its sad..

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Coupla points.

From very objective observation, the political left is very much about stirring up lynch mobs You saw them yesterday and you see them any time freedom of speech is attacked. Again, from objective observation of conversation in social media, many of their proponents are quick to be part of a group mind or mob. They need that security. Not particularly insightful or mature.

That's what we deal with. On the other hand firearms owners are less inclined to do the mob scene. I guess among other things the message is just too likely to get lost in hateful confrontation or reporting. Just not productive.

Colion Noir did put out some strong videos via the NRA regarding the whole thing, but I don't know that they got any sort of exposure outside the NRA followers.

The folk that old lady new shooter describes probably see the whole conversation as being about so called assault weapons. They need to be educated in the connection between their tool and the "assault weapon" ban.

So until we come up with something better we at the very minimum need to keep working with groups like the SAF that work through the courts to establish core legal protections from the tides of the moment.
I went to the Dallas Gun Show this morning with my daughter and her boyfriend. I paid for his membership in the NRA. He is 21 so at least he is in the right demographic.

I ran into a friend of mine who is DPD and was security at the protest at Dallas. He said the crowd was around 4,500. Not near as big as I would have thought by the news reports. Media reports need to be taken with a grain of salt.
One thing here, when Trump won the election, do you guys remember the media ever showing the crowds he gathered, or when he won how shocked they were? Remember that we have a heck of a lot more people than you are seeing on CNN. This is something that you guys are not taking as realistically as you should. When I visit various forums on even Facebook, there is an immediate negative response to all this anti-gun crap. We are stronger than we think, we showed them once with the election, so don't start doubting now. Although an organized silent protest would be great, like the Million Man March, and we could overwhelm them with numbers if the silent majority took to the streets, I understand why a lot of folks don't want to do that, But it would shut them up if they saw double the amount show up and the politicians would fall back into place. People would feel a hell of a lot more secure if there was backlash on our part for this nonsense, these kids can't even vote, or like Eastwood says, they don't know which bathroom to use. And the media and Hollywood elites are bussing in marchers, like Fallon, and Ga Ga, paid marchers, you want to allow them to continue, unchallenged?
When you take away NY, CA, and a few more, the rest of the country have guns, like guns, and don't want to give up their guns. Even in FL we still are More pro gun than anti gun, the part time residents, about 20-30 % or so , don't know or care much either way, I know because I live in a town that increases in size by 30-40% on season, and they really aren't even aware of the gun situation, and vote in their home state which is usually not in FL.
Having owned a very large World Gym, with 5000 members, over a 5 year period, we lot 20% of our clients every year, due to relocation.
They didn't go some ware else, they left the state, same with my developments, neighbors last, 1-5 years, I have lost 3 neighbors on my left and 2 on my right, in 9 years, I live in a nice area, "both homes were middle class neighborhood homes. Now down in Parkland, it's a small area of upper middle class homes, Half million and up, and more family oriented, but a small area in comparison to it's surroundings, not the norm in Florida.
But they are blowing it way out of proportion, and my granddaughter goes to that school, came 10 feet from the shooter, she knows these kids from drama class. Don't believe what the biased media wants to shove down our throats. My step daughter was there when it happened that's why I had posted that I knew there were cops there at the time, just waiting outside while the shots were ringing, and my step daughter screaming at them to go in, this was a complete failure of law enforcement from the top down, they were there and did nothing. Gun control would have done nothing here, courage would have, it was lacking, like in the battlefield when some guys just can't move, and others run towards the gunfire. You all know cops who never drew their gun and took their 20, and others who wanted to be where the action was. You can't make someone brave, just by putting on the uniform, let alone hand a gun to a teacher who has no training or the mental fortitude to protect anyone including themselves and make them hero's, it doesn't work like that.
What we need is our own Tea Party to organize Pro 2nd Amendment demonstrations. I will be contacting the NRA on Monday to make the suggestion. I hope others will follow suit.
you realize these are the same people protesting in every other city.. theyre just being bussed around to make it look like theres a lot of people overall on a national level supporting it.. the rest are school kids who were probably told either they go outside and walk around for a day or do homework
The big pool of potential new pro-2A voters is city people who are fed up with being victims of crime, and want to defend themselves. Yet the pro-gun side is not doing enough to reach out to them. The NRA, for example, is doing its level best to alienate them, as it is becoming increasingly identified with the Far Right. (For proof, just read Wayne LaPierre's editorials in the last couple of issues of the American Rifleman. He seems more concerned with fighting against "socialism" than with fighting for guns.) If guns are seen as exclusively the province of conservative, rural whites in "flyover country," the cause is doomed.
I agree with AlexanderA on this one.
NRA has a horrible PR , starting with above mentioned Wayne LaPierre, then Ted Nugent acting at one point as some sort of a spokesperson for NRA (while having previous incidents) by calling president Obama
"subhuman mongrel " ( real ''classy") - this is the same guy who said " if Obama wins second term , I will be either dead or in jail " .
Just overly dramatic, like some singers and actors "threatening '' to move to Canada if Trump gets elected :
guess none of above mentioned happened to Ted nor with Miley ?
NRA better gets someone normal like Colion Noir as a full-time spokesperson.
Going back to students' marches : while I may not like work ethics of some millennials at my company, I think we are making a huge mistake by dismissing them as a generation, calling them ''snowflakes" all the time, etc. They will remember this and in 10-15 years when they start becoming elected officials and legislators , they will start making changes that we as gun enthusiasts will not like at all.
Now, some members of this forum may be dead at that time, but it will be ruined for the rest of us.
I am not young at all ( late 40's), but I am also tired of listening from some folks "how life and country was great in 1956 when I was 4 years old" - type of stories.
Times change, world changed a lot after the break-up of USSR, our country changed a lot after 9/11.
I am aware that unfortunately a lot of our schools nowadays are not places of education anymore - they are rather places of leftist indoctrination, but I cannot blame a 15-16 old if they want to express themselves .
At the same time,you should not have to "survive " the school . Statistics about car deaths compared to gun deaths ("why we don't ban cars then ?"), then "thoughts and prayers" and other BS is just not cutting it for them. They don't care about adult's world legislative "technicalities" , they just want to be safe in school.
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We were out-organized and out-maneuvered.

