Other than RKBA, what are your main voting issues?

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If these things aren't right for you, then don't do them, but don't try to pass laws that prevent others from doing what makes them happy.

Uh-oh! Now you've done it!;)
Look, I'm not interested in getting into either a religious, philosophical, or scientific debate with anyone. It seems on this forum when anyone defends religion, they get debated on three different sides. Don't think I'm offended or anything, it's just that this topic was for what issues you vote on. I know that Clean97GTI responds with why I'm wrong for my viewpoints, just like he as with others by his post history. I'm sorry that what I posted is going to spark a debate. I was merely attempting to state my viewpoints as per the topic, not argue with everyone.
He never said your viewpoints are wrong, just inconsistent.

Voting for freedom of religion and voting to impose your religious beliefs on the rest of the country are contradictory.

Believe whatever you want. We all do. All of us must be wrong at least some of the time.
Someone who realizes there is no separation of Church and State in the Constitution. Someone who realizes human life begins at conception. Someone who realizes marriage is not just a social contract but did result from the goverment recognizing and respecting and needing to protect marriage from the relgious viewpoint, that the modern day Commerce Clause interpretation needs to be destroyed and the original one recognized and that way the government would shrink to the size we really could drown it in the bath tub and if we could do this alot of the social arguments would be non existent. Just a beginning. If you could not tell the above list would leave out all national Democrats except a Zell Miller Democrat of which there are none.:D
Recognition of the 2nd Amendment is the #1 issue I look at because I consider it the most important.

After that, ending drug prohibition, ending of meddling in other countries' affairs, etc.
Overpopulation is one of my biggest concerns, but doesn't seem to be on the radar. A few weird ones that won't come up:

- Tax cuts for those who volunteer for permanent sterilization (as in fertility), and state/federal money to fund the procedure. Only applies to those who haven't already made their own little Walton clan of ten children. Offer immigrants (any country, not just Mexico) a faster track to citizenship with this option.
- Withdrawal of aid or sanctions against any country that can't get its economic/social house in order.
- Stop punishing me for being single with no children, even the tax burden. Lower taxes in general.
- Overturn onerous and overreaching gun legislation.
- Serious look at legalization of (some) recreational drugs.
- I would like a serious lack of warhawks on the ticket, thank you.
- Smaller government, to include contractors. I'm a defense contractor, and I'd be happy if there were more money available to companies to invest in labor instead of having it all get gobbled up by the Department of Diminishing Returns.

There are others, but those are some I'm sure I won't see.

Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness

Abortion, Bill Of Rights, Everything Else.

They were written in that order for a reason.

Marriage as we know it today is a social contract. Why not remove government from it altogether? I'd be all for the guy who abolished marriage and issued retro-active certificates of civil union.
However, it is everyone's right to get married in our country. To deny a group of people said right because of the sex of their partner is bigotry at its best.

That's purely because the government adopted it as a way of tracking family behavior. It was a religious institution long before it was social and traditionally still is. It is not bigotry to oppose gay marriage. Bigotry is one of those words intended to stop rational conversation by inserting an inflammatory label. It's in the same category as racist, nazi, fascist, hatemonger, etc.

That would really depend on which definition of life you want to use. The legal definition is a lot more concrete than the biological definition. I think that a woman should have every right to choose what she does with her own eggs, fertilized or not.

A life is a life whether or not it has been born. One of my mother's friends shouldn't be here today but the doctor flubbed the abortion. Her mother went to the clinic for an abortion and went home a mother. Don't ask details, I don't have them. Not a subject she discusses openly.

Voting for someone who opposes gay marriage and abortion on religious grounds while claiming to believe in the freedom of religion and separation of church and state is a bit hypocritical.

Last time I looked marriage licenses are provided/endorsed by the state. Therefore provided/endorsed by the people. Therefore if gay marriage is occurring in your state your officials are telling you that you have to endorse it. After all the state is "We the people" not the elected officials. No one asked me if I endorsed gay marriage in Mass and every time we try and have a vote on it our elected officials keep telling us we have no right to vote on it (even though enough signatures have been collected to put it on the ballot twice now) and it is being forced down our throats. I should not be forced to endorse something I believe will erode the American family and sink us even further into the abyss. In the 90's it was single parenthood that was demonstrated as some wonderful thing (Murphy Brown) and as crime statistics and child poverty rates will attest to single parenthood is a bad idea. As Chris Rock said, just cause you can do it doesn't mean it should be done. You can steer a car with your feet, but it's a really bad idea.

