Sell Out Republicans

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Oct 16, 2009
Parts Unknown
Does anyone else feel the Republican that have sold out on gun control should lose the endorsement of the party?

Does anyone else agree that NRA contributions to the Republican party should. E earmarked that they cannot be used for these candidates, if the keep their party's endorsement?


Tow the line for Obama, Feinstein and other freedom haters; they can get the heck out of office.
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Just because they will let the GC bill get a vote does not mean they have turned. With any luck, forcing politicians to vote on the gun bill(s) will help unseat some who vote for more gun control when they come up for re-election in 2014

As always, check the voting record on actual anti gun bills and vote accordingly, Democrat or Republican.
Yes, the money given to the Republican party should be earmarked. Its the only way we can have some accountability. This is a good time to remember that just because a politician has an "R" by their name doesn't mean their pro 2nd Amendment.
Politics is the "art of the possible." It is neither intuitive nor linear. It is multilayered and multifaceted. It's chess, not checkers.

That's not very satisfying, but it is the reality. It's not going to change.

Walkalong said:
...As always, check the voting record on actual anti gun bills and vote accordingly, Democrat or Republican.
Sound advice.
First of all, all is not lost. The now various gun control bills still have a long way to go, and they will be subject to amendments and votes when they reach the Senate floor. Following that they have to go through the whole procedure in the House of Representatives where defeat is more certain.

The two principals in this so-called "agreement" or "compromise" are Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa. who someday either have to face a gun owner voter's coalition of Republicans, Democrats and Independents to gain reelection or retire. Others outside of those respective states can make donations to they're opponents campaign funds. In the forthcoming weeks I'm sure their mailboxes will be filled with messages suggesting they start looking for other employment as soon as possible.

It should always be remembered that Sen. Manchin does not represent the views of all Democrats, and neither does Sen. Toomey's views match all Republicans.

Therefore pay close attention to the votes that are shortly going to be cast.
If the republican party were specifically a constitutionalist party aware of the long march effort to curtail civillian gun ownership, yes. It generally isn't however, so don't expect that to happen. People need to remember that Reagan spoke out against private ownership of modern rifles, signed the 1986 NFA list closure, and GWB promised to sign an AWB if it hit his desk. The republican party and its candidates should not be automatically assumed the best thing for preservation of 2nd amendment rights. Check all your prospective candidates voting records closely.
Trust me i will never forget when reagan closed the machine registry!

Nor will i forget the g.h.bush norinco ban!
Let's not forget that some politicians play a long game while the public usually can't maintain attention long enough for a short game. This is a game of deceptive strategies and tactics. An apparent friend may seem to betray a cause establishing a greater failure for the opposition later.

Look at what actually happens and don't swallow what's being shoveled out by any media source.
HSO is right. If your a republican on the fence, and from a liberal state like Maine your signing your death warrent by voting down to even discuss a bill. Now, what actually gets voted on and passed as law is a different matter. We will just have to wait and see.

I dont like it. I would rather see Collins just vote the way of the party but her state puts here there and this state is full of nannies.
Don't ever give money to a group if you are concerned at all about who or what it will support. Give your donations directly to an individual who reflects the values you wish to have represented, then follow up with calls or letters when you believe they have strayed from their roots.

That's nicer than I would be, I mean at some point eventually I usually do plan to pick up my empty magazines. $35-45 for a Mini 14 30 rounder and $120 for my AICS 10 round magazines, I definatley plan to pick them up at some point!
Politics is all about compromise and getting something from the Federal treasury for your constituents - period. If that means giving in on one thing to get something else in another area, then it happens
I contacted my Senator's office in DC to get an explanation as to why he voted for the UBC bill to go through. I am very satisfied with his answer and will watch to see if he follows through as his office indicated he would. I suggest everyone that has one of the 16 (R) Senators who voted to allow debate, contact him/her and get the reason(s) straight from them and not from the media.
Just as there are members here who want to see the bill voted on (and down) there are members of the Senate who want the same. Just as there are members here who don't want the bill to ever reach a vote, there are members of the Senate that want the same.
AND just as there are members here that wanted to force the issue and force a greater than 50% vote somewhere in the process there are Senators that want the same. ALL of those are interested in defeating the Antis in different ways, just as members here are.

