“Be real easy to rob you folks…”

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Dec 22, 2002
Between black coffee, and shiftn' gears
“Be real easy to rob you folks…”

Dollar Type store, in a shopping center since gone downhill and the neighborhood around it.

Broad daylight, plenty of folks going into and out of stores; granted at night this parking lot takes on a whole different personality.

As I pulled into the lot and parked I was taking note of surroundings and folks. Two fellows had pulled in about the same time, from the markings on their trucks, a bricklayer and plumber. Plumber had a piece of Rebar about 10-12” long in his rear pocket, I had made a special note of how he had exited his truck and stuck that in his pocket.

Oh how I hate the over-commercialized shopping this time of year. Seems easier to “run in” these Dollar Type stores, for little everyday items, prices are better, smaller to navigate, and less hassle.

Seems the plumber needed Hand Cleaner, Bricklayer needed a quart of oil for his truck,…

There is an l-o-n-g line to checkout. One young attractive frazzled female checker, trying to keep sane and get folks taken care as best could.

“I am sorry folks, I appreciate your patience, our help has not arrived and one person had an emergency in the family…we have someone on their way…thank you for understanding…”

If you have worked with the public you understand. If you have not – those us of who have, can spot you a mile away.

She was not alone in the store,alone up front, another new person in the back getting merchandise priced. I mean way in the back, past the break room.

One enters the store and there is a checkout lane to one’s left. This is the one where some things are behind the counter, I call it the Manager area, you know the one where some things need to be more secure, refunds are done and such.

Separating this from the second checkout area is a display, designed such to keep folks from running in, shoplifting and running out.

Second checkout has the metal fridges with sodas in front of checker. Once checked out one has a path around the separating display to exit. Once in, one has to exit by going around the display.

We have seen this type of set up at Stop &Rob and other places too.

In the process of shopping I had seen these two gentlemen in the store, like me trying to dodge displays, and navigate aisle designed to prevent a Shoplifter from doing a grab and run out the door.

I already know where the back exit is, as I have been in here before, I tend to read a room, and look for exits anyway.

Bricklayer was up ahead in line near the Fridge with sodas. Plumber is looking at something near the closed checkout, probably thinking about not buying here with the long lines and making a stop elsewhere.

First I hear and felt the car pull up out front. Then I saw the first of two folks come in the exit door as a customer left. I went from yellow orange to red.

I noticed the bricklayer put his quart of oil on a display, his hand in his front pocket, he turned and as he did our eyes met, then we met the eyes of the plumber, his goods were on a shelf, one hand near that Rebar, the other in his pocket.

We had never met, never seen each other before, we never said a word, or eyes were doing the talking.

Second fellow came in the enter door, and just stood there, eyeing the Cashier.

All this time the folks shopping shopped, the ones in line just huffed, puffed and griped. None of these folks were aware of anything, but themselves, being on cell-phones “Yes I am stuck in long line at checkout; I will be hurrying as to not be late…no you cannot have that toy…one kid crying, needs to eat and nap …”

Nobody was aware of anything until “Be real easy to rob you folks…”
Was spoken by the second fellow to enter – you could have heard a pin drop.

Second person to enter – well in explicit terms he said how much he liked what he saw in the blue jeans and logo T-shirt the young female checker was wearing.

All this time I had slowly slinked back and using the Fridge with sodas, between me and both gentlemen; that had entered, had casually appeared to be shopping for baby items.

The checker’s lane butts up to “cubby hole” with all the baby items. There is a shelf about 5’ high, I am 6’ it is metal, and lined with diapers and formulas

We three strangers had been positioning ourselves; we had spread out, and finding something for concealment, and hopefully some kind of cover.

Imagine a clock dial Checker at 9 o’clock, suspicious person #1 at 11 o’clock, suspicious person #2 at 1 o’clock.

Bricklayer positioned far left of 9 o’clock using fridge of sodas as concealment/ cover. He could see suspicious folks and Plumber. Plumber was using the Freezer as cover at 3 o’clock. Plumber had back to freezer and unknown, unseen to suspicious folks.

I was at 10 o’clock, only the Bricklayer knew where I had ended up – my eyes had said my intentions, his eyes had replied understanding.

I noticed away from suspicious persons eyes, the checker has a pair of scissors, and her right hand was on them, her left on the cash register.

Now when the intentions of explicit sex were verbalized, not everyone heard it, the ones up front woke up from a daze and a few left out the front and past the suspicious person – he just grinned. He was on something, had to be the way he acted. His eyes darting, hands in his light jacket pockets.

Everyone else was oblivious to anything – except how long the line was and such.

Suspicious person #2 had on a jacket as well, his right hand near his right rear pocket.

An ornament had been dropped, and we all know how these sound when they hit a linoleum floor.

Yes I drew my CCW and went to low ready and was scanning like crazy.

I spoke from concealment.