If these things aren't right for you, then don't do them, but don't try to pass laws that prevent others from doing what makes them happy.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness. I find it critically important that LIFE was listed first and therefore is the most important. Until we know EXACTLY when a fertilized egg becomes a human life we should not be destroying them. Once we know EXACTLY when that moment occurs then we can "terminate" pregnancies prior to that time. Anytime after that is destruction of human life and should be handled the same as if the mother dumped a newborn in a dumpster and let it die.

I find it interesting that the same people who support abortion are opposed to the Death Penalty. It's wrong to kill those that kill, but fine to kill those that are hands down the most innocent.
there is no "seperation of church and state"

Will somebody please read the BILL OF RIGHTS

All the BoR says is that congress shall make no law regarding establishment of religion.

The phrase "seperation of church and state" is not there at all and not even implied.

The phrase "seperation of church and state" come from a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist
Association in 1802.

Mr. President

To messers Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.


The affectionate sentiments of esteem & approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful & zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, and in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more & more pleasing.

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man & his god, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state. [Congress thus inhibited from acts respecting religion, and the Executive authorised only to execute their acts, I have refrained from presenting even occasional performances of devotion presented indeed legally where an Executive is the legal head of a national church, but subject here, as religious exercises only to the voluntary regulations and discipline of each respective sect.] Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection and blessing of the common Father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves and your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem.

(signed) Thomas Jefferson

The letter clearly indicates he didn't value a National Church. This makes sense to me because they didn't like the church of England very much either.

This letter also makes clear that the boy scouts should still be able to meet in schools and use public land and that teachers may lead school children in prayer,etc. Thats part of "free excercise thereof".

Just to make it clear, I am not very religious my self, I believe in God but I am a "Cathoholic" that means I was raised Catholic, do not go to Church,except when attending AA

In the 1960's I remember whole classes of little kids saying a non denominational school prayer, I don't remember any school shootings despite guns being available through the mail.

If we are going to make laws based on Thomas Jefferson's Letters, please folks, lets start with this one!
"... God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ... And what country can preserve its liberties, if it's rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."

- Thomas Jefferson, Nov. 13, 1787, letter to William S. Smith, see Jefferson On Democracy, 20 (S. Padover ed. 1939).
Actually, last time I looked, that wasn't on my list.


Well, you said you would vote to have marriage defined for me, by your particular flavor of your religion, and so enforced by the government.

You said you would vote to have your particular flavor of your religion's rules about abortion imposed on me by the government.

Personally, I don't think government should define marriage at all. I am married, and I think at least some "LGBT" people are weird perverts. But I can still be friends with them, because that stuff is none of my business. And I surely don't think it's the government's business to force them to live differently, as long as they're not hurting me any.

See, I have opinions, feelings, morals and beliefs. I just don't want government coercion used to impose them on you. You, however, have indicated that you wish to have government coercion used to impose yours on me.

You don't have to SAY those words.:rolleyes:
well back to the topic at hand

other then RKBA whats most pressing to me?
Ending illegal immigration, this is not aimed at Mexicans at all, I don't wan't illegal Irish either! I lived in Ireland and have Irish/English genetics but I can not work in the EU so I don't want them working here.
I feel we have to much immigration and need to slow it down a bit.
If I had my way we would only let immigrants in who are gun right fanatics, or really cute gals.

Ending abortion as we now know it

Mandatory parental notification/permission for minors, no partial birth abortions,
I'm not saying completely outlawing abortion (but I would vote for that)...
I'm afraid that the only way i'll find a candidate that enspouses all my views is if it's me.

In no particular order:

Health care: Figure out a cost effective way to get basic treatment to every *CITIZEN*.

Civil Rights and Liberties: I'm a member of the ACLU, as well as the NRA and JPFO. Between those orgs, all my rights are covered. The I only wish the NRA would stand up for what it thought was right with the zeal that the ACLU does; and worry less about it's popularity.

Border security: Being in this country illegally is a CRIME. I do feel that you should have the same rights as anyone else for a defense.

Lobby Reform: Wether the lobby is a union, or a big company, having a lobbying org throw money at legislators is bad. Let's stop that. Let's make it harder for legislators to ignore the people that elected them.

