‘I have a gun in my pocket right now, how would the government know about it.

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Hawkmoon said:
Think of all the uncertainty that could be avoided (if not outright prevented) if we would simply require that each student carry a handgun to school.

A few problems with that plan.
One, all the kids will have to learn gun safety, and two, all the kids have to be mature enough not to shoot each other over a missing pencil.
pax said:
I'd say he lost the debate because the teacher answered his question rather decisively: the government knew about it because there are a bunch of people willing to tell the government when someone says something like that.
Then again, what if the government doesn't need others to tell it when someone does something like that because
the gov is listening {read 'spying'} itself?

I believe everyone is jumping to conclusion that the young man/boy was against the government position on gun control. If you read his statement-

‘‘I said, ‘I have a gun in my pocket right now, how would the government know about it?’,’’ Brendon said. ‘‘I was trying to show how unsafe schools could be, and how anyone could just walk in with a gun, and no one would know.’’

You will realize that that statement could have been used as an arguement for gun control as in the policy of no guns at all.

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