“Folks, we are not going to have a problem here. Shoppers – head to the back where there is a break room and exit. Leave your items in buggies, or put on the floor. Pick up little kids and walk cool like you would in a fire drill”

They ran, made frantic, panic sounds and ran…sigh…

“Gentleman, I do not want trouble, I do want to see hands NOW! Understand I am not alone and you are covered quite well!!”

“Young lady, please exit your checkout area towards the baby goods section, slowly and as cool as can”.

She came around with scissors in hand, she had that look of wanting to cry and wanting to survive, she did not blink an eye when she saw my CCW. Finger to my mouth, she nodded, I pulled her down, and motioned for her to crawl an area on the floor I felt would give best cover. She pulled her cell phone, I nodded okay and she made a call.

I had been moving and speaking , now instead of being where I would have had to shoot weak-handed to ~7 yards, I was now where I could use strong hand out to ~ 12 yards on Suspicious person #2 if need be.

Eternity passed in a matter of seconds, the two suspicious folks left and I heard and felt the car out front pull away.

Ever seen young ladies totally get pissed? I have, she earned the right to do so. I asked if she was all right, she was doing okay. I had concealed my weapon and explained to her, “I know, my parents have CCW, I didn’t see a thing, it totally <expletive> sucks I have to wait until age 21”.

Now the other two gents, the bricklayer and plumber, well we didn’t have to say a word. We never mentioned guns or CCW. I / we have no idea what in fact we may have had.

Finally, other employees show up, as do Police. Bricklayer said the car had no plates; it was “customized” so that description was given.

The officer was an older one; I had seen him before years ago on a private range. He did not ask about CCW nor did he inquire if any us were CCW-ing or asked to see permits.

The Shoppers, oh some did leave out the exit, seems one had enough sense to call someone in Sheriff’s office she knew on his private cell line, lived not too far away. Seems she had a bad experience with 911 and well, met this Deputy, and just started calling direct for assistance. City County, state numbers filed in phone, in wallet and handy at home.

This Deputy showed up in plain clothes, being off today. I had seen him before as well; he let the City Officer handle matters, just assisted and listened, called his dept in regard to vehicle and descriptions of suspicious folks.

Shoppers were “inconvenienced”, they were sure to let the Manager know and the other employees that showed up. It would be better if they got a discount or something…

Now sometimes one gets lucky, the mirror in the corner that usually looks down into where I was, was not there. I looked for it; all I saw was the mount. Seems it had just fallen one night and set off the alarms in the middle of the night. The new one was supposed to be put up after hours tonight or tomorrow night.

Yes I drew a CCW, I was in a cubby hole all my lonesome, I felt it best to be ready in the event matters went south. The most vulnerable person to be hit by a bullet was the checker, there is that part about her being escorted out against her will.

Do not ask me why I spoke when I did, or why I said what I did. At the time my mind was going ninety miles an hour, and the whole scene was in slow motion. My gut was screaming at me and my color code had become flashing bright red.

I took an action, right, wrong – I took this one. It didn’t seem out of line according to the officers, plumber or bricklayer. In fact the plumber was just about to say something as he too was completely out of view of the suspicious persons.

The checker took the rest of the day off. Most likely she will not be coming back. She is going to see if she can do something else part time to make some money, she still lives at home, and attends college elsewhere.

Bricklayer, Plumber and I parted. We did not say a lot to each other or the officers, just answered questions, exchanged information to them. Hard to explain this “knowing” without words, if you have been there – you understand.

I am doing okay. As typical for me, this all hits later on. I took a longer route home, took a side road out and beat the crap out of a tree with branches, seemed to be what I needed at the time. Just felt like hitting something and having something break.

Probably left out some details, probably messed up some grammar or spelling – buy I do that anyway. Yes I left out some personal information as it is not relevant, and I do respect the privacy of some folks.

Now I need to get my focus back on studying for my last final.

This just allows me to vent, debrief, and maybe somewhere in all this garbled post is something someone can use. I probably made some errors – right now, I have to put these aside until I am receptive enough to comprehend. I seem to have “dropped” this and for now just want to study…best can.

CRSam said it best One never knows the where or when of next encounter

Well, all I was doing was just being a regular guy wanting to run in – run out with some needed items. I do not go looking for trouble, I am one that avoids persons, places, and playgrounds, - so as to NOT get into serious trouble.

Interesting- the things that go thru your mind at times like these. Diapers; yes diapers. See on a few places I have shot, or still do, Kimberly Clark has these bails of waste from manufacturing. Kimberly Clark makes diapers and other “paper products”. These bails are used for safe backstops. Yes they really will stop a bullet. Handgun bullets to shotgun slugs to various centerfire from rifles. Big bails stopping bullets and I have this run thru my brain as I take note the Disposable Diapers are about 3 deep on a shelf.

Note to self: some day shoot a package of diapers just to satisfy a curiosity, need to shoot, one, two and three ‘deep”…I gotta know how these do with a thin metal back shelf.

