Another Physics Question

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Dec 20, 2007
The Old North State
You are in a van, moving forward down the road. The van is sealed and no air is flowing through. In the back compartment of the van is a balloon filled with helium, tethered to the floor of the van by a single string. You hit the brakes firmly, suddenly slowing the van. Which way does the balloon move and why?
The balloon (or any mass) should move forward relative to the vehicle. It would also move downward because the tether forces it to move in an arc rather than a line.
When you hit the brakes, the air in the car moves forward due to its own inertia. As a result, the less dense helium balloon moves backward because it is displaced by the air. I've seen it happen.
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Incidentally, I suggest those with nothing better to do than post the idiotic IBTL in threads find something.

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