50+ Year Wait For This Gun

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My dad gave me single shot Daisy BB-gun when I was still in diapers, I still remember that dark wooded hard to cock gun. You had to drop a single BB in the muzzle, then cock it and then you could shoot it, provided the BB didn't fall out. I believe my brother in law has it in his home museum.
Wow Doc you have a Dad to be proud of!!! I still have the first gun I ever bought from lawn mowing money, but its not as cool as your's. My dad will be 91 next April. Thanks for sharing the very cool photos.

Knowing there was once a bayonet on that plinker and you ran around the woods with it made my day. It's a long shot, but you just might find the other stuff one day.
Way cool as I never heard of a BB gun with a bayonet before! I still have my Dad's first gun, a single shot .22 rifle, that was made in Germany probably sometime in the 1920's.
I used to shoot grasshoppers with my Red Ryder. The Red Ryder is still made, but they've continually nerfed it over the years. Mine could only pierce a Coke can, and then only one side of it. It failed to kill the one bird I shot in the head with it (it was fine; it flew off. I'd have been fine with it being dead, though). It was insanely accurate, though. I knew what rear sight setting I needed based on distance to target and could hit where I wanted every time. Newer Red Ryders are basically glorified airsoft guns.

Note regarding that bird: It was a mockingbird that squawked on our chimney every morning at 8 AM, echoing through the whole house and being incredibly obnoxious. It was impossible to watch TV or do much of anything in the family room when it was around. I'm glad I didn't kill it and that it didn't come back, but I'd simply had enough. I had to arc the shot in from probably 50 feet away, and it was an incredibly good shot. The shot hit the bird square in the head and knocked him off the chimney. I got up on the roof and verified he was gone.
A "checklist !!! " ? Those were for sissies ! (Or at least Hollywood would have us believe.) Your Dah was one hell of a man ! (And a lucky one if he completed his ETO tour.) I'm grateful for his service !!

You certainly have two excellent "collectibles" to enjoy. Thanks for sharing ! >MW
Not to highjack your thread, but what are some other family heirlooms you guys have gotten passed down? My father passed away this past June, he was 88, bit a couple years prior I the Tokarev he'd had since before I came along. Stamped 1962, not sure how he got it, didn't asked, not safety on it.
That's some cool stuff. Hopefully you will also make it to 92 and pass it down again.
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