Sheep must never, never swear at the wolves.

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Dec 25, 2002
Nevada, escaped from the PDRK via Idaho.
By Jasper Copping
(Filed: 10/09/2006)

A mother of two has been fined for swearing at yobs who terrorised her neighbourhood.

Donna Appleyard, 32, finally snapped after months of misery in which the youths jumped over fences, trampled through gardens and shouted and swore at residents.

Ms Appleyard said she had made several complaints to police about the gang outside her home in Knottingley, West Yorkshire, but no officers had been to visit her to take the issue further.

Instead, she found herself under investigation when officers received a complaint from a 13-year-old girl, after Ms Appleyard finally lost her temper and pleaded with her tormenters: "Please, just f*** off". Two weeks later, officers called at her house and issued her with the fine.

Ms Appleyard said: "I was at the end of my tether and I admit I swore at one of them. But that's nothing compared to what my neighbours and I have suffered.

"When the police came I thought it was because I had complained. I never dreamed they had come to arrest me.

"I'm really angry that we've had to put up with this behaviour for almost a year, and then you can be taken to court and fined for shouting back at them."

Ms Appleyard was given an £80 fixed penalty notice following the incident on March 30. However, she refused to pay and was taken to court last month, when magistrates raised the sum to £120, which she must now pay or face a jail term.

Ms Appleyard said: "I had called police and spoken to our beat officer about six times. Not once had they been round to see me."

Her neighbours have been so enraged by the treatment meted out to Ms Appleyard that they have offered to pay half the fine.

Shirley Wardle, 69, said: "It is deplorable. The kids' behaviour is enough to make you commit murder, not just swear at them."

Sergeant Neil Haley, from West Yorkshire police, defended the force's actions. He said: "We appreciate that anti-social behaviour can be frustrating for people but they should not take the law into their own hands."

The case is the latest in which a householder has ended up in court after finally losing patience with yobs.

James Leahy, 54, a civil servant from Rutherglen, Glasgow, whose flowerbeds were regularly trampled by school pupils using his garden as a shortcut, was fined £500 for assault this month after he grabbed two teenage girls by the hair and threatened to take them to a police station.

Linda Walker, 48, of Urmston, Greater Manchester, last year served five weeks in jail and lost her job as a special needs teacher after she fired an airgun at the feet of a vandal who had plagued her home for months.
He said: "We appreciate that anti-social behaviour can be frustrating for people but they should not take the law into their own hands."

telling a gang member to f**k off is taking the law into your own hands ??
Property owners should prevail, not hoodlums

I hear more stern language at a local little league game, and some of it comes from the kids.

Try reading the related story, at the bottom of the page:

I felt I was being crucified by the full force of the law, says teacher jailed for waving air pistol at yobs

A special needs teacher jailed for defending her home against a gang of thugs said last night that she felt as if she had been "crucified" by the system.

Linda Walker, a middle-class mother-of-three described her time in prison as "humiliating". She was strip-searched, put on suicide watch, forced to go on hunger strike and suffered panic attacks during which she thought she would die.

Mrs Walker, 48, was jailed for brandishing an unloaded air pistol in front of a gang of thugs she believed had terrorised her family for two years while the police did nothing. Her sentence provoked outrage and her case became a symbol of Britain's law-and-order crisis.

There's more, but it makes me want to hurl...
what happend to england? didn't they used to "kick ass" at least back in WWII days? or have they always been this way?
The quote below is from one of the homework assignments that I give to my students. They are (probably) the words of Socrates, although everything we know about him was written by Plato. The Athenians executed Socrates for his criticisms of democracy. After my students turn in the assignment, I ask them if they think we've reached the point Socrates describes. I think I'll add these news paper clippings and then ask my students if England has reached that point. Damn.

It is possible that Democracy is the best form of government. It is preferable to monarchy, aristocracy or tyranny. However, all forms of government carry within themselves the seeds of their own destruction.

In Democracy, there is always the danger that the people will try to abuse what you and I think of as democracy's greatest blessing; liberty.

When the people of a democracy elect unworthy leaders who pander to demands for ever increasing license, instead of legitimate liberties, then it seems to me that those leaders must continue to be ever more accommodating, otherwise the people will call them tyrants and refuse to re-elect them.

Would you say in such a state that things were going badly? Of course you would.. You might even say that liberty had been brought to excess. Would you?

Now, we must not expect such excesses to be limited to public life. No. They would enter the home. Anarchy would get hold of the family.

It need not, but it most likely would happen. The father tries to behave like the son, and he ends up by fearing his children. The son increasingly disregards his father and neither honors nor fears his parents. No, “I must have my liberty,” he says. Oh he does.

