral descion to get involved.

As far as the choices, 'an inneffective weapon' catagory is much broader than just 'pepper spray or other irritants' it includes whistles, tazers, dogs, etc. Also, the inclusion of the broad catagory, 'ineffective weapons' does bring out the fact that these 'less lethal' weapons all have very serious shortcomings.

On the flip side, in theory, there could be weapons other than firearms invented at some time which would be truely effective (a true Star Trek phaser set to STUN!...not our sometimes innefective tazers) and by using the caveate 'effective weapon' and listing firearm as an example, you also eliminate the firearms that would not be very effective in a life or death struggle (that antique but unfirable $200,000 flintlock rifle)

Now, possibly this could be addressed with an opening statement such as 'over the counter pepper spray has almost no effect on angry dogs, or assalaints who are high on drugs, or people who have had repeated exposure. Rubber soled or a leather jacket is enough to make a taser fail to delivier a fight stopping jolt' or some other set of facts. However, if the whole concept of gun control hinged on informing people of the true effectiveness (or lack of) of non-lethal and less-lethal weapons in a fight, gun control would be a nonissue.

Your version
If I must defend myself with a firearm, I would favor a
---Model that causes minimal physical damage to the target.
---Model that causes high physical damage to the target.

If I choose to defend myself with a firearm, I would favor the...
---least effective type possible
---most effective type possible

Again, your choice of 'If I must defend' is bringing a limiting judgement into the question. Self defense is a choice, you can choose to just let yourself be killed. 'If I choose to defend' is a better selection.

Use of Model vs type. Model to me means a specific maker and subcatagory, such as a Winchester model 70 bolt action rifle would be one model, Remington 700 BDL another, Browning A-bolt yet a third. Or in the catagory of handguns 'Glock 17' 'Sigams P229. When instead you choose 'type' you get into much broader catagories, such as 'bolt action rifle' 'revolver' 'high capacity 9mm semi-auto handgun'. This is not a space for the debate between the Springfield XD model vs the Glock model of the same basic weapon type.

Further, minimal physical damage and high physical damage do not neccessarily correlate with most and least effective. There are other factors. For instance, a single shot hunting rifle designed to fell elephants with a single shot from long distances will do high phyiscal damage, but it's limited capacity, size, weight, and punishing recoil will make it less effective than a more compact, higher capacity, but less phyiscally damaging model. OF course, that is an extreme I chose because I don't know your firearm background, or how informed you are on handguns. A much more realistic one would be the use of a .44 magnum, which does more phyiscal damage than most other handguns, but is that excess damage actually providing any greater utility, especially in connection with it's heavy recoil. Of course, the heart of this question is some sort of concept of 'you can have a gun, but only a 6 shot snubnose revolver with target rounds, the more effective 357 magnum with hollowpoint rounds is not available' Still, the original version gets to the heart of the matter, EFFECTIVENSS, in any way you want to measure it.

That's enough for now, awaiting your response
Hello Akodo. Good critiques, and thank you for reading through my suggestions.

Regarding “physical assault,” I wanted to make it clear that the attack physically endangers the person. It is not verbal assault or threatening posturing: it is body-damaging assault. I understand your concerns for redundancy, but I suspect that a reader who is taking the quiz is undecided about whether or not firearms are appropriate for self-defense. I do not want to leave wiggle room for the reader trying to qualify just what form of assault this may be and worry about their response being an over reaction without enough information. The person taking the survey has probably spent awhile arguing with him or herself that a firearm really isn’t appropriate to carry, but is beginning to doubt that stance.

Regarding the “run away” response, you are right that I make choice A too simple that it seems a feasible action. I worried about the blatant sarcasm in the original response, and over-corrected for it. How about: “Hope that myself, my spouse, and/or my child can all out-run the attacker”?