The Environment: Let's stop letting businesses spew crap into our air only because it's cheaper. Let's try and figure out a way to completely cut our dependance on fossil fuels. That's the best way to stick our middle finger at the middle east; tell them we don't need their stinking oil anymore. We're a country of innovators. Let's stimulate that innovation. We created the most distructive weapon of all time; let's use that inguinity to find some alternative fuels.

Oh, and guns. As a mostly-liberal, I spend countless hours trying to educate other liberals about the truth about guns. Sometimes they even listen.

I feel a lot of people tend to be one-issue voters. "I won't vote for anyone that'll take my guns!" or, "I won't vote for anyone that'll allow abortions!"

That's exactly how demogogues get power; they polarize us on issues; blinding us to other issues that are really important.

Yes. This actually means i'll vote for an anti-gun candidate if he enspouses more of my views as listed above, than a pro gun candidate. I am NOT a single-issue voter; and no self respecting, intelligent American should be, either.

EDIT: After reading some posts, I have more:

Marriage: Government has no right telling anyone who can and cannot get married. Same government cant tell me not to eat meat because it might be bad for me, so that same government can't tell me who my wife or husband should be. Anyone that wants to legislate morality scares the everloving excrement out of me. If you're so into the protection of marriage, let's outlaw divorce.

Abortion: A touchy one for me. Falls under the legislating morality clause for me. I think smoking is disgusting and unhealthy, and nobody should do it. I'm not going to demand laws be passed against it. Anyone that wants to ban abortion should be required by law to adopt an unwanted child, even if it's retarded or ill, and be required to pay for the care of that child until it's 18. According to Jewish law, abortion is not ending a child's life; as it's not a child until he or she takes it's first breath; so it should be legal. (See my next entry.)

Seperation of church and state: It's a horrible idea. Everyone should be Jewish as far as I'm concerned. It works for me, it should work for EVERYONE! Seriously, unless you want to be banned by law from eating pork ribs, you can see how it only makes sense.
LESS Govt in each and every aspect of human life. The Free market is the only fair playing field. Having the two parties use Govt to make humans equal and fair is why we are where we are.
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Erebus said:
That's purely because the government adopted it as a way of tracking family behavior. It was a religious institution long before it was social and traditionally still is. It is not bigotry to oppose gay marriage. Bigotry is one of those words intended to stop rational conversation by inserting an inflammatory label. It's in the same category as racist, nazi, fascist, hatemonger, etc.
I guess that really depends on how far back you want to look at marriage and what religion you want to attribute it to. The Romans married and they had a whole slew of gods. The ancient Celts married as well and I don't even know if they could name any specific gods. As far as tracking family behavior, families have taken so many different shapes and sizes over history that its kind of hard to determine what a "traditional" family is. I hate to break it to you, but to get married, you don't even need to involve religion. You can go to a court house and enter into a civil contract with another person and never even hear the word god. If you feel the need to go to a church and proclaim your union to whatever mystic force you believe in, then so be it. That doesn't make marriage a religious construct, its simply a ceremony you wish to go through.

personal attack deleted by moderator

If you have a problem with gay marriage, then I would suggest marrying the opposite sex. To decry it as wrong is certainly your right under the 1st amendment...you know, freedom of speech and all. You do not have the right to force that belief, especially if its a religious one, on another person. Their god may have no problem with two men marrying.

A life is a life whether or not it has been born.
The skin cells on my arms are alive too.
Like I said, it depends on which definition of life you want to use. While the cells that make up a blastocyst are biologically alive, they are not a human yet. If left undisturbed, they will continue to expand and specialize and eventually form a human. This is a very slippery slope though. At what point do you call prevention of birth a murder? Isn't that what condoms and the pill do?

Last time I looked marriage licenses are provided/endorsed by the state. Therefore provided/endorsed by the people. Therefore if gay marriage is occurring in your state your officials are telling you that you have to endorse it. After all the state is "We the people" not the elected officials. No one asked me if I endorsed gay marriage in Mass and every time we try and have a vote on it our elected officials keep telling us we have no right to vote on it (even though enough signatures have been collected to put it on the ballot twice now) and it is being forced down our throats. I should not be forced to endorse something I believe will erode the American family and sink us even further into the abyss. In the 90's it was single parenthood that was demonstrated as some wonderful thing (Murphy Brown) and as crime statistics and child poverty rates will attest to single parenthood is a bad idea. As Chris Rock said, just cause you can do it doesn't mean it should be done. You can steer a car with your feet, but it's a really bad idea.