Just remembered – my backstops, #1 at the angle I was would have been –“dicey”. Storefront is glass with brick about waist high, shopping buggies. I would have gone for a below waist shot, I would have had to do this weak-handed at one time. If I missed, had to miss low and have the buggies and brick.
#2, well he was pacing about 3 steps back and forth, behind him was the part of the store all brick, shelving, and that other check out counter.

I will say if #2 had come into store, past the freezer where Plumber was, Plumber was in a great position to disarm and stop an immediate threat.



See why I want to leave this big city, and area? Not that this kind of thing does occur in smaller areas, less populated, just I do not like the odds, not at all. Too many matters in too small a time frame - my gut is speaking to me. Telling me to leave, hence the reason some of you folks have been contacted for ideas and input.
Hey Steve - a fascinating and riveting desription my friend. Thank you :)
One never knows the where or when of next encounter
Indeed and this is why, despite a supposed ''safe'' area around me - I am 16/7 carry. Lotta use the piece would be if at home or outa reach!!!

Reminds me of a year or more ago - I related here IIRC an event at a Dollar store, where a guy came in looking - well - not right!! He had a shifty look and was not IMO ''shopping'' - more he was casing the joint - my interpretation.

I continued my genuine shopping but made it follow his walk about. At some stage after a few minutes he noticed my particular presence - our eyes met and I think something was communicated. I know not whether he was armed - off ill intent - no idea to this day but my ''spidey sense'' told me something was not right.

What my look conveyed too I know not - unless maybe it said -''I see you and don't try anything stupid''. He left.

I am glad all turned out Ok and also glad you (and maybe the other guys) were carrying. Who knows but - a potential problem was it seems averted - that is good and probably one of the major reasons CCW is so good.

Thx for the post dude!
Ladies and gents, THAT'S the way it's done.

Sir, thank you--a thousand times. It is my fervent hope that more people will CCW--and that they will have the presence of mind and the GUTS to handle that situation like you did.

Well met, sir--well met, indeed!
Steve, thanks for sharing. Im glad to hear that things went well, and stayed low key afterwards. Its interesting the kind of stuff that goes through your head at times like that ;)
good job i had a similar experince last evening that was a bit of an eye opener since my town is usualy quiet.

i came really close to getting robbed last night me and a friend were sitting on a bench and one african american fellow with 3 freinds comes up and starts asking us for drugs. so we tell them we dont have any they ask for money we walk away and go in a store. we come out and begin to walk up the hill two of the guys go around and go in front of us and block the sidewalk and start hassleing my freind for change the third one is behind us i had known it seemed like a set up the first time they talked to us so i had taken my fixed blade out of my sheath and had it in my pocket with my hand on it. the first guy had his hand in his right jacket pocket as he was talking so my freind finnaly gives him a dollar he had in his pocket then is like here you go man drink up and made him drink about half a bottle of some kind of mixed drink. then he tries to get me to drink some of it i say no way he starts to get feisty and i say get out of my way before i have to make you the one on the left starts reaching in his pocket and i begin to pull out my knife as soon as they get a glimpse of it they immediatly cross the street and we hastily make our retreat home. i really with i could of been carrying my 1911 but i couldent becasue im 16.my i was a beliver in ccw before but at least i was lightly prepared with my knife i still need to pick up some oc though.
nice job

another fine watchdog out there.

hopefully i'll get a ccw someday and join you. until then, i've [over]paid for my taser.
What Powderman said. If I could be half so effective in a similar situation I'd be happy.
I have a hard time making sense of your narrative. If you have time later you should flesh out exactly what happened in more detail. I *think* I understand, but you were obviously writting in a hurry.
Sounds scary, especially for the poor cashier. I think you handled it okay - could've gotten ugly fast, especially for the people up front. If a person's hands are in their pockets and they've acted in the way you describe, they are dangerous.
Glad it turned out OK, thanks for taking the time to share the episode.
I have a hard time making sense of your narrative. If you have time later you should flesh out exactly what happened in more detail. I *think* I understand, but you were obviously writting in a hurry.
Cosmo, you need to spend more time reading Steve's posts. Believe me, he doesn't write anything in a hurry. There is more in between his sentences than what you read.

Steve, Good Show. I don't think anybody here could have done it better.
If this happened in Maryland, the cashier, shoppers and I would probably all be dead.

Many thanks to to the legislative jackarses who repeatedly deny us our ccw rights. :mad:
Larry Ashcraft said:
Cosmo, you need to spend more time reading Steve's posts. Believe me, he doesn't write anything in a hurry. There is more in between his sentences than what you read.

Steve, Good Show. I don't think anybody here could have done it better.

I spent a lot of time reading it, but I have many questions which would best be answered by turning it into a more detailed account with proper sentence structure. I'm not being critical, I'd just like to understand what happened in detail without having to fill in subjects, verbs and objects myself. I still don't even know what the CCW piece was or where any of this took place. I'm just asking that SM write a longer account with more details. There's a lot to be learned here, but stream-of-consciousness writing isn't the best way to learn it.
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