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'2-Terminator' Arnold to run for Senate?

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
I think this would be a heck of a race.

'2-Terminator' Arnold to run for Senate?
Speculation already begins on Gov. Schwarzenegger battling Boxer

Even while ballots are being certified across the country, there's speculation among some California Democrats that freshly re-elected Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will next seek the U.S. Senate currently held by Democrat Barbara Boxer.

"His wife is part of the Kennedy clan, and so it would be natural for a glamorous Kennedy star to elevate himself to the U.S. Senate as the next Barack Obama,'' former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown said, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. "Here's a guy investing $15 million to $20 million of his own money in the governor's race. That can't be what he's after."

State Sen. Jackie Speier is convinced Schwarzenegger intends to stay in the political game after hearing him say how much he enjoys public service.

"He said it in such a way that this guy is going to go wherever he can go," Speier told the paper. "And where else can he go but to the Senate? ... He is a competitor more than anything else.''

A spokesman for the Schwarzenegger campaign, says they are not looking at the 2010 race at this point.

"Gov. Schwarzenegger is 100 percent focused on being governor,'' Adam Mendelsohn said.

But one senior Schwarzenegger adviser, speaking on background, told the Chronicle "nothing is being taken off the table. We would not say he is (looking to a Senate race) – but we aren't ruling it out.''

Not everyone's a fan of Arnold, but he's a saint compared to either of CA's current senators and he's popular enough to get elected.

Senator is technically a step down from Governor, but he could use to gain experience at the national level.
There are precious few politicians capable of successfully campaigning for a CA Senate seat worse than Boxer; Arnold would be a definite improvement. He signed the CA 50 ban but he also vetoed 2 bills. When has Boxer EVER voted against an Anti-2A bill?
He may not be the biggest friend of gunowners, but replacing Boxer with Ahnold would be a godsend.

+1 re: Ahnold. Everybody out here is heaving a collective sigh of relief after Tuesday. Well, maybe not everybody. ;) There will be at least another four-year breather before any more confiscatory gun legislation gets signed into law in this state. The legislature will pass it. But the governator won't sign it.

After that, all bets are off.
I wouldn't say that he won't sign it...that's a little strong.

I will say that he appears less amenable to spurious gun control measures, especially vague and poorly-crafted ones typical of recent CA gun laws.

Most importantly, perhaps, he isn't an ideologue like many others in Sacramento. That means we have a chance if we are politically active and make a good case.
I wouldn't say that he won't sign it...that's a little strong.

Well, so far, so good. He's vetoed most, if not all, of the bills the gun control whack jobs have sent him in recent years. And I take that as a consistently good sign.

Most importantly, perhaps, he isn't an ideologue like many others in Sacramento. That means we have a chance if we are politically active and make a good case.

Point well taken. Now is the time to keep the heat on, so to speak.
Despite his 50 cal ban signing, compared to Boxer, he is almost pro gun. And he is popular enough to win. And since McClintock is the Lieutenant Governor and Arnold would be leaving office mid-term......

That would actually be super strong.

Edit: dammit, McClintock lost.
I like the sound of Arnold running for one of Calis Senate seats. Though I was wondering if he has been a US citizen long enough to be a Senator? I thought there was a 30 year minimum requirment to run for a Federal poltical office.
cbsbyte said:
I like the sound of Arnold running for one of Calis Senate seats. Though I was wondering if he has been a US citizen long enough to be a Senator? I thought there was a 30 year minimum requirment to run for a Federal poltical office.
9 years. US Constitution, Article I, Section 3.
Does California have term limits on the governor?
Yes, thank God sometimes. That's how we managed to dispose of several no good Governors.

But these hard headed Politicos can run for other offices, like Jerry Brown just did.

The unanswerable question is; How long would we have had Bill Clinton in office without a presidential term limit?

We have also lost some good people from term limits, but for the most part it has been for the better. I would like term limits for all public offices so there would not be "career politicians."
We have also lost some good people from term limits, but for the most part it has been for the better. I would like term limits for all public offices so there would not be "career politicians."
I couldn't agree more. In Washington, career politicians have done gun owners much more damage than good.
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