Great definition of "Sheepdog"

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Aug 26, 2007

I can't speak for the rest of the content on the site above but this article seemed very well thought-out. Favorite quotes:

The sheep generally do not like the sheepdog. He looks a lot like the wolf. He has fangs and the capacity for violence. The difference, though, is that the sheepdog must not, cannot and will not ever harm the sheep. Any sheepdog who intentionally harms the lowliest little lamb will be punished and removed. The world cannot work any other way, at least not in a representative democracy or a republic such as ours.

Understand that there is nothing morally superior about being a sheepdog; it is just what you choose to be. Also understand that a sheepdog is a funny critter: He is always sniffing around out on the perimeter, checking the breeze, barking at things that go bump in the night, and yearning for a righteous battle. That is, the young sheepdogs yearn for a righteous battle. The old sheepdogs are a little older and wiser, but they move to the sound of the guns when needed right along with the young ones.

Super. Not 100% where I'm at but pretty close.
This has been rehashed here dozens of times.

Just stop it. The sheepdog meme is beyond worn out. It jumped the shark here when someone suggested we all wear around sheepdog pins so we can recognize the good guys.
If you want to get a thoughtful analysis instead of rattling off a gun forum cliche then you should read the article. I have seen the term many times and this helped me get a handle on it. It is still not a term I would use, however.

That is all.
The difference, though, is that the sheepdog must not, cannot and will not ever harm the sheep.

The sheepdog does whatever the shepherd tells him to do. Round the sheep up so they can be sheered. Round them up so their young can be taken for sale or slaughter. Round them up so they can be sold or slaughtered.

No matter how often the Shepherd beats the sheep dog the sheepdog will still lick his hand.

I get ill when ever I hear the analogy, I'm not some defender of the flock. I have zero desire to be a hero. and no interest whatso ever in helping the Shepherd abuse and use the sheep.

That said I am soooooooo gawdawful tired of this topic coming up everytime someone wants to selfagrandize their CHP.
How about we all just walk away quietly and let it die?


someone suggested we all wear around sheepdog pins so we can recognize the good guys.

Pa-leeeez tell me this is a joke. where would you wear it, right next to your CCW badge?
Enough with the sarcasm and ridicule.

When you self appointed critics saw the name of this thread, and are so tired and sick of it, why even click on it?
When you self appointed critics saw the name of this thread, and are so tired and sick of it, why even click on it

Because the whole "sheep dog " mentality is dangerous and needs to be nipped in the bud . BTW there isn't a lick of sarcasm in my post, I meant every single word as is.

This isn't sarcastic either.

IMO the whole sheepdog myth is nothing more than CHP elitism. It's a way for CHP holders to agrandize themselves and pretend that their CHP gives them some type of police authority.

When I got my CHP it came W/ a letter. I still have it ( I get a kick out of being called a responsible,law abiding, citizen ) It says, in part , " This permit is hereby extended to you that you may defend yourself and your family." Nothing in there about taking on Mall Shooters, or terrorists in Mumbai. No special police powers. No "certified good guy" card, just one more tool in the box to be used as an absolute last option.

When I hear people talking sheepdog I get nervous because it usually means somebody's lookin' to be a hero. In my experience the guy that's trying to be a hero generally ends up getting somebody killed , and it's usually somebody else.

I appologize if my opinion offends you but, I have a right to it as well as a right to express it here.

Sit boy Sit! ( Hey, don't blame me you're the one that wanted to be a dog)
I've got a great idea foot, why not instead of just posting the same thing again & again why don't you defend your position? Tell us why we should want to be sheep dips ( I mean dogs)
I'm a retired Air Force fighter pilot, two wars, I have been that sheepdog. I am proud to sit at the feet of my commander in chief, smart ass. Obviously you don't understand the idea of service.
the foot said:
I'm a retired Air Force fighter pilot, two wars, I have been that sheepdog. I am proud to sit at the feet of my commander in chief, smart ass. Obviously you don't understand the idea of service.
. . . but having a CHL is not enlisting you in any 'service'.
I'm with the foot.
while i have never served in any military branch, i still feel that part of what makes us human is our compassion and willingness to help each other. flame me, call me any number of names; if i see someone getting beaten or robbed, if my intervention will help without escalating the situation i will certainly do so.
to each his own
. Obviously you don't understand the idea of service.

You might want to wander back through my post count there hero.

I'm a retired Air Force fighter pilot, two wars, I have been that sheepdog.

In what way does that relate to the topic at hand, which is very specifically " The sheep dog mentality as it relates to concealed handgun permit holders" ?

I am proud to sit at the feet of my commander in chief, smart ass.

Again, how is that relevant to the topic at hand?

To bring it back OT let me ask this, Will you still be sitting at his feet, eating the scraps from his table and licking his hand when he takes away your right to defend your self? Or tells you to come confiscate my guns?

In closing let me state that I have the deepest respect for the Airforce. I spent 14 years in the Army and every time we had to go fight the Air Force was always right there to give us a ride :D
It's truly nice to visit these forums where a good number of those that post are as rude and disrespectful as anyone could possibly be. "I'm tougher than you", "I'm smarter than you", "I'm better than you", ad infinitum. Man, it gets old and there seems to be more and more of it every day.:barf:

I think I'll change my focus to coin collecting. Surely, there has to be less chest beating going on in that arena.

If (God Forbid) you are ever involved in a SD shooting the police are going to tear your life apart. The last thing you want is for them to pull your hard drive and enter a couple dozen ( or hundred) posts where you specifically stated that you felt that your CHP somehow obligated you as a defender of the weak. They will paint you as a vigilante who was just waiting for a reason so fast you won't know what hit you.

f i see someone getting beaten or robbed, if my intervention will help without escalating the situation i will certainly do so.

How will you know your not seeing a cop trying to arrest some one? Or a citizen defending himself against a mugger?
Nalioth- you are entirely correct, just possessing that CHL is not a reason to serve.

You can be as selfish as you want, to the point of never ever supporting your neighbor. Even if your neighbor is being attacked or gunned down by a perp.

That will be your call, what you decide to do in any situation.

If you choose to do nothing, and let an innocent person other than you be attacked, that's your call. But I say, why let that happen? Step up, take care of a bad situation.
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