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My idea(s) run this way.

Zumbo did what he did and in the same time frame of AWBII
What is done is done, it is history.

What we have seen is a number of folks that own firearms express same/ similar attitudes expressed by Zumbo. This is nothing new.

Pro 2A folks have to quit dividing themselves and be more United. Good Grief! History is full of circumstances where a people divided - fell.

United Kingdom, for a more recent example. Listen, instead of making fun of, wasting band-with making fun of folks in the UK - it makes a heckuva lot more sense to (1) learn from their history, and (2) assist them, reach out to them and if nothing else - let them know you care!

No surprise many of the Firearm related industries, have feelings running from Very Strong 2A, Sitting on the Fence and some- we don't know. The later may change flags depending on which way the wind blows.

This ad I am suggesting needs copy to educate those that "their" guns are just as much at stake as anyone else's.
To provide visual support from Firearm Related Industries , that they do in fact Support 2A by We The People being able to see them listed.

Time Warner
r for instance owns a number of publications, including Outdoor Life.

I want to know if Time Warner is weighing my Freedom against the Greed of Money. History informs me, Time Warner is not 2A

I know the Publisher of S.W.A.T is a staunch supporter of not only 2A , All Freedom!

Just me, for the price of whatever a subscription runs for one year to a magazine that does not support 2A - that money could be spent on anything from buying a brick of .22 rim-fire ammunition so a kid could learn to shoot, pooling subscription monies could buy a .22 rifle to be donated to a club so a kid could learn to shoot.

Brady and others that wish us harm need a visual , hard-copy newspaper advertisement to see that WE The People are ever vigilant about Freedoms and actively Preserving Freedoms.

Same goes for Politicians.

While it is great gun forums , blogs and magazines such as S.W.A.T preach to the choir there are many gun owners that do not read gun forums, blogs or subscribe to S.W.A.T .

These are the gun owners we need to educate and inform. I assure Main Stream Media [MSM]is not going to do so.

I have to admit - I am going to laugh myself silly if some MSM puppet spouts off about the evils of a 20-07 and how it needs to banned. :p

I mean this 20-07 *might* be full auto, takes 30 round mags, and the preferred choice of street thugs. :D

I'll fall out of my chair if some politician poses for a photo-op out snipe hunting with one...
Justin, my graphic designer skillz can whup your graphic designer skillz...

Frankly, what I'd really like is to get everyone _agreeing_ that we've got a problem. We have a schism in the community.

And we have to get the world agreeing with the overall community.

I don't do "graphic design," altho I _am_ damn good at it.

I do "communication."

Now, can we ()*^&*)&^_ get with the )&*%$&% program?

Just my .02, but say, using photos of our favorite bugaboos holding things they want to ban with an elitist caption like "No way can you handle anything this cool with your pea brain!" heading it seems like a spiffy idea to me. The next caption would say "If you can, contact your Congressman/woman at ..... and tell them about it." If the ads are locality specific, we can even name the names of representatives. Also, if there is a URL, people can go there, print out a form letter (yes, they have their uses), sign it, and mail it. Propaganda is good, but propaganda that leads to stuffed mailboxes in Congress and elsewhere is better. I bet a lot of people who wouldn't take the time to draft a nastygram to their Congress critter would happily print one, sign it, and mail it.


Here's a concept...

Can you lay some nice images on some Powerpoints? Or Word pages? Because that is pretty much darn near universal... Not everyone has photoshop, dontchaknow....

Something regarding bonding of Fudds and Tacts.... With a bit of Targs thrown in?

Damn, dont'cha just love those labels...

Fire something at me, I'll cook some text, and we can rawk...

Think SIMPLE. Think billboard.

Now I _REALLY_ need to try to get my crap together for this weekend's match... I mean, since Jen went in the hospital last August, I haven't touched an accurate boomstick...
I may do several posts like this, I have some ideas and I just want to get them out there...

Picture: A 30-'06 cartridge.

