Armed security officer disarms school shooter in Atlanta

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Oct 21, 2005

I thought the anti's said that guns in schools weren't the solution and that the armed police officer/guard would most likely have the gun taken from them and used against the children.

Well, here's a recent case today where that didn't happen. Obviously this won't make the mainstream media.

Armed security officer disarms school shooter in Atlanta

By KATE BRUMBACK Associated PressAssociated Press

Posted: 01/31/2013 01:54:15 PM CST

ATLANTA—A student opened fire at his middle school Thursday afternoon, wounding a 14-year-old in the neck before an armed officer working at the school was able to get the gun away, police said.
Multiple shots were fired in the courtyard of Price Middle School just south of downtown about 1:50 p.m. and the one boy was hit, Atlanta Police Chief George Turner said. In the aftermath, a teacher received minor cuts, he said.

The wounded boy was taken "alert, conscious and breathing" to Grady Memorial Hospital, said police spokesman Carlos Campos. Grady Heath System Spokeswoman Denise Simpson said the teen had been discharged from the hospital Thursday night. Campos said charges against the shooter were pending.

The armed resource officer who took the gun away was off-duty and at the school, but police didn't release details on him or whether he is regularly at Price.
The story made it to the local news in San Diego, for what it's worth.
Hmm, wonder where he got that idea? Couldn't have been from the media glorifying the last one...
Why the media won't gloat over it?

The media is agenda driven. The news of the gallant guard who prevented a tragedy does not fit the agenda.
The other problem is that it's difficult to say for sure what would have happened if the guard hadn't been there.
I mean, we can all guess that it probably would have been another Sand Hook, but even though it's pretty safe to say that it would have been, there's no way to prove it.
Things like this are just not inherently as newsworthy as a massacre.

Thing is, this is exactly how we would all like school shootings to end; in a non-newsworthy manner...

I'm just glad it ended ok. The boy will hopefully survive, and maybe it will give the antis something to think about.

ETA: I wonder what the guard did to apprehend the shooter?
One thing I have noticed about stories like this is that the media rarely mention the use of a gun. They use phrases like: members of the public 'apprehended' or 'overpowered' the gunman.
It's almost like they deliberately censor any heroic use of a gun.
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Why the media won't gloat over it?

The media is agenda driven. The news of the gallant guard who prevented a tragedy does not fit the agenda.

Looks like they decided to cover the story this time, and focus on the fact that there has been yet another school shooting. The mayor's statement quoted in the CNN article does not mention the actions of the officer guarding the school, and only says that gun violence in schools must end (how?).
The shooter was stopped by an armed guard
No Assault Rifle was used
The shooting was outside.
The shooting was between 2 students
You won't hear much more about this.
It DID end!
When an armed guard came along and stopped it!

That is true, and it would seem to indicate that the supposed need for gun control was implied by the mayor's statement, but I didn't say it because it might look like a case of confirmation bias (something we all should be wary of).
I heard this story on the local radio station. Of course the reporter had to mention Sandy Hook. They are just going to keep bringing it up every time there is a story with a firearm involved. No one died and the media was swarming around this. It really seems like the media wants another massacre so they can push the gun control agenda. Most journalists support the guys in the white house.
I live in the Atlanta area. Based on where this school is located, it is very likely that this was gang-related.
The shooter was stopped by an armed guard
No Assault Rifle was used
The shooting was outside.
The shooting was between 2 students
You won't hear much more about this.


This is why so many schools already do have armed guards (mostly high schools) prevent violence and crime in the school. Between students mostly but also to prevent non-custodial parent or other kidnappings.

They are there to try and maintain the peace and provide for an environment more conducive to learning.

Parents (antis?) dont seem to have objected to their presences before.
Was wondering if I would see a thread about it as I read the story in the Tampa Bay Times paper. Apparently the kid got the gun through the metal detectors (presumable manned by armed guards) that the anti's think we don't need. The article also mentioned that the "armed" resource officer who subdued the kid was off-duty.
The shooter was stopped by an armed guard
No Assault Rifle was used
The shooting was outside.
The shooting was between 2 students
You won't hear much more about this.

We should hear more....the NRA shouldn't let this one rest. This kid did us a favor by proving LaPerierre's point. This case should be trumpeted from the loudest microphone at every opportunity, happening right in the middle of the congressional hearings.
At 4:45 p.m. students were loaded onto buses and reunited with their families at a church less than two blocks from the school

This is from the CNN article; someone please explain to me why the students were loaded and taken to another location to reunite? The school and area had already been swept by a SWAT team...the kids could have walked out the doors and into the arms of their parents if you didn't want to let the parents into the school for some reason. If you're worried about a second shooter, that person could as easily be at the church as at the school. Why?
Local paper said

My rag stated that the SRO was off duty and took the shooter down AFTER failing to take him in control and then AFTER the perp got a shot off.
WHY was not the SRO armed and if so why not shoot to stop the threat [ might have stopped the shooter from taking the shot that hit the victim in the head ].
Unarmed officers and unarmed civilians are potential victims.
Funny that they are not mentioning ANY of the guns used in ANY of the shootings since Sandy Hook = funny in a NOT funny way.
Since it looks like there might have been NO RIFLE used at the school.
Funny that they are not mentioning ANY of the guns used in ANY of the shootings since Sandy Hook = funny in a NOT funny way.
Since it looks like there might have been NO RIFLE used at the school.

There's that pesky agenda again. But whose agenda? Nobody is invisible--if it is planned and organized, as it appears to be at least, then they must be hiding in plain sight. Common sense with a dose of cynicism tells me to follow the money. :scrutiny: Whoever they are (military industrial complex, Federal Reserve, Wall Street, globalists, all of the above), the gun culture of this country--the militia of the people, numbering in the tens of millions--must be a tremendous thorn in their side, and they want it removed, like right NOW!
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