Introduced a new Hunter to taking hogs

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I like that hound, is he a big help?
He's more interested in licking the hog than getting them. He's 6 months old and 90 pounds so he has potential. He's definitely not the catahula black mouth cross that got stolen from me last winter.
Thank you
Please shoot all those destructive good
for nothing big rats that you can
Trap and kill the ones you're unable to shoot
We eat every one we get. I haven't bought or raised a hog in years.
Vinegar and a meat tenderizer turns the smelliest boar into good tasting meals.
USDA killed 208 on our place in two days. You would have been in hog heaven...:D
That's crazy. I have no idea how many are here. It's about 200 acres that's surrounded by highways and a river. I trap about 30 per year. The property is vacant and it seems to hold stabile at that.
That's crazy. I have no idea how many are here.

It doesn’t take long, they can breed as young as 5 months old, have a gestation period that runs around 114 days and can have a dozen per litter.

So one sow could have 24 per year on her own.

If you wanted to go hypothetical and worst case, if the first litter were a big one (12) and all female, that also had litters of 12, by the end of a years time that would be 288 new ones per year. No counting siblings or mom.

This is why shooting a couple every weekend doesn’t put much of a dent in the population. If you shot 5 every weekend, 52 weeks a year, that’s only 260.
Keep up the good work trapping and shooting. Those running them dogs aren't do much more than spreading them out and educating them IMO.
I'm not sure how much good I'm doing. I liked off all the 300ish pound ones. Then the were a bunch that ran about 250. Now I'm down to ones that run from 100-175.
The meat definitely tastes better on the smaller ones.
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