Regarding the “memorizing details,” I found the original confusing and did not think that the question of which details exactly to memorize would make this option attractive—indeed, the trouble of deciding which details to focus on I would expect to make the choice even less attractive. However, since my version confuses you, it does not seem to be any better than the original. More comments from others about how confusing they find the change to be would help decide this better.

Regarding “my own health,” I was trying to keep the comparison direct between the two options. Otherwise, it seems to the reader that two different things are being compared (safety and health are, as your association with the word “health” demonstrates, two different topics). I thought “safety of my attacker” would just confuse the reader, since safety is typically a defensive term. What if we changed it to “well being”?

Regarding “life-threatening conflict,” Oleg’s original question concerned itself only with the reader having to make a choice in self-defense. A question about defending others would be a good addition to the survey. About the terms “ineffective” and “effective weapon,” I thought they unfairly forced a reader into a choice. The answers are loaded to make the choice for the reader. I thought the addition of “irritant” would create enough of a juxtaposition with “life-threatening” would subtly encourage the reader to choose the more effective firearm. I understand you point about the firearm option limiting the choices of effective defense, however. How do you feel about the compromise: “A disabling weapon, such as a firearm”? I find flaws with that because (1) a reader may classify pepper spray as amply disabling, and (2) the disabling effects of a firearm depend entirely on the user. Do you have a better alternative that doesn’t answer the question for the reader?

Regarding the last issue, defending with a firearm, you have a strong argument for using “type” instead of “model,” and I agree with you. I wanted to change “choose” to “must” because I worried about a reader saying, “but I wouldn’t choose to.” You are right that I mask the fact of self-defense being a choice. I’ll concede the risk, since if the reader makes it that far they may have already developed a bias in favor of self-defense with a firearm. The responses to the question, however, are loaded the same as the ones mentioned above. I did change the standard with my wording, and wasn’t comfortable with the result. I struggled on that one to give the reader a specific choice rather than a vague estimation of effectiveness and what is the implied desired effect. What do you think of the following?
If I choose to defend myself with a firearm, I would prefer that
---it have technical restrictions set by government rules.
---I can use what I determine to be the most effective firearm.

Again, it’s loaded, but a little less so. This question was designed to indicate that the first option is ridiculous, though. So, I don’t have a strong opinion on how this question is worded.
There's a whole lotta thinkin' goin' on here. Good work, folks.

Welcome to The High Road, ug333. Your two cents is welcome; we'll put it toward coffee and ammo. Please relax, pour yourself a cup, pull up a chair and stay a while.
Regarding the “run away” response, you are right that I make choice A too simple that it seems a feasible action. I worried about the blatant sarcasm in the original response, and over-corrected for it. How about: “Hope that myself, my spouse, and/or my child can all out-run the attacker”?

what about 'run away, hoping the attacker is slower than the slowest member of my family'

either way, so phrased, the answer is only a half answer, because you get into the problem of 'and what happens when the attacker catches up to your 8 year old child, but not to you....? do you continue to run, or do you turn around start fighting then?

The one advantage of the original answer is that it makes it clear that you are running away regardless of the consequences.

Remember, the scenario you should be considering is one where you have no other options....Even if you ARE a proponent of civilian gun ownership, and even if you ARE currently carrying concealed, if you think you are able to run away with your entire family, that is what you should do first, or at least attempt to do. Having the option to flee with all family members seems a bit false, kind of like 'when faced with an attacker, what would you do? Shoot him, or close and lock the bullet proof door?' Even an avid defender of personal protection through firearms would say 'close the door if you are able to'

also remember, as the question is phrased (correctly in my opinion) the attacker is already physically attacking, either by shooting or striking or stabbing. As far as shooting goes, you are in danger until you are out of sight, but for stabbings and strikings, well, the attacker is already right on top of you/your family.

Everyone fleeing safely in that circumstance is just not realistic, to place it in is as false as the 'close and lock the bulletproof door' answer.