Caption above: "The 30-'06"

Text on the left: "The most popular hunting cartidge of all time."

Text on the right: "The Emissary of Freedom in two World Wars."

Text below: "Hunters and Shooters Unite! Fight HR1022!"

Picture: A .223 cartridge.

Text on the left: "The .223 Remington: Favored by Varmint Hunters, Plinkers, and Competetive Shooters."

Text on the right: "The 5.56 NATO: The bane of terrorists worldwide."

Text below: "Hunters and Shooters Unite! Fight HR1022!"

Picture on the left: Me holding a 1903A3.
Text: "My great uncle died in Italy in WWI. This was his battle rifle."

Picture on the right: Me holding my father's deer rifle, a sporterized surplus 1903A3.
Text: "My father enjoyed hunting. This was his deer rifle. Look familiar?"

Text below: "Hunters and Shooters Unite! Fight HR1022!"

Picture: Me holding my fathers sporterized 1903A3
Bold Text above: "My most prized possession:"

Other text: "My father left me his deer rifle. He served in the Army. So did his rifle."

Bold Text below: "Liberty."

Other text below: "What will be the legacy you leave to your children? Hunter and Shooters Unite! Fight HR1022!"

Text:"What do these things have in common?"
  • The muzzleloading rifle.
  • The lever-action rifle.
  • The bolt-action rifle.
"Like the semi-automatic rifle they are all military pattern firearms."
"Hunter and Shooters Unite! Fight HR1022!"

Picture: a 1903A3

Text above: "Black Rifle circa 1906."

Text below: "Military pattern firearms are not "Evil". Don't judge a rifle by it's appearance. Judge the character of the one who uses it."

"Hunter and Shooters Unite! Fight HR1022!"

"80 million gun owners.
18 million hunters.
4 million NRA members.

We're fighting for your Freedom.

Please join us!

Fight HR1022!"

Well you can count me in for $60.21 (that is 3* 20.07).
Whenever I come across a new or interesting firearm, I buy 2 of them. One for me now, one for my son later. Since my wife is 6 months pregnant with a daughter, I figure what a perfect time to start buying in 3's.
Let me know where to send the money.
Text above: "Can you tell the difference?"
Picture on left: an XD-40 with 1/2 dozen or so 10 round magazines.
Text below picture: "not an assault weapon"

Picture on right: an XD-40 and one 12 round magazine.
Text belowpicture: "assault weapon"

Text below: "Don't allow HR1022 to marginalize your right to self defense. Contact you representatives today!"
Currently working with some on One Image.

One Image to advertise AWB-II, Gun owners as being United, no matter the age, gender, and use of firearms affected by AWB -II

One Image to represent just like a Red Octagon represents "STOP" no matter what country one is in - or the language of the country.

Simple, something that gets put out on Gun Forums, Blogs, anything, anywhere.
Newspaper ad of course , still being One Image, recognizable.
Just like a Stop Sign, everyone will know.

It does not matter if Pro Gun, Fence Sitter, or Anti- the Image sends the message, Unites Gun Owners, attracts fence sitters to Pro Gun and Anti's, gets them to think and perhaps some from their ranks will have a light bulb go off, if not, so be it.

One Image, uniting people no matter age, gender, just getting them to unite, vote, take action by contacting Representatives, Family members, co-workers, Firearm / Firearm Related companies.

Lots of great ideas have been shared, I appreciate the replies and support.

Personally, right now the immediate concern is getting past some negatives and using the negative energies in a Positive manner.
We cannot dwell on the past - instead use it, learn from it, and not repeat past mistakes of dwelling on it to the point we are wasting precious time and resources when immediate concerns need addressing.

These recent negative impacts, chips are going to fall where they may, sure we need to keep tabs and stay involved, we do NOT need to be distracted from the main goal - Freedom.

Do NOT let Tyranny skew your focus.

One Image is being kicked around.


IMHO, I don't think it should have any images of guns or ammo in it at all. I like some of the stuff Oleg has done in the past that counters the gun owner stereotypes.

