You're welcome to join us!!!!

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Is it just me, or is that LarryG36 (of and fame) in that vid? I'd swear that was his Glock 18,desert camo G36K,G36C and UMP .45 in that video.. :cool: ;)

Yep; must be him!


REALLY sorry you can't see the video; it's the BEST!!! Maybe a friend's 'puter??
Let me review the stills and send you what I know.

BTW, the red shirt on his BMG (.308) is Mr. Arizona ExpertArms; also his new sweetie in red shirt and hat.

And, unfortunately; no!(damnit!) I do not own either a casino or brothel; don't even frequent them!! (Well, I do eat there often....)
444 is the holdout here; he's got a couple just down the road from him........
waitin' for an invite to shoot out there...:what:


You ARE a patient person!

If you stop cryin' you can come too.

Oh yeah- If anyone brings Sam; keep an eye on him! (Don't want him findin' a "shortcut" past the firing line)
WOOOO WOOOO WOW! Hot spit! Looks like big fun in the sun and moon...
I have a lot of guns, but no full auto or launchers. Geez, I gotta change all that. Full auto for me and a nice little spot in the desert to shoot off a few hundred or thousands of rounds. Tannerite, too.

Vote you fools, vote! Damn demorats can't stand to see folks havin' fun and enjoying their freedoms, they, them! will try to shut it all down. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!

Also, someone on THR advocated joining many pro gun organizations, I'm all for that! Join many, all you can afford. We're in a war, a war to keep and protect our civil rights, all of them.

Luckily, I am moving outta the PRK - to Vegas! Be moving in around Labor Day, and I HAVE to find out where you guys shoot! I don't own any full auto weapons, being from Kali, but maybe that'll change. :p :D
LarryG36 [on his knee] and HKJAY [standing] ringin' out H&K's finest!

Anyone want to see more DBS pics? CLICK HERE! ;)
The youngster almost tripped over his grin after shooting the fifty!
It was ear to ear.
I think he's hooked. Get 'em young.
WOW! My compliments to everyone on a great looking board. I have never visited before but it looks like I might be spending some time here. Hope nobody minds.

Thank you for all the kind comments on my little video. These are all first efforts with some new equipment and software but I really enjoy putting them together.

As for what is in the video (I am the one blowing off the drum in the AK in the opening scene) While it looks like there is nothing but FA at our shoots, There are just as many semi (and bolt and pistol) shooters out as well. And yes, we have targets as the twisted and mangled metal in my garage will attest to. We just LOVE it when new people show up or outtatowners come out and play with us. I am actually pretty new to the group and I can say that they are the best bunch of guys anywhere. If you have ANY interest, I highly recommend coming to Vegas and hanging out with us for a few hours. As long as you are safe, respect the weapons and bring your own ammo, I have yet to see anyone be turned down if they want to shoot something.

Keep in mind that we are planning a shoot on September 20th if anyone wants to make plans. Just post or email if you have any questions about the details.

Thanks again for the great board. If anyone wants to see a little more, here are a couple of more links to May and April's shoot.
Nice to see you on here Rick.
This is where I spend most of my on-line time.
Next time I see you at the club, I will stop and say hello. I just wasn't sure that was you the other night.
Welcome aboard, Rick!!!!!!
I'm sure you'll find this a great "home".
Descendant of the legendary "TFL".

(Maybe together we can convince 444 to join us sometime;) )
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