
  1. WVGunman

    What should I know about buying a used MEC 600 Jr machine?

    I'm getting into reloading shot shells in a big way, and feel like I've already outgrown my Lee load-all in less than a year. I've read the MEC 600 Jr. is the logical next step. These things go for close to $300 new, but I see all kinds of used ones on eBay for quite a bit less. So, some...
  2. Harriw

    Lee FCD for .45 acp strange behavior

    Hey folks, So I got my new dies the other day and was setting them all up for .45 acp. Everything went as expected until I got to the crimp station and setup the Lee FCD. I have a few other FCD's for other calibers and have never run into this before, and wanted to make sure this was normal...
  3. Alex G

    Redding 3BR vs Model 3, advice needed

    Good morning THR friends, Looking to pick up a Redding powder measure to replace my existing Lee perfect powder measure unit. I’ve used the Lee for a while now, and while it’s fine for dropping a rough charge and then trickling up to the exact charge, I don’t trust it enough to throw charges...
  4. S

    Issue with Lee Ram Swage

    I recently pitched the Lee Ram Swage primarily for .308 and .223 reloading. I set the swage up for .308. I sized and deprimed my brass. When I use the swage it bends my case mouth inwards a significant amount causing me to have to re-size all the brass. Additionally, on cases with a significant...
  5. L

    .223/5.56 cases crushing in Lee FCD

    Hello everyone, Long time lurker, first time post. I'm 2k rounds into reloading .223/5.56 and just recently (last 500 rounds) had my Lee FCD start squashing cases right at the base of the neck. All the other posts I've seen say that the Lee FCD is supposed to fix this issue, not cause it...
  6. G

    Setting Lee Dies Touching Shell Holders

    When installing a die the instructions say to raise the ram to the stop and screw in the die until it touches the shell holder. Question: Do you fully seat the die to the shell holder so that it's snug or do you just touch the shell holder with the die? I've seen it done both ways in videos...
  7. B

    Case collator on the cheap

    I'm starting to see more traffic on here of people using the Lee APP, so figured I'd put this out there for others. I currently just load 9mm, so I'm able to leave it set up with the same feed tube. I went from decapping on a LCT with the auto indexing rod removed to using a universal decapper...
  8. Dudemeister

    Lee Breechlock hand press

    Silly question, but how many here are using the Lee Breechlock Hand Press? Living in an apartment building, I don't have a dedicate place for reloading, and I used to setup a bench in my computer room when I wanted to load up. A while back, I wanted to reload a few rounds and didn't feel like...
  9. The_Savage

    75 Grain Speer Gold Dot .22 caliber Bullet Reloading Data?

    Hi all, I have been trying to work up a load for the 75 grain speer gold dot bullets, and am now trying five different powders to see which works the best. They are: Varget, H335, Power Pro 2000MR, N140, and CFE 223. The problem is, the Lee reloading manual recommends different max loads than...
  10. N

    LEE Loader, Shotgun, 16 Gauge

    I bought a LEE loader for 16 gauge the other day, and it has a full instructive sheet, but no mention of a year anywhere. I found an older post on this site that said the first ones came in a red box. Here's my Red Box treasure. All the tools are solid metal, the instruction is a 4 page...
  11. J

    Help with .38 special loads

    I use a lee pro auto disk and I'm running bullseye through it. I want to get an adjustable charge bar to make the loads more accurate but I read something in the lee manual that concerns me, it said "Do not use flake powder in any cavity under .4cc" Bullseye is a flake powder and with the auto...
  12. G

    Powder throwers for Lee load master

    Hi this is my first post on THR. I run a Lee load master for pistol calibers and want to upgrade my powder system. I currently run the auto disk as I have for years but want something not only more accurate but a little nicer quality than the normal Lee stuff. So ideally what I want is the...
  13. E

    Lip at case mouth after resize on 6.5 Swede cases

    I'm reloading some once fired PPU brass, and I'm getting this small lip right at the mouth of the case. It's very small, but i'm worried it might crimp the bullet in the mouth when chambered. I'm using a Lee hand press and Lee pacesetter resizing die. You can't see it in the picture, but the...
  14. Load Master

    New Video of Lee Load Master Loading .223 Rem

    I just uploaded to Youtube a short video of the Lee Load Master loading .223 Remington with H-335, Hornady 55gr FMJBT bullets, and S&B small rifle primers. Part of a 300 round group. The video is just under 4 minutes long. Lee Load Master and .223 Rem Reloading
  15. E

    Questions about moving to progressive press

    Hi all, I've been using a Lee Classic Turret press for somewhere around a year and a half. By and large, it's been really good, and I can pretty much say the same for all my Lee dies and accessories. I'm planning to move to a progressive, and the Load Master seems like the right choice as...
  16. T

    Lee hand press for first time reloader?

    Would you gentleman recommend a Lee's Breech Lock Hand Press as a first press for someone getting into reloading? I see them selling for $30-40 and I figure for such a relatively small investment, at lease relative to the cost of single stage and turret presses, if I didn't like reloading or...
  17. E

    why are dillon rifle dies 5x lee?

    Are the dillon dies _that_ much better? If so I'd appreciate if anybody can explain why in terms a non-mechanical engineer can grasp? Is the difference likely to matter to somebody who loads maybe 1000 30-06 rounds a year?
  18. E

    getting a dillon but can't let go of my lee turret

    I'm getting an xl650 primarily to spend less time loading handgun but I'm thinking I still want to hold on to the lee since it seems more convenient for doing small craft batches creeping up to max loads. Is this valid or do I just not understand the dillon well enough yet?