4 Brothers

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Working Man

Jun 8, 2005
Good movie... for what I saw. The movie theater caught fire while there
was about 30 mins or so left. :fire:

There were a number of rifles, shotguns, and handguns used including a
mention of a Beretta 93R. Last time I saw one of those was in Underworld..
it was a little modified, not as much as the one in Robocop though. Some
nice HKs were used too. :evil:
I also saw a stainless Ruger P-series on the poster in the hands of Tyrese. I haven't seen one of those in a movie since True Lies and Desperado :evil:
I gotta ask... Did you yell "Fire!!" in that crowded theater?

My favorate part of the fire academy was in the burn tower, when I got to yell "THEATER" in a crowded fire. About 20% of the other students laughed. Most of them just stared.
Every one was rather calm, we all left and went into the parking lot.
It sorta reminded me of when I was in high school and someone would
make a bomb threat or pull the fire alarm around midterms.

After a while we left of boredom.... :rolleyes:

Sooner or later we'll go back to finish seeing the movie.

when I got to yell "THEATER" in a crowded fire. About 20% of the other students laughed. Most of them just stared.

Good one... I'm suprized the others missed it.
The folks also tend to have problems figuring out concepts like "casual friday," etc...

I worked for awhile for an outfit which had a "casual Friday" policy. As I was QA engineer on the assembly line, it seemed as though we didn't get to have a fun day, such as did the office staff. Soooooo, I started duding up on Friday. Pretty soon everybody was breaking out their best clothes to come to work on Friday. We had to draw the line, though, when some of the girls started coming in wearing their "Saturday night go-to-hookin'" clothes. Hot solder can do a number on that much exposed skin. :D

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