The Delta discount, the marches, the YouTube restrictions, and some stores dropping certain items did not happen spontaneously or in the moment. They were the result of a great deal of spade work that had gone on for months. They were just waiting for the opportune moment to create the illusion that there was a great shift toward more gun restrictions.

It's all political theater. And that sad thing is, it seems to be working.
The big pool of potential new pro-2A voters is city people who are fed up with being victims of crime, and want to defend themselves. Yet the pro-gun side is not doing enough to reach out to them. The NRA, for example, is doing its level best to alienate them, as it is becoming increasingly identified with the Far Right. (For proof, just read Wayne LaPierre's editorials in the last couple of issues of the American Rifleman. He seems more concerned with fighting against "socialism" than with fighting for guns.) If guns are seen as exclusively the province of conservative, rural whites in "flyover country," the cause is doomed.

Absolutely. With 80%+ of Americans living in or urban or suburban areas, alienating those people from firearms is not the way to proceed.
too many of you are downplaying this. sure thats but a minute portion of the population. but conversely how many pro gun activists are out there marching? zilch. it speaks volumes to the media and legislators..
Actually....I saw a report on a PRO GUN rally that was pretty nicely attended, it's just that the MSM won't report on such things as it goes against their carefully constructed narrative. We here in Pennsylvania have a State Constitution which says "The right of the citizens to bear arms in defence of themselves and the State shall not be questioned." The protests will go nowhere around here.
It boils down to these demonstrators wanting to ban AR-15's, and wanting to ban magazines of over 10 rounds. We need to pin them down on specifics on how they plan to go about this. There are millions of "assault weapons," and tens of millions of "high capacity" magazines. These are not going to magically disappear, and people are not going to willingly give them up. Do the demonstrators want to return to a Prohibition era, when there was widespread contempt for the law? That's the end result of where they are going. If polarization is a problem now, there will be twice as much polarization after an AWB. These kids need to be educated about the consequences of their actions.
we are losing, and it's like boiling the frog: we'll wake up some day and be boiled.

we are letting 500k or so misquided children, who are manipulated by a powerful antigun lobby, take us down this path, and we will lose, slowly, but inevitably.

I understand the frustration. However, it would look really bad to 'march' against kids (they're "just kids" when it suits the argument :( ). It's better to lay low, let them spout their talking points and eventually shoot themselves in the foot enough that it (hopefully) goes away. This is the reason the anti-gun industry jumped on board with these kids - it was just the situation they've been looking for. Don't think they didn't have this planned out in advance (and don't think they don't have plans for other situations that arise). Notice, after weeks of dismissing the armed response idea, and after that situation actually occurred in Maryland, it is already out of the news cycle - because it doesn't fit their argument.

If we could just get Trump and the Congressional Republicans to actually grow a spine (yeah, I know, not happening), we could probably ride this out until the Dems get back in control. Unfortunately, the Reps refused to use their majority to do anything to improve/restore gun rights (HPA, SHARE, etc.) and the moment to do so appears to have passed now that they've all gone weak in the knees (or in Trump's case, gone off the reservation, entirely). As you can probably tell, I totally understand your frustration, I just don't think counter-protesting a bunch of teenagers is ever going to work with a media that is so obviously belligerent to our cause.
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What we need is our own Tea Party to organize Pro 2nd Amendment demonstrations. I will be contacting the NRA on Monday to make the suggestion. I hope others will follow suit.
Yes! And I mentioned doing the same in another thread.