We live under a republic. If you don't like what your representatives are doing, elect new ones. You do have to make room for some of the minorities in society and the elected representatives are there to give those people a voice too. I'd love a definition of what the "American" family is. Families are not some set equation. The important part of a family is love. Children need love and discipline and morals to become good citizens. When were a mother & father the only source of such things? Why can't you have two male figures or two female figures raising a child? Single parents have a hard job, but thats not what we're talking about here. We are talking about gay marriage. I'd think you'd be all for having two parents instead of just one. Lets also note that gay couples don't tend to have accidental births. They tend to be older and more established. Being that they tend to be older, they are usually in better financial positions to raise children (less dependence on welfare) and are more stable than younger people. If you really want to dish dirt on single parents, then lets place the blame solely on those responsible: Heterosexual couples. Afterall, gay couples don't produce children that easily. They really have to go to more extreme measures to become parents. For a heterosexual couple, its MUCH easier. The divorce rate is at insanely high levels because of heterosexual couples. Gay married couples are a tiny minority in the equation.
You can thank the traditional American family for the downfall of American society. OR you can look at people living longer, a larger population, standards of living among the best in the world, higher education that is almost unparalleled and come to the conclusion that things aren't as bad as they seem.

I find it interesting that people who oppose abortion support the death penalty. Its wrong to control unwanted pregnancies (and prevent single parenting and teen parenting) but its right to kill another human being even if they may be innocent.
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I believe in freedom.

I believe the right to choose, is the choice of a person.
I believe the right to smoke pot, crack cocaine, or heroine is the choice of a person.
I believe your choice of religious preference is your choice.
I believe that the government has should have absolutely no say on your moral standards as a human being, BESIDES those moral standards set by virtually any modern society (meaning rape, incest, and sexual abuse is NOT acceptable).

So in short, I vote based on freedom. I believe there is a seperation of church and state, there is a right to choose, and there is even a right for someone to do bad things to THEIR body(but not to someone else's). I believe it is MY right to make decisions as a citizen of this country and decide what I want to do with my life.

That's first.

Second, I believe in small government with limited services. It is not the responsiblity of all tax payers to pay for everybody's health insurance. Nor should I pay for welfare, or the healthcare and social services of those who aren't tax paying citizens.

Thirdly, I believe illegal immigrants are a problem. You shouldn't be in this country illegally, GET A FREAKING GREEN CARD. Seriously, IT'S NOT THAT HARD. And if it is hard, it should be made somewhat easier. But I believe if you're in this country illegally, your should be sent back home. However, I think that a citizen of another country should be able to come to our border, possibly without a visa, and apply for citizenship. Why should we turn away people seeking new lives, because their oppressive or corrupt governments couldn't/wouldn't give them a visa? These should be made to apply for citizenship and should receive it, otherwise you're gone.

Finally, my pro-2nd amendment rights are obviously a top issue.

gunsmith said:
The letter clearly indicates he didn't value a National Church. This makes sense to me because they didn't like the church of England very much either.

This letter also makes clear that the boy scouts should still be able to meet in schools and use public land and that teachers may lead school children in prayer,etc. Thats part of "free excercise thereof"

One could argue that the establishment clause means a number of things. Does it prevent congress from creating a Church of the USA? Does it prevent congress from legislating a sabbath day into law (a Judaeo-Christian establishment) or does it prevent congress from setting a state religion? Could Jefferson have been saying something further reaching? Something like its impossible for the government to represent ALL religions equally, so in the interests of equality, we will represent NONE of them and keep religious laws off the books.

I've got no problem with boy scouts meeting in schools. They are a private organization and may set their own rules and by-laws. I do have a problem with a teacher leading students in prayer. While the teacher is an individual, they are also a representative of the government instructing people. What if the parents would rather not have another religion taught to their child by a representative of the government? If the teacher wishes to lead prayers in an after school, voluntary club or activity, I would have no problem with that. In fact, I recall having a bible club at my high school. Its not a problem as long as its voluntary. This is the same reason our pledge of allegiance is voluntary.