Maybe a better selection would be 'Run, have your family members run, hope at least one person is able to outrun the attacker'
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Regarding the “memorizing details,” I found the original confusing and did not think that the question of which details exactly to memorize would make this option attractive—indeed, the trouble of deciding which details to focus on I would expect to make the choice even less attractive. However, since my version confuses you, it does not seem to be any better than the original. More comments from others about how confusing they find the change to be would help decide this better.

I can see your point, however I must say that 'be a good witness' is something of a catchphrase, and is exactly the wording used in various police literature handed out in neighborhood watch or blockparty meetings, and often after a shooting 'while we are not charging yadda yadda cannot recommend this course of action, instead call the police and be a good witness etc etc' I at least see that phrase 'be a good witness' a lot

Regarding “my own health,” I was trying to keep the comparison direct between the two options. Otherwise, it seems to the reader that two different things are being compared (safety and health are, as your association with the word “health” demonstrates, two different topics). I thought “safety of my attacker” would just confuse the reader, since safety is typically a defensive term. What if we changed it to “well being”?

I did recongize the attempt to balance the phrasing, not jsut with questions but in general writing, a balanced 'Ill take the high road, you take the low road' vs 'I'll take the high road, you take the path around back' is prefered.

However, here health as it applies to the survey taker isn't the best choice.

Regarding “life-threatening conflict,” Oleg’s original question concerned itself only with the reader having to make a choice in self-defense. A question about defending others would be a good addition to the survey.

A few things. Whenever the term 'Self Defense' is used, either in casual usage here or when dealing with police, etc, it is never restricted to just yourself, it is allowed to apply to your family and those people in your care. Do a google search of self defense cases in a newspaper, you will see the term applied by the police being interviewed quite frequently when the shooter isn't the one being attacked at that very moment, but antoher family member is. The second part is self defense vs what? Insult to your good name? Robbery? The legal standard set up for self defense is imminant serious harm to you or another, so when I read a lot of these questions, I make the assumption that the 'assault' is physical and not verbal, and the nature of the threat is serious injury or even death. But I don't think I am coming to the survey with any special knowledge. Even those people carrying pepper spray know they cannot use it if a person verbally assaults them, or has some sort of minor conflit, such as throwing a half eaten sandwich at them.

About the terms “ineffective” and “effective weapon,” I thought they unfairly forced a reader into a choice. The answers are loaded to make the choice for the reader.

To a degree, it is 'loaded' to make the choice for the reader, but that's because there isn't really a choice, once you think about it. You can call it 'asking a loaded question' or you can call it 'scraping away the superficial distracting details and getting to the heart of the issue'

The heart of the issue is, once you have made the choice to defend yourself from serious harm or even death, what kind of tool do you want? A) possibly effective B)somewhat effective C)moderately effective D)highly effective

It is loaded simply because there is no other choice but D. It is the opinion of many people in the firearms for self defense community that people who are opposed to indivdual firearms ownership are either coming from a different moral standpoint (true which they would have answered questions previous to this one much differently...such as not attemtping self defense at all, let alone what tool to use) or have not given the issue true thought, are in denial about what really goes on between when a crime starts and when the police actually arrive. I've had discussions with people in this vein, where they say 'okay, sure, you need a gun for self defense, but isn't any old revolver, 6 bullets and all, enough? what do you need a 15 shot magazine for?' And then you hit them with 'if you and your family were in serious danger, life threatening danger, from an attacker, would you rather ahve 1 shot, 6 shots, or 15 shots. They either reply 'but that woudl never happen' or 'okay, 15 shots'

If this was simply a debate about the true effectiveness of firearms as opposed to other less lethal tools for self defense, there would be no debate, the facts are in and they are clear. No tool is 100% effective, but a proper firearm is extremely effective, while all other 'less lethal' defense tools are at best moderately effective....and often these moderately effective ones are equally heavily regulated. (and what's worse, weapons that are only possibly effective, such as pepper spray, or a personal noise making alarm, have their actual utility unknown to the consumer)

I thought the addition of “irritant” would create enough of a juxtaposition with “life-threatening” would subtly encourage the reader to choose the more effective firearm. I understand you point about the firearm option limiting the choices of effective defense, however. How do you feel about the compromise: “A disabling weapon, such as a firearm”? I find flaws with that because (1) a reader may classify pepper spray as amply disabling, and (2) the disabling effects of a firearm depend entirely on the user. Do you have a better alternative that doesn’t answer the question for the reader?