And I suspect we could look forward to other blessings. Teachers would fear their pupils, and will play the todie to them. For who is to restrain the student? Therefore the students will, and rightly, despise the teachers. The young will defy their elders and the elders will wriggle and crawl to accommodate the young, because to do otherwise would be to merit the name of dictator.

When society reaches that point, it cares nothing for laws written or unwritten. Liberty uncontrolled results in anarchy, and anarchy enslaves democracy. That is what usually happens in this world. If one does something too much, it generally takes one to the opposite extreme.

Unless any democracy is wisely led, it can prove the form of government that easily makes for a tyranny. Without self-discipline man can change extreme liberty into complete slavery with but little effort.
Well you chaps can't very well expect the British to fine and punish the delinquent youth do you? After all they are delinquent and not likely to cooperate with the courts and law enforcement. An officer might get his cap knocked into the gutter if he had to tussle with the young men. Or he might get winded if he had to chase them when they failed to stop for arrest. Much easier to round up the houswives, slap the cuffs on them and make them do a perp walk for the whole neighborhood. Teach 'em right it will.

The whirring sound you are hearing is Queen Victoria spinning in her grave. I know it has been on life support for a long time but you can pull the plug on civilized society in Britain. They've taken away the guns, the knives and now you can't even use harsh language.

They'd probably have to give me the death penalty. I can go for a minute straight of solid cursing and not repeat myself. And I know that's nothing compared to some old salts and their amazing command of language.
Sergeant Neil Haley, from West Yorkshire police, defended the force's actions. He said: "We appreciate that anti-social behaviour can be frustrating for people but they should not take the law into their own hands."
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Telling someone who is trespassing in your flower garden to **** off is taking the law into your own hands? England is beyond hope or help. Just erase it from the map and pretend it never existed.
Change only comes when the people demand it. Why is government so big? Because people expect government to do so many things for them, what other size could it be?

Eventually the British are going to realize that they get very little value for their tax dollars and do one of two things:
a) continue to leave
b) start over

As long as people can vote with their feet, the great bulk of the population will continue to remain docile. Those resourceful enough to wage a successful voter revolt are more likely to leave because it accomplishes the same change of scenery for less effort.
So what happens when this generation of hooligans that is never punished for their crimes grows up?

England is going to become very interesting in the next few years (in a sort of "Escape from New York"/"Clockwork Orange" kinda way).
You know, we really do need to nip this disturbing trend in the bud right away, or before you know it, we'll have (common) people uttering things like "golly gee", or "shoot" right out in public! Without even having a license, if you can imagine that!

That's the way it often works...

My dad, head of the neighborhood watch, called the cops about a suspicious car repeatedly cruising the neighborhood very slowly about the time the elementary school let out.

The cop showed up and ignored the suspicious car--wrote my dad a bogus parking ticket instead. (It was dismissed.)
I will need to warn my daughter..

not to visit England if they are handing out fines for swearing. She is currently attending the U.S. Naval Academy. Apparently one of their traditions there is when an upperclassman yells "Say good night to Jane Fonda" the proper response from the underclassmen is to emit the longest string of profanity one can in one breath (if I understood correctly what she told me). Apparently she can consistently let out a string of swearing at Jane Fonda that is longer and more profane that any of her peers.

The migoi household is NOT fond of the jane....

So no weapons OR harsh language?

Always remember that government needs victims. It needs helpless, hopeless people to feed on.

This is another example of the British police making friends and helping people. It is just a matter of time before ther populace decides to disregard the police entirely.

The following quote sums up the English experience perfectly.......

"I said, the law is powerless to protect you, not punish you." ---Chief Wiggum
History Prof that's an awesome quote, but it's not quite applicable. It just seems to me like the people want to be rational, but the government and their agencies such as police departments are actively discouraging rational behaviour.
A news story like this pops up once in a while. The sad thing is that I am starting to become apathetic towards it. The only worth this island nation has now, is as an example of what laws/policies/trends you should not follow.
Is it the least bit ironic that we are all scoffing about a woman being fined for saying a word that is verboten on this very forum?

Does that tickle no one else?

Is it the least bit ironic that we are all scoffing about a woman being fined for saying a word that is verboten on this very forum?

Does that tickle no one else?

No. This website is Oleg Volk's (publicly accessible) private property. Because it is Oleg Volk's private property, Oleg gets to decide if you're allowed to drop the F-bomb or not. Oleg is not the government; he is a private citizen and we are guests on his property: he may make pretty much any rule he sees fit, as we're perfectly capable of telling him to get stuffed and taking our ball and going home.

What is disgusting about the referenced situation in the you-kay ("Yeah, I'm fine, Gary!" ~Strong Bad) is that the GOVERNMENT has, according to its abhorrent laws, fined a woman for telling a CRIMINAL to eff-off. It is exercising power which citizens cannot escape in an unjust, irrational, and downright disgusting manner.

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