This is...odd - Moms with Guns AmberWatch Alert PSA

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Feb 28, 2009
South-Central Texas
Anyone seen the latest AmberWatch Alert PSA?

Very weird, very inflammatory (to me) and very anti-2A. Or at least anti- self-defense. Sure, not all kids are snatched in front of Mom or Dad, but don't make blanket statements like "You don't need a gun to protect your kids" either.

At least you can clearly tell they are using semi-autos... :(

After checking out the website, I can see where they are going, and it looks like a great idea, but the ad still strikes me as a bit odd and anti.
Excuse for a bunch of governmentalists to say guns are bad/useless?

A semi RPD? Who did they get to armor the commercial? Or maybe the actress's husbands supplied the guns from their personal stashes?
Strange ... odd .... weird in fact.
Anyone notice the woman with the AK get knocked in the noggin by the ejecting case?
Took my WASR-10 to the range Wednesday ... now I wouldn't want to fire it and get knocked like that. Bet it wakes you up!
The woman with the 2 AKs pointed in the air, shells ejecting in her face, is asking to lose an eye. Not a good advertisement in my opinion.
Someone should make a parody of the video showing moms with firearms training taking well aimed shots and generally handling weapons apropriatley and effectivley, and at the end it could say something like "You don't need a gun to protect your children...But it sure as hell will change the mind of anyone with ill intent while your around!"

ETA: Or better yet have a skit at the end where an "angry ex-boyfreind bad-boy type" is assualting a teenage daughter and the 40-50 year old mom comes in and tries to pull his hair and scratch his face to no effect (ya know, Lady-Fu). Then there could be a happy-ending involving a firearm or the message could just show with the effect obvious.
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For those who are confused:

Our society is an anti-violence, anti-aggression society even as a response to a threat. The video is directed in a silly manner and it is trying to say you don't need to go to silly measures (aggression) to protect your children because we have the AMBER alert system and that should put your mind at ease. It is pretty much saying relax, feel safe, there is a system in place for the problem of defending your family.

The video is not anti-gun but takes an anti-gun, anti-aggression and anti-self defense viewpoint. It's like those advertisements for home alarm systems. My favorite is one where a women gets back from a date and says something like "I had a great time, sorry I won't invite you in because I just got out of a rocky relationship and I need time." The date leaves and soon thereafter the ex-boyfriend brakes down a door and the alarm sounds. He glares at her for a moment before running off. Seems unlikely to me but that is easier to deal with then admitting to oneself human nature and all the horrible things that could happen to you and the exteme measures you would need to answer an extreme threat.

To respond to a threat with aggression just validates the conflict and aggression we try so hard to pretend does not exist. If your willing to use violence to achieve your goals (defending your family) then you must face the fact that others are willing to use aggression to achieve their goals. So it is much easier to pretend something like "I won't/can't utilize violence, therefore neither will others, because that is silliness we only see in movies and it never solves anything. If there is a problem I will call a specialist like I do for all my other problems".
"Amber Alerts" do not protect a child, they just help recover whatever their abductor has decided to leave behind when he's done.

A good response to this video would be "Sorry little one, but Mom actually doesn't care enough about you to learn to protect you"
this PSA was ridiculous. they are talking about kids being abducted. Usually when kids are being abducted they are not at there home they are in the streets. Of course a gun is not going to protect your kid from being abducted if you are not around. Come try and abduct my kid in my house and it will be an ugly day for you. While this PSA pissed me off I could not stop laughing.
I hope one of them gets whacked in the face from holding the guns incorrectly, not into the shoulder and below the shoulder.

This is an odd group to say the least.
14 Miles, 99% of us are passive but we carry. We are not cowboys. We take the right to protect ourselves very serious. Most of us who carry will walk away from stupid stuff because we really realize we have death on our hip. They made a wonderful movie about this a long time ago. It was called "Angel and the Badman". I bet John Wayne did not live two weeks.
We, the participants will decide who comes into our house and when. We will decide if an opposing threat is needed or not. A lot of us like me, have been to serious training classes that develop a feel for that need.
We are not looking for trouble, but we will not abide being confronted with any weapon, we will not allow harm to come to our kin folk. And no, we will not turn the other cheek. As someone who knows Jesus,I will say a prayer for them, but if they advance on me I will attempt to send them to hell.
"To respond to a threat with aggression just validates the conflict and aggression." We factor the threat level and react accordingly.
"If there is a problem I will call a specialist like I do for all my other problems". You gotta be kiddin'. The man with the knife stops you and your child on the street and threatens you with a knife. Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters?
Most of us would draw, holding the pistol at low ready (depending on where he is) yelling at him to put the knife down. If he walks, see ya, and call the cops. If he starts to approach, I am in fear for my life and/or my loved ones and I would shoot him. Center mass. Now God can figure it out.

Television ad? They used to have one where the bad guy broke in downstairs, the wife woke the husband and, I think, he got a ball bat (rolleye). The ad shoulda had him holding a street cleaner and pulling the trigger.
What would you do if two men kicked in your door (aggressive threat) late one night? If you had the equipment would you defend yourself, your children, your husband, your dog?
One last thought. I live in an older neighborhood/subdivision. Most all of us have a couple or three acres. At night when I walk the property with the dogs, I have an AR15 with two mags junglerigged slung in front of me on a tsctical sling. Very obvious under the light. Recently we had a goodly number of thefts and breakins in the immediate area. I ammissing nothing.Probably co-incidence.
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Before I say what I am about to, take this as a disclaimer: I think the commercial embodies a great deal of what is wrong with today's society, and I totally disagree with the premise. The message it conveys, for the most part, is the complete opposite of what most of us believe, and by that I mean the attitude that it's not acceptable to take the physical defense of yourself, and your loved ones into your own hands, and that gun owners are crazy.

With that being said, I wish I could have seen the look on my face when I watched that. It was 100% pure, unadulterated ***. The choice of firearms, while odd, was somewhat refreshing at the same time. Of course, the AK-47 and AR-15 are usually the "go to" for portraying scary weapons, and they are unsurprisingly present... but a bullpup 12 gauge? A frickin' RPD?! A semi-auto RPD, at that! I'd really like to know how those two relatively uncommon firearms made it into this video.
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