Youtube hypocrites. (MUST READ)

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Whatever other things youtube hosts (and I don't know about these soldier videos or propaganda - I've never looked for them and never been directed to them, and I'm not going to start now) has no bearing here. You posted a f-ed up video and it got yanked. Period.

Personal responsibility.
Why shouldn't the antis have to be paranoid about their brainless statements making them look like idiots?

When they make a brainless statement, it seldom results in people calling for them to have their rights stripped from them. It's not about being PC, it's about the fact that there's consequences for what we say and do, and we need to think about whether some things "better left unsaid".
First off, it's their site and they are free to do with it as they will - be happy that it is a free site to put up your excess junk.

Also, as others have said, I can understand why people would be upset by you blowing little holes in a pig trying to kill it - no one is upset about hunting videos, but rather they are upset with hunting videos where the hunter does not do his job properly and humanely.
I think you did a poor job killing that pig. Shoot it with a more potent rifle round, or at least finish it off with something more potent than a .22 LR. It sounds like you were trying to torture the thing rather than hunt it. Hunting involves humane killing of animals, not slow, painful, squealing death. The description of your video makes you, hunters, and firearm owners look bad.

You screwed up there, and I really don't think you should've posted that particular video of a botched hunt. I personally wouldn't want to watch it. If I were going to hunt, I'd do my best to kill the prey as quickly and painlessly as possible. Use enough gun. Period. I view animals and people in a similar light--I wouldn't want to watch either of them being killed, especially in a slow, painful manner. I appreciate hunting, but if I'm not out doing it, I find no pleasure in watching someone else do it. As a hunter, I would hope you'd attempt to better represent your sport. Your video only serves as potent ammunition for the anti-hunting groups out there. Imagine your video plastered on the evening news attached to a story about hunting. It would be enough to color any uninformed person against hunting or firearms in general.

That said, I think if they're going to ban your video, they should ban all the other violent videos showing the deaths of US troops. I think they should have banned those long ago. As someone above said, the details of war and the hunt should not be aired for the public.

Just my $.02.... Don't take offense to this, as none is intended. Just don't post videos like that again, please. You represent us all in doing so. And next time you hunt feral pig, come more prepared.
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It's because animals are seen as being "innocent" .. Kinda like children. What has a pig done to deserve such a death? The description of the video sounds pretty vicious

But they're not like children. They're not sentient. They're the same sort of "innocent" as the little talking paper clip guy in microsoft word, or a plant, where they're "innocent" only because they don't have the consciousness it takes to be able to do either good or bad.

Also, I'm not sure this was your intent, but it's one said by a lot of anti-hunters, so I'm going to address it in general and it's not aimed at you. That saying, "What has that poor animal done to you?" The answer is nothing. Hunting is not intended as some sort of punishment for the animal. That some people have a mindset where it is, is rather frightening in th extent that they anthropomorphize animals.
First of all, I didn't glorify the suffering of an animal. I posted the video to document the fact that this particular pig was incredibly resilient.

And for everyone who is spouting their self-righteous hunting ethics, drop it. Just know that the whole ordeal only lasted 3 minutes. That is shorter than many deer live after the initial shot, so give me a break.

I shot 5 rounds with my .270 at the pig, 3 of them hit, it was running and I didn't want to lose it because it was almost dark. (After I gutted the pig I realized that 2 hits were lung shots and 1 of these was only about an inch away from the heart.)

The reason I used my .22 was because it would have taken a long time to reach into my pouch, open my box of ammo and chamber a new round with all the adrenaline pumping. It would have taken much longer then simply grabbing my .22 from the holster. In the meantime the pig could have escaped after we cornered it.

I proceeded to shoot the pig as fast as I could to kill it as fast as I could. Most of the .22 rounds were direct headshots and few deflected off of the skull. Then I proceeded to use the knife after a round had immobilized the pig.

So don't accuse me of being a poor hunter. And don't pretend that my single video is going to forever lose the hearts and minds of animal activists, and that I should be ashamed for 'ruining it for other hunters'.

Also, don't pretend that the death of this pig was an atrocity! By the way I see it, it had it easy, much better than getting shredded by wolves or hounds in a "dog hunt". Much better than the standard way of butchering pigs in Asia where they sling it by the neck, break its legs, and gut it while its still conscious.

So give me a break.

As for youtube, I know they are a private company and can do what they want. But they are nonetheless hypocritical for singly my video for deletion, while there are videos of HUMANS meeting much worse fates than the big did in my video. There are videos on youtube of humans, and our own US troops being blown to bits with close ups of their mutilated, mangled body parts that are sometimes desecrated by the Insurgents. Not to mention the occasional beheading video that last on youtube for weeks before being deleted.

So the bottomline is that youtube is hypocritical and biased. They are more than willing to allow videos of 18 year old American boys being blown to bits, but the video of an animal being killed for food is just a travesty unworthy of being posted?

Get a clue people.
Out of curiosity - do these videos of "Americans being blown to bits" actually exist? Part of me doubts it rather heavily - a major corporation such as Google would never invite such a firestorm that could cost them money.

So don't accuse me of being a poor hunter.
Why? I think it's fairly well-called on this point. Your rifle round wasn't enough, and your sidearm was a joke. Something on the order of a .357 or .44 Magnum is more appropriate if you might need a potential headshot on a feral pig. Their skulls are built for butting.

What you don't seem to grasp, though, is that people are taking issue with you putting the video up for public viewing (ignoring your 'archive' nonsense - that's what CDs are for). If something goes wrong with a hunt, that's too bad. Cruel, perhaps, but is just a pig.

Turning the episode into a spectator sport is something else entirely. I'm reminded of a video that went around of a pet tarantula battling and killing a mouse that had been dropped into its cage. I have no moral qualms with humanely feeding one animal to another - but when someone chooses to videotape and display the event for entertainment, alarms should sound.

The issue becomes a question of the individual's mindset (getting enjoyment from needless death) rather than the act alone.
Out of curiosity - do these videos of "Americans being blown to bits" actually exist? Part of me doubts it rather heavily - a major corporation such as Google would never invite such a firestorm that could cost them money.

Um... don't ever question my honesty. (Its graphic so don't click it if you don't want to see it). There are literally thousands of other videos of IEDs, snipers and so forth.

Besides, how naive are you? Are you unaware of the internet phenomenon of people mixing, editing, and making video jokes out of US troops being killed in Iraq?

There is a compilation clip on google video of over 100 US troops being sniped by insurgents in Iraq, and its set to the music of "America the beautiful".

And I didn't use my hunting video for enjoyment, it was documenting the ridiculously large, tough pig that I killed. I told many people about it and they didn't believe me, so I posted it on youtube. The video even has me saying "that was not good man, that was not good at all, poor bugger". Not to mention the disclaimer of me explaining the situation and warning to click 'back' if they don't want to see it with text before the first shot was even shown.
I still wanna know what was so rootin' tootin' (MUST READ) about a hunting trip with a bunch of bad shots and too little bullets.

(MUST READ)........What?

Was this some kind of constitutional issue?

How about putting one in the pig's ear?
I'm not a hunter, but love guns (ex military) and eat meat. I'll readily admit that I prefer mine pre-packaged. That having been said, I also understand and respect the right of others to hunt to their hearts content. This video as described was not something that was going to win over the hearts and minds and further the cause of gun ownership. Neither is a "screw 'em all" attitude toward anyone that doesn't think the same way we do. I see that often on many forums. We frequently come across just as crazy as the people we accuse of being clueless. And then we wonder why they don't understand us.
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