Proper protocol for posting and for replying

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Jan 3, 2003
In a geographic anomaly
Proper protocol for posting and for replying. It seems to me that for the majority of postings that there are very few instances of “flaming†on this site. On other sites that I frequent there always seems to be some kind instances that people just act like ‘holes. My theory is that if you don’t have anything useful to ask or add than don’t say a thing. I know that everyone has an opinion but you don’t have to always voice it. Its like in school when a professor asks a question there will be the certain few that will voice there answers even though someone else has already said the same thing. I find this site to have more than enough insightful people that are willing to give advice, without any form of patronizing, and insight to help others. I wish this could be said of the internet as a whole.

{I took out positive and changed it with usefull.}
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When you have a group of posters who work to moderate each other/play well together/don't tolerate flame wars, and thoughtfully remind one another when they're being those aforementioned 'holes', everyone gets along well.

The other issue is that the flamers like to hang around with others who are willing to get into insult matches.

It's easier to ignore an imbecile than to try to reason with them.
Good moderators and a reasonably mature group of posters have started this board off on the right foot. Boards are like any group in that each has a sort of culture of it's own. This one is a polite one.
I agree. Every once in a while we get a (usually) European who stumbles on this site and starts a debate about why they feel "civilized" nations should outlaw gun ownership.

The thread usually goes about 5+ pages of the most civil debate I've ever seen.

Only problem is, at the end of it all no opinions are changed, but at least it doesn't devolve into a flame fest.
My theory is that if you don’t have anything positive to ask or add than don’t say a thing. I know that everyone has an opinion but you don’t have to always voice it.
What fun is that? Why have a forum at all if everyone is just going to agree with everyone else?
The majority of the members here came directly from TFL, which was widely known as the most civil board. Oleg and Company have kept it that way here. It is the Mods and the members working together that make a great site. Most of the Jerks get bored here and go flame on other boards.

We don't all agree, nor should we. Discussing intelligently is how we all learn.

It's even ok if you say that 9mm is better than .45, except on days that end in "y" :neener:
Near as I can tell, we THR's disagree on:

-9mm vs. .45acp
-What handgun to take into bear country
-What arms for mutant zombie grizzly ninjas
-Whether you should lube before you resize with carbide dies
-Whether the AR is a reliable rifle
-Whenther revolvers are better than semi's
-Whether you should cast a vote for a Libertarian candiate on principle, or whether that is just assuring a Democratic win
-and lots more.

But we agree on the benefits of civil discussion.
TechBrute, agreement != civility. We can politely and respectfully disagree entirely with each other, right? :)

I give respect to everyone who deserves it.

As far as Im concerned every human being deserves my respect until he/she does something to loose my respect.

Even then I will not attack someone verbally in such a manner that it would bring disgrace upon myself.

Guess its just the way I was raised.

Even in the military, I dont have to respect the person, just the rank.
Of course people are going to disagree. But when someone just wants to flame or be obstinate that’s what I am talking about. I have edited my original text to read useful as opposed to positive; I should have had it that way to start.
Dave R -- I disagree!:p (You forgot S&W vs. Ruger)

THR is the best place for civil discourse out here. Once again -- Thanks Oleg and Moderators!

Agreed that the best evidence of this is the treatment THRoaders give to ...ahem...trolls who show up for 5-10 posts to argue "why do you need a gun anyway?" These threads generate pages and pages of reasoned, civil arguments supporting a belief in RKBA that is very deeply held by most of us.

The other side has decades of indoctrination in emotional rhetoric on their side. We have reason and civility.

:) Plus lots of guns and ammo. Molon Labe!
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