Wow! For all the ''kiddies didn't make a difference'' , ''they were bused from city to city'' , ''it was all orchestrated'' and other various dismissal comments, maybe I missed something; they got trash stuffed into a spending bill AND DoJ all but banning certain accessories

NOT A BAD DAY'S WORK FOR THE LEFT, all the while during a (R) Admin, House, Senate elected via votes from touting 2A positions

While not having been collectively handed our hats, we certainly have been pointed towards the door. You all go that away, we'll contact you when we need you come elections time.

Sooooo , in review, YES the ages-old methods still work 1)phone calls 2) marches & rallies 3)letter writing, complete with misspellteded words...

I cannot say it any plainer....

Read Chomsky and turn it against them. It won't work in the short term, because his outline is for the long term, and they were working on it long before 'ol Noam came along, but it has come to the time when we have to implement the tactics that are being used against us, as unpleasant as that is. Start with exposing the hypocracy on the left. They certainly work to do it to the right, and embellish it to boot. We don't even need to do that.
We just had a state primary election. Fewer votes cast in the gubernatorial election than the total number of gun owners in the state. Candidates ranged from semi pro 2A to mostly anti. If the gun owners don't get off their asses there won't be anything left to protect.
It boils down to these demonstrators wanting to ban AR-15's, and wanting to ban magazines of over 10 rounds. We need to pin them down on specifics on how they plan to go about this. There are millions of "assault weapons," and tens of millions of "high capacity" magazines. These are not going to magically disappear, and people are not going to willingly give them up. Do the demonstrators want to return to a Prohibition era, when there was widespread contempt for the law? That's the end result of where they are going. If polarization is a problem now, there will be twice as much polarization after an AWB. These kids need to be educated about the consequences of their actions.

Forget specifics. Likely to go from EBRs to generic semi autos.

We need to push the point that there is no rational justification for banning ANY weapon but there is justification for banning specific individuals intent on crime. Gotta find a way to make it not acceptable to stereotype us along with criminals.

Gotta bring more people into the sports or cause them to have a stake in this.
Other than contacting representatives etc, there is one other thing to do now, If you are Not broke:

Buy what you need or want, as soon as possible. There are tons of nutjobs still walking the streets who want to become (in)famous. They want their faces on tv.

Whatever 'buying anxiety' happens in the future, whether inspired by a tragic event/election etc could easily be worse than the situation which happened after Newtown.
It would also be an immed. result of planned future nation-wide regulations (or new state) reductions of rifle magazine capacities down to 10, or even 5 rds. It would spill over into ammo.

Think 5-rd. rifle mag limits can't happen? Added onto the present hysterical momentum, imagine having Two School Shooters instead of just one sociopath/psycho.
Remember that the late Bill Ruger back in the 90's **voluntarily** limited his Mini 14/30 rifle magazines to only 5 Rounds? Other companies might appease the dictatorial politicians instead of risking potential bad press and reduced market share.
Absolutely. With 80%+ of Americans living in or urban or suburban areas, alienating those people from firearms is not the way to proceed.

i am not sure any of this is true, it may seem like it is if you listen to the media but just as many students have come out against gun control as for it, but the media will only put the camera on those that push the narrative they agree with while completely ignoring the rest to make it seem like everybody in the world is against you

the fact of the matter is, more and more people are becoming avid gun owners today.. and more people than ever have turned to owning guns with parents who were against it.. video games have turned more young people into gun owners than the NRA ever has or ever will.. you can thank a lot of the major success of the AR-15 over the last 10 years, and that means millions of new people pushing back against gun control to younger
The student movement is fueled by emotion and photogenic optics. An analysis of the message is simply knee jerk reaction and no sense of the causes of these attacks or any understanding of the rights they are exercising to protest or the other rights they are urging us to curtail. It amazes me that the Parkland students blame the rifle instead of considering the broken person who wielded it. I wonder how these popular and entitled kids treated Cruz in the years of loss and twisted thought that led to the attack. As I watch the students, I get a sense of suburban affluence and entitlement that obliterates any consideration or understanding of the balance of constitutional rights that they are demanding to end. Tantrum is the message, and they want what they want no matter what.
very well said, thanks
Meh, let them "vent".

Just like how they let those people burn down a couple blocks worth of businesses a few years back in Ferguson, MO.

Some times, you just have to let these people get it out of their systems.
couldn't respectfully disagree more...this is 'boiling the frog'
The anti gunners were ready. All they needed was a shooting to set their plans in motion. We were caught with our pants down. End of story.
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