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Dec 22, 2002
Between black coffee, and shiftn' gears
HSO said:
This is Steve's idea, but Bogie is designated as team lead to carry it out. Please post if you have any PR/Marketing/Copy/Propaganda;) professional skills so Bogie can build the team to carry out this task.

Twenty-aught-seven is the catchy name I came up with to fight Tyranny.

This stems from a hunting writer's words stereotyping a firearm and the persons that own and use this firearm.

The timing of these words coincided with H.R. 1022 - AWB II

Internet is Real Time. Many whom are supporters of Tyranny have not dealt with the Power of Real Time Internet.

That all changed in February of 2007.

Truth is, many gun owners, many firearm manufacturers, and many other related industries do not read Internet. I therefore propose another medium, more specific Newspaper , to get the message out that we in the Responsible Firearm Community , using Internet have been discussing.

Tyranny disguised as Politicians like numbers. Tyranny disguised as Anti-Gun groups likes numbers.

Well by golly I say give them 20-07 as another number to cite, fear and defend themselves from!

$20.07 I have set aside to donate toward an Newspaper ad. This figure is symbolic. The message is sincere!

No I cannot handle the money. Being totally honest, there are those better educated and articulate than I. So I ask others to write the copy and handle the money.

I do not care how how much one can contribute, I do not care if you cannot contribute any money at all. All I ask is one be supportive and contribute any way they can.
If this means a phone call to someone and asking them to read the ad is all you can do, fine, that is contributing to activism in my book.

I understand contractual agreements and severing such agreements costs money. I understand some supporters of aforementioned hunting writer are currently going through legal means to break contracts.

WE The People would still appreciate these sponsors contributing any way they can.

Being brutally honest, I am not sure how sincere some of these sponsors really are in regard to Preserving Freedom .
I am being selfish in wanting to know who is really Preserving Freedom or giving aid to the enemy - Tyranny.

I happen to be partial to the Gadsden Flag, in case anyone cares.
It would appreciate if the logo for this ad included the Gadsden Flag.

Be real nice if any Firearm Sponsors, Related equipment sponsors were to start putting a small Gadsden Flag someone in ads to show support to WE The People.


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Gadsden Flag from Wikipedia, in case the name doesn't ring a bell.

sm - What type of newspaper ad campaign are you asking people to contribute to? All into one pot to advertise in the big national papers, like NY Times, Wall Street Journal? Or are you thinking about developing an ad that everyone can use and then individually pay to get into their own local papers?
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Great idea SM!

If Bogie will team lead this I'm in for $20.07!

Any adverstising, public relations pros out there?
We Need a Leader...

Count me in. Do we have PR people who can help draft the message content and determine our best papers for audience?

I'm in.

FWIW, I'd prefer "gun grabber" or "prohibitionist" to "Democrat" in the message floated in the other thread - some of the last are on our side and some of the first aren't Democrats.

One of 4 rules.
Know your target.

We're going to need to present a unified front, and it's going to need to be a simple message.

More to come over the weekend - I'm _desperately_ trying to get my gear together for a match, and I haven't shot a damn thing since Jen went in the hospital last year.

I'll be able to think a bit more clearly after I find, among other things, the bolt for my rifle.
I'm in..

Making this thread "subscribed" so I can find it when we get the plan together?

Anything that a Navy LT with access to training aircraft can do? (for pic, not zooming Zumbo's house, which would be Flathatting, and get me in majorly deep fecal matter)
I'm a published author and have a fair amount of experience with marketing/communications. I've written everything from marketing slicks to entire press releases.

I'd like to contribute in any way I can.

I'm in!! Just tell me where to send the money. If I may, I'd suggest the Wall Street Journal for the first ad. Anybody know how much that would cost?
Actually, for the first ad, I'm thinking that we sorta need to preach to the choir... i.e., Outdoor Life's subscribers. They're going to wonder where Zumbo went. Fun part is - will they let us advertise? Can we _further_ mobilize the Fudds of the world?
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