In the 1960's I remember whole classes of little kids saying a non denominational school prayer, I don't remember any school shootings despite guns being available through the mail.
Nope, I guess there weren't any. We can however look back 100 years prior and see the James brothers and Billy the Kid killing in their teens. Guns and all! The horror!!!

You'll get no argument on the last part as long as we attempt the vote before violence.
Before this thread turns into a holy war and gets locked, I'd just like to say I vote for the candidates that hold the most Libertarian ideals.

IMHO anyone whose opinions are libertarian are the ones:

1) who'll fight to keep .gov outa your everyday business and personal decisions,

2) pursue tax and spending policies that'll allow you to keep more of the money you work for,

3) create a free-market/free-trade atmosphere that gives encourages people to be more enterprising and creates a competitive market place with minimal regulation,

4) fight laws and regulations that put pre-conditions on my Constitutional rights, i.e. RKBA,

5) don't penalize me with high taxes because some lowlife isn't productive, i.e. welfare, entitlement programs...

6) My private property dosen't fall within the purview of govt, I already pay taxes on it, don't pretend you can to tell me what I can or can't do on it, i.e. zoning....

7) I want a strong military that stays at home unless we're attacked, not off somewhere on foreign conquests tilting at windmills.

8) Most of all I want a small govt that is so overworked that it leaves me the hell alone unless I'm infringing on someone else's rights.

BTW, I too believe in the separation of church and state. We have a secular govt for a reason. I don't want to live in a theocracy that is trying to save me nor one that's trying to kill me.
Abortion- I'm all for protecting innocent people from death because somebody did not like them or they were inconvient. I am willing to accept protection of life and welfare and some limited rape situations as exceptions to the law.

Anti-Tax+ Pro-Business: Self Explanatory. I like capitalism, and the economy! I bust my butt, the money is mine...understand?

National Security- Includes illegal immigration. I'm all for a hard line stance, but I oppose natl. IDs and intruding on the indicidual rights of CITIZENS. I also recommend hunting down, incarcerating (to include hard labor), and deporting illegals).

Affirmative Action- Affirmitive Action is official racism. Get rid of it.

Responsible Spending- I am willing to fork for important stuff, like security and helping those in REAL need. However, we need to loose the PORK.

Welfare Programs- Some people need legitimate assistance, because they have diasabilities beyond their control. I support increasing their aid, to give them a decent stad. of living. For the lazies, work them into the working world where they belong. We seriously need to downsize. I don't have a problem with student aid- that's a tool for life. We do however need to stop art subsidies (in CT 1% of public building projects must fund art).

Freedom of, not from religion!

I am pro-protecting people from violent felons and I oppose people who rape or murder and do misdomeanor like sentences.

Anti-NWO/UN is a big issue for me. I know that most politicians won't actually pay attention to that. I support natioanl sov.

Anti sales and use taxes (to include so called bottle deposits)
All of you are much more optimistic on the state of our Republic than I. On the federal level our reps get to Washington and conform to the status quo. It does not matter who you vote for, its simply a matter of time. Voting Republican gets you the same thing voting Democrat does, just a little slower. Our federal govt. is much closer to an oligarchy of lawyers that gives lip service to democracy, than it is a constitutional republic at this point.
Not necessarly in order of importance to me.

Church and state issues
Property rights (eminent domain)
Education system or lack thereof
National security, border control, illegal's
Oil or alternative's
Entitlement programs
Hate crime laws, they gotta go.
and the moral decay of our country...

My number one issue, even above RKBA is abortion. If someone is willing to kill a baby or allow a baby to be killed there is no limit to the evil and dispicable acts that person is capable of.

My number two issue is freedom from atheism in all its forms. Atheism requires as much faith as any other religion. True agnosticism would not care if the ten commandments were posted and gay marraige was banned.

Third issue is of course RKBA.
Environmental Conservation. I like clean air, clean water and wilderness, but I'm willing to pay for it. I think a lot of corporations play very fast and loose with environmental issues, and they should be held accountable.

Separation of Church and State -- not. Can't find it in the constitution, and can't find any rational arguments for militant secularism.

Balanced Budget. I have to have one at home, why shouldn't the government?

Public Speaking Skills. I love a good speech, but haven't heard one since Ronald Reagan left the scene.

OK, the last one isn't really a "voting issue", but it does bias me toward a politician... if there are any good public speakers anymore.
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