I think if you had a questionarre where you said 'name a disabling weapon' people would think of pepper spray and stun guns and tazers before they thought of firearms, so I definately agree with your flaw 1. As far as flaw 2, that can apply to any tool suggested by the survey, they all require the user to be familiar with it and proficient in it's usage. That pepper spay will do no good if you cannot figure out how to disengage the nozzleblock (hey you don't want it going off in your purse or when you grab your keys out of your pocket) or have improperly loaded the powersource in your stun gun.

You many consider thsi question loaded. I don't. I consider it stripping away the superfical garbage to reveal the only answer.

The only way I can see around this would be to have the question not include examples of weapons, and include a link to more information about the true effectiveness or lack, of self defense tools. But as I said, when I encounter people who disagree with gun ownership, the argument always is that while peper spray etc are not as good as a gun, they are 'good enough'

I struggled on that one to give the reader a specific choice rather than a vague estimation of effectiveness and what is the implied desired effect. What do you think of the following?
If I choose to defend myself with a firearm, I would prefer that
---it have technical restrictions set by government rules.
---I can use what I determine to be the most effective firearm.

This is enough of a departure from the original that I wasn't sure if you were doing the question about 'magazine capacity' as well.

The problem I see with your question is that most firearms DO have techincal restrictions set by the government, such as stamping the gun with pertinant saftey warnings, clearly marking what ammunition the gun is designed to fire, restrictions on how much pressure that ammunition can build up inside the gun before special terms such as +P or even a new ammo name must be applied (don't want the gun to blow up from too powerful ammo) Restrictions such as lenght (18" barrels or longer on shotguns) etc.

also, once you introduce techincal specifications determined by the government, you also have people who have terribly different ideas of what the driving motivation for the government will be. Are these sepecifications designed to give the user the best possible self defense firearm, or are they designed to generate tax revenue, or are they designed for logistical ease of implimentation. Is the government going to look at the firearms for civilian use in the same light as they do when issuing a firearm to the military? Are they going to try and balance the effectiveness of self defense use vs what happens when a criminal has one (15 shot mag vs 10 shot mag)

This whole 'technical restrictions set by the government' is opening up way to big of a can of worms and leaving much more up to interpretation than what would work in such a survey.

I'd rather go back to your first choice of using more or less physical damage.

Still, as I noted before, there is an attitude of 'why can't you use this? it isn't as good, but it is good enough'. That is what the question is dealing with. Many times we discuss just this issue on the forum. A recent example was a person who only had access to a cowboy style single action 45 revolver and a double barreled shotgun...was that 'good enough'. It's a choice we all face as we decide how much money to pay for something that is better. Most of us replied that while we wouldn't recommend a single action 45 revolver if one were to walk into a gunstore today shopping for self defense, it is still and effective tool, probably 'good enough'...until you can afford to purchase something better.

However, the heart of the issue is the same as before when all tool types were considered....pepper spay, fists, guns, whatever. Do you want 'best' or 'good enough' The same rule applies to the subfield of guns, do you want 'best' or 'good enough'

and again, I stand by my original choice "More or Less effective" however that is measured, is the key to what is being discussed. That is probably a better choice than Oleg's Most vs Least. Still, that's the heart of the issue, how effective is the gun you have? Who gets to choose how effective of a gun you can have? Is the chance that a criminal may somehow get ahold of it enough reason to reduce the effectiveness of the gun you are allowed to have?
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