Pregnant women, teenagers, business men, gen x-ers, politicians. The real face of gun ownership.

Anti's want to paint us as paranoid rednecks, we should do everything we can to counter the stereotype.
My idea so far is to show guns.

I am not going to run and hide, instead come at the ones wanting MY Freedom and I mean to run right up the middle and straight at them.

Politicians, Gun Grabbers specifically target guns, and the people that own and use them.

I say run it at them full bore, head down with Specifics and bowl them over!

AWB-II and "Miltary Guns". Well by golly Model 10 is one firearm that falls under that definition of "Military Firearm". if allowed to pass. Model 12, Ithaca 27, yes these wood and blue shotguns so many treasure being in the family, so many hunters use for hunting still - fall under this definition if allowed to pass.

Do you have Remington 11-87, bone stock? That one too has been issued to Police Depts. So if AWB-II passes, and "Military Firearms" is allowed to be defined as Gun Grabbers will do...I mean the definition is "defined" and now that Skeet/Trap/ Five Stand/ Sporting Clays gun is a "Military Weapon" and one cannot have that one.

They won't come for my Revolver, or my Shotguns - let them have all them Evil Black Rifles.

Ever heard that sentiment expressed? Ever said it yourself?

How about that '03 Springfield you like to deer hunt with? Best I recall that one too was a "Military" Issued weapon.

Rut-Roh "They won't come for my wood and blue bolt deer gun, let 'em have them EBRs".

I do not care who one is, what age, what gender, what they shoot or what the use the firearm to shoot. They can be a bearded 300 pounder with a 3 day beard growth wearing a pink tu-tu shooting kumquats with their favorite firearm- that is their right to do so.

By Golly AWB-II gets passed, you can kiss kumquat shooting in pink tutu's goodbye!
Ad Image

I agree with SuperNaut on this one - a lot of the ideas will work great to mobilize our forces, but might not have the effect we want with fence-sitters and the public. We want people to join us, remember...who aren't already sold on the issue.

I'm thinking along the lines of images of the following people (approximate description of the types of people):
- business professional in suit
- mother with child
- blue collar father
- college-age woman
- man or woman in athletic garb
- law enforcement officer
- hunter
- shooter

Have each of the images armed with a rifle or pistol, varying the types to cover all the major variants. The text might say something like:

"What do we all have in common? We're fighting to protect our Constitutional rights, including the right to keep and bear arms and the right to protect our families and homes. Will you join us?

Then maybe a weblink or info on who/where to contact to get invlved or for more info.

Just my thought, the PR folks can probably improve on it.

No idea what the picture should be...
Text: "What if they wanted to ban hunting guns, since they don't serve a militia purpose?"

Text: "General George Washinton was dismayed when volunteers showed up with their fowling pieces."

Text: "Band together! Fight HR1022!"

Text: "Firearms were developed as weapons of defense."

Text: "That they are also used for hunting is coincidental."

Text: "Stand up for the Second Amendment. Fight HR1022!"
humm, I thought this was going to be a suggestion for a new round, liek .223 necked down to 20cal, done in 2007, just like the old 30-03 and 30-06, then stick it in an AR, shoot some prarie dogs and coyotes, then let Zumbro or whoever choke on that 'no sporting purposes' bs

But I back your version too
Instead of the ad being specific to one topic, HR 1022, why not make it more generic? Sort of a one size fits all gun-grabbers aproach?


They want to take your guns.

We are 100 million gun owners.

Act together. Act Now.

Background photo of people holding all manner of guns.
I love it!

Count me in.

Do we want to establish a paypal account to make things easier?

My idea:

In 1939, the Supreme Court decided that a weapon that could not be determined to have any modern military purpose was not covered by the 2nd Amendment.
(Text over wood/blue shotgun)

Today Congress is trying to say that anything with a military background will be illegal
(Text over EBR)

Tomorrow this is what will be left
Tomorrow you will be able to hunt with what remains
(Text over rough wood slingshot)
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