10,000 Gun Owners Marching in the Streets!

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Dec 5, 2004
SE Pennsylvania
Can you just imagine the news stories flowing from that report and imagery!?!?!
I keep reading posts on various sites about planning counter-marches to the fools parading for more useless gun control. Pro-NRA/Gun marches will be mis-reported as armed insurrections and militia mobs running around with weapons, scaring people off the streets. While I agree we need to do something, we can't help dig our own holes.
I don't think we would be digging our own holes. There's nothing saying people need to bring firearms to the demonstration. Where are you reading the posts regarding Pro NRA/Gun demonstrations? It may be a good idea, I haven't really thought about it. I have written to my politicians but they are all liberals so I doubt they read past the first sentence. It might do us good to make a loud statement somehow.
Can you just imagine the news stories flowing from that report and imagery!?!?!
I keep reading posts on various sites about planning counter-marches to the fools parading for more useless gun control. Pro-NRA/Gun marches will be mis-reported as armed insurrections and militia mobs running around with weapons, scaring people off the streets. While I agree we need to do something, we can't help dig our own holes.


Better to support gun rights organizations and make sure we get everyone who doesn't want to see more draconian gun laws to the polls for EVERY election, not just the national ones.
The problem with the march idea is that 10,000 screaming people shows the nation that they are angry about something. When 10,000 people screaming about the need for more gun control come around, nobody thinks they are in danger from this crowd (even though they really are). If 10,000 gun owners calmly strolled down main street in a major city, there aren't the screams that draw attention. If those 10,000 gun owners started screaming about something about which they are angry... You get the picture.
Has anyone ever considered a silent march? Screaming and chanting is a tactic used by people who are afraid, and demanding.

How about a pro gun march, where everyone "marches" and carries calmly and professionally worded signs, with relevant facts, and simply stands around talking guns with each other. Don't show up armed, don't scream, don't chant, don't shout, don't harass, don't react AT ALL to any nasty words anyone standing in the way has to say.

Wouldn't that be a sight. Wouldn't quiet reserve show a better and calmer attitude in general?

When I see marches, demonstrations, or protests, my mind shuts down and all I can think is "Get the hell away from me."
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I couldn’t have said it better. What a way to enlighten the opposed and possibly turn some on fence.
....... My feelings exactly.......... Well said and I feel that approach would yield much better results than the screaming, threatening and intimidation tactics that some factions seem to prefer.
Think it through. 10,000 silent gun owners marching for the 2A. Then the other groups join in, including neo nazis and white supremacists. The anti's show up to counter protest and they badger the 2A marchers into conflict. Some of the anti's are dressed in black and are prepared for physical altercations. Violence starts. Both sides accuse the other. The media focuses on the neo nazis and white supremacists to characterize the majority of gun owners, and the gun owners are blamed for being too violent to be allowed to own guns.
Think it through. 10,000 silent gun owners marching for the 2A. Then the other groups join in, including neo nazis and white supremacists..
That is certainly a possibility. I think a united effort would need to be made to let racists and Nazis know they are not welcomed or wanted. We are being demonized, and frankly I believe some gun owners like the ones you described deserve it. It is extremely important we separate ourselves from them. Make signs that state exactly that. "Nazis unwelcome" "We believe in law" "Bigots aren't welcomed here"

The anti's show up to counter protest and they badger the 2A marchers into conflict.
Some of the anti's are dressed in black and are prepared for physical altercations. Violence starts. Both sides accuse the other. The media focuses on the neo nazis and white supremacists to characterize the majority of gun owners, and the gun owners are blamed for being too violent to be allowed to own guns.

It's 2018 and technology like Facebook live, and GoPro cameras exist. If people were willing to wear a body camera to events like marches and protests, and then shared THE TRUTH on social media, it can help a tremendous amount. Keeping a level head is of the utmost importance, not just in this scenario, but in our one on one interactions. If we are goaded into violence or aggressive behavior, WE LOSE.
I'm not saying that what you describe isn't a possibility. But steps need to be taken to ensure something like this was pulled off correctly. The vast majority of us are law abiding citizens who just want to enjoy our sport, have the ability to protect ourselves and the ones we love, and be left alone. We need to demonstrate that and make sure the facts get out if something goes wrong.

If it doesn't work, at least we tried something different. It's just an idea.
That is certainly a possibility. I think a united effort would need to be made to let racists and Nazis know they are not welcomed or wanted. We are being demonized, and frankly I believe some gun owners like the ones you described deserve it. It is extremely important we separate ourselves from them. Make signs that state exactly that. "Nazis unwelcome" "We believe in law" "Bigots aren't welcomed here"

It's 2018 and technology like Facebook live, and GoPro cameras exist. If people were willing to wear a body camera to events like marches and protests, and then shared THE TRUTH on social media, it can help a tremendous amount. Keeping a level head is of the utmost importance, not just in this scenario, but in our one on one interactions. If we are goaded into violence or aggressive behavior, WE LOSE.
I'm not saying that what you describe isn't a possibility. But steps need to be taken to ensure something like this was pulled off correctly. The vast majority of us are law abiding citizens who just want to enjoy our sport, have the ability to protect ourselves and the ones we love, and be left alone. We need to demonstrate that and make sure the facts get out if something goes wrong.

