3" Stainless Fixed-Sight .357 Magnums


May 19, 2009
Big Bend of FL, originally from Miami.
There's just something about a 3" stainless double-action six-shooter chambered in .357 Magnum and equipped with fixed sights.

It is just revolver perfection to me. Perfect size for a fightin' wheel gun. It screams all business and just fits thr hand perfectly, carries perfectly, and more importantly.... IT SHOOTS PERFECTLY!



I’m a fan of 357 and a fan of 3” but I don’t like them together generally. Make my 3” guns either 32swl or 38 spl and make my 357s long. I really don’t care much for a 6” 357 as I prefer longer, but 6” is kinda the standard long length.
I converted my 3in 686+ to a fixed sight version, definitely easier to carry concealed.

View attachment 1221251

Is that the Bowen "rough country" rear sight? If it is, thats the same setup I'm running and you are correct, it does make for an easier carry and a smoother draw.

Just a bit of file work and touch up the bluing to get it dead on at 25yds.

Good setup.
Is that the Bowen "rough country" rear sight? If it is, thats the same setup I'm running and you are correct, it does make for an easier carry and a smoother draw.

Just a bit of file work and touch up the bluing to get it dead on at 25yds.

Good setup.

It's a Cylinder and Slide Extreme Duty U notch.
The front sight is the TruGlo TFX J frame sight.
The rear sight is much shorter than the stock, the J frame sight shoots to POA.
Ok , nice guns as usual. Good picture.
My favorite is a slightly over 3 inch 5 shot.
SP101 fixed sight that over the years I shoot high right .
Can that count to be in your club
I always wanted a S&W 13 or 65 with a 3" bbl. Never found one at the right price. I settled on a Rossi RP63. My only 3" .357. The rest are 4" and 6"
The Rossi is a great revolver for the price.