Don't jump to conclusions too quickly until you actually see how the votes go and why they go that way.
This vote was to send the bill to the floor for debate. He wants the ability to explain why he is against UBC's instead of voting no and let the media or others explain why he voted no and misconstrue it. His spokesman said he was against the bill and there would be at least three more votes on the matter before the Senate approved it. He supposedly intends to vote against it or join the filibuster if needed. There were other reasons as well too detailed to get into here. I really hope everyone contacts their Senator(s) and voices their opinion on the matter, get their Senator's opinion and reasons for votes- and not just make assumptions like I initially did, and thank them or admonish them for any recent votes. I thanked mine for voting against the UN Arms Treaty.
InkEd, #7 +1

I feel I have a better chance when I vote Republican but there are no garuntees. It seems like the really big sell outs have occured while a Republican was the Commander-in-Chief. However, we seem to be at a higher state of alert while a Democrat is boss.

By the way... What about sell out Democrats?
Any reason why they should HAVE to follow party lines, or are politicians also allowed to be human and have beliefs of their own?
Well sir, this is the EXACT same thing that happened with O'loser Care. "We have to pass it to see what's in it"; just like today. I'm finished with ALL party affiliation(s), I will be an Independent this next election cycle.
It is a STUPID idea to even vote! The Democrats have control of the Senate and there is a very narrow Republican majority in the house. It looks like this AWB is going to happen now! I called my Senators office and expressed my disgust about it. A rep gave "an official statement" saying he wants to have a vote BUT will vote "no." I pointed out the stupidity of it. If you're against it, why even give it a chance? Plus, I mentioned the danger of losing on the subject, even of he voted no.

Bob Corker sold out conservative Tennesseans!
The Republican Party is dying. The party as a whole has no focus, no plan, no cohesion. The old guys - the ones some of us think of as RINOs are in charge and they are doing everything they can to ingratiate themselves to Obama. All they want is to keep at least some of the money and power flowing their way. They will do anything to stay relevant. In the long run, 2A (as we know it) is doomed unless something very drastic happens.
It looks like this AWB is going to happen now!

Don't go outside, a chunk of sky might hit you you on the head. :rolleyes:

The AWB is not part of the bill. It has to be added as an amendment and has a .00001% chance of passing. The whole bill is still facing a filibuster before the final vote and cloture of that one is highly unlikely. I doubt anything will get out of the Senate with an AWB or Mag limit attached. UBC may make it to the House, but may not make it out of committee there. This still has a long way to do.

It isn't a pretty process, but it's the one we have had for over 200 years.

"Laws are like sausage: It's better to not watch them being made." -- Otto von Bismarck
Just like I said in another thread.

The two party system is a HUGE FAILURE

Vote on Freedom next time. At least after we lose you'll have a clean soul.
Before giving up and hanging certain Republicans and some Democrats out to dry, go read this article from and unlikely source – namely Bloomberg.

It turns out that a substantial number of Republicans and some Democrats that voted to send the bills to the Senate floor yesterday for debate and amendments have no intention of voting for the final results unless some big changes are made that would likely be in our favor.


President Barack Obama’s bid to enact even a scaled-back version of his gun-safety agenda needs support from many of the 16 Senate Republicans who showed they’re at least willing to debate it. He also must hold onto almost all of the 52 Democrats and independents who joined yesterday’s 68-31 vote to advance the measure for debate.


I oppose the bill, I just cannot support it,” said Baucus of Montana, who faces re-election in 2014. “I’m just not going to block debate on it.”

Several Republicans said they voted yes for the same reason -- to allow the measure to advance -- though they probably won’t back it in a final vote.
“It’s a debate we ought to have,” said Republican Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia. “I don’t think I am going to support the legislation.”


The 16 Republican votes to advance the bill signaled that at least some in the party will support the legislation. Still, one of those Republicans, Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, said he won’t back the measure.


Democratic Senator Charles Schumer of New York predicted a challenge to gain votes in the coming days.

“Make no mistake about it; we have a tough fight” to pass the gun measure, Schumer said. “The NRA will try and throw all kinds of amendments at us.”


“I think it’s at the least embarrassing, and more than that, a bit of a problem, that Democrats can’t get every Democrat,” Rothenberg said. “It becomes easier for Republicans to just to say ‘look at Pryor or Begich.’”

So before coming down hard on those that are really on our side, it might be a better idea to back off until it becomes more clear exactly who is on what side, and we’ll find that out when they take the final vote, and not before.

As it is, some - or maybe most - of those Republicans that voted "yes" are looking forward to amending those bills into oblivion. If that's what they are doing we should support them. :evil:
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