Zero tollerance story in School.

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Jim Diver

Dec 26, 2002
San Jose, PRK
Miniature Toy Weapons Banned From Fifth-Grade Graduation

Last Updated:
06-15-07 at 1:02PM

RANCHO PALOS VERDES, Calif. (AP) -- A fifth-grade classroom turned into a free-speech battleground yesterday, when students in Rancho Palos Verdes were asked to remove the weapons from their toy soldiers.

Students at Cornerstone school typically decorate their fifth-grade graduation hats with miniature cars, figurines, and other toys.

Before the ceremony yesterday, students were told they could not participate unless they cut off the tips of the guns carried by their plastic GI's.

Parents reacted angrily, calling the decision censorship. But the school principal and district officials said the guns violated the school's zero-tolerance for weapons on campus.

The story does not end there. The were not TOLD to cut off the weapons, the school cut them off w/o notifying the students or patents. They defaced the property of the student. This was covered last night on NRANEWS.

This zero tolerance crap needs to end. It keeps being taken to the absurdest illogical conclusion.
This zero tolerance crap needs to end. It keeps being taken to the absurdest illogical conclusion.
Yes, but until it affects something near and dear to either joe sixpack (bread and circuses) or the left media, there will not be outrage (that is covered in the press).
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I'm glad nothing like that has ever happened to one of my kids or grandkids. I would probably have ended up in prison.
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