If it doesn't work, at least we tried something different. It's just an idea.

Great points made, and it is a good idea. And of course, I cannot predict the future. Just tossing out additional ideas.
Or the legispotators would interpret it this way. 1000s of armed (free) citizens speak quietly by mere presence, yes yet so very loudly, ''We are citizens not subjects [of the crown].''

Strange when the T party rallies happened some yeas ago, and 2A rallies where people are armed, all is peaceful, neat, clean. Re: ''Pro-NRA/Gun marches will be mis-reported as armed insurrections and militia mobs running around with weapons, scaring people...'' The fear or concerns (I say the former) expressed of all the downward spiral of counter protests equalling a bad rally is not based in fact. An armed society is a polite society, until ?it's a march to let the legispotators know what we will not stand for?

If you're going to plan a chitchat, meet at a coffee shop I mean, why even bother with standing around?
How about all 2A supporters honk their car horns at the same time for one whole minute? Might not show much in rural America, but could be interesting closer to cities.
it's a march to let the legispotators know what we will not stand for?

If you're going to plan a chitchat, meet at a coffee shop I mean, why even bother with standing around?
I understand what you are saying, but obviously there would need to be a written and cohesive public statement given. People would undoubtedly take notice and the media would show up.

What counts is that people NOT show up armed. What counts is that attending gun owners NOT react to antigun rhetoric. What matters is showing up calmly to demonstrate that we are law abiding citizens, who don't believe limiting the rites of law abiding citizens is a viable solution to dealing with criminal behavior. What matters is showing that we DO IN FACT believe in school safety and keeping our society safe, but are unwilling to trade our freedom for what we believe will be an ineffective solution.

The rabid gun banners are of course not interested in what we have to say, nor were the millions of brainwashed children that were used as pawns in that political maneuver. Kids will believe what ever their parents tell them to because they lack critical thinking skills, and some folks are willing to trade their freedom on the gamble that the cops and government can keep them safe, and will never turn on them.

What matters is when people on the fence see gun owners peacefully and calmly showing up to demonstrate their support of the 2A in it's pure sense, and state their support of our nation's laws, and safety for all. The reality is we gun owners want change also, but we just don't believe in limiting freedom because of a few bad apples. We don't agree on HOW to fix the problem of mass shootings.

I for one am in the camp that believes mass shootings are caused by mental health issues. But what new programs or new methods of reaching out to these people to bring them back into the fold have been funded and implemented? Maybe as gun owners we should start calmly requiring our law makers to do something about the mental health problem in this country. When I hear people on THR say they wrote their representative to ask them to support their gun rights, did they also ask them to support and develop new programs to stop school and other mass shooting at their source?

There's two problems as I see it.
1. How do you stop a crime before it is committed without violating a person's basic rights? It's not illegal to be weird or creepy, but when someone starts making comments on FB about wanting to shoot up a school, maybe we need to consider an interdiction before a crime is committed.

2. How do gun owners come together to generate a cohesive and well balanced statement for said march, that all gun owners can be on board with? Often we don't agree ourselves with what is needed. So how does a march message get written to be inclusive of gun owners, and who writes it? The NRA is evil according to many media outlets. I think they should be left out of it.

Again, it was just an idea to demonstrate a calm reserved expression of our perspective, because I believe there is a perception that we gun owners are a overly aggressive lot. some are of course, but not all.

Maybe it's a terrible idea. Maybe it wouldn't work. It was just a suggestion for a different tactic than has been used, with the hope that it would have a different result.
No, "normal people" are actually really, really lazy and don't care enough to go to a protest for an hour on a Saturday instead of the movies.


Might as well link to where activism is *actually* being pursued

Oh yeah; NRA donations tripled recently, yet they still have a policy of not generally not doing marches or protests. At least that money will go to donations for A-rated politicians who fold for gun control at the behest of the President. This is why "stony silence" is the only effective strategy they have after these shootings.
Think it through. 10,000 silent gun owners marching for the 2A. Then the other groups join in, including neo nazis and white supremacists. The anti's show up to counter protest and they badger the 2A marchers into conflict. Some of the anti's are dressed in black and are prepared for physical altercations. Violence starts. Both sides accuse the other. The media focuses on the neo nazis and white supremacists to characterize the majority of gun owners, and the gun owners are blamed for being too violent to be allowed to own guns.
Wow, sounds possible. Changed my perspective.
Think it through. 10,000 silent gun owners marching...

Yes, the hinge the squeaks gets the oil.

This is what causes the erosion of rights from people that want to keep them.

It’s not really that much different than water eroding granite over time, it just sits there as it always has and the water/time does it’s job.
Gentlemen of both sides, I refer you to the thread Gun owner Image.
Read it then come back here with a new perspective.
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