68 year old woman defends her home.

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Jun 4, 2011
I am grateful to live in a state that respects the rights of its citizens to protect their lives and property, and glad this grand lady could protect herself. First paragraph of news article;

Woman shoots men attempting to break-in home

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – A 68-year-old woman shot and injured two of three men who attempted to break in to her south Nashville home early Saturday morning.

It bears mentioning that these 3 are illegal aliens, and that they are data points on the trend that illegal aliens do violent crime when they are here, and we should kick them all out. To keep this response gun related, one way to do that is shooting them when they commit violent crimes. Good for this woman.
It bears mentioning that these 3 are illegal aliens, and that they are data points on the trend that illegal aliens do violent crime when they are here, and we should kick them all out. To keep this response gun related, one way to do that is shooting them when they commit violent crimes. Good for this woman.
Let's try to keep this gun related, and away from politics.
Advocating the specific shooting of any group for committing crimes seems less than prudent on a public forum.
The ideal way is to let the justice system do its job and influence it like a citizen of a democracy. Meaning by vote.

I am on that note very glad that she had both the means and the mindset to defend herself. What I do regret is that it had to come to lethal force and they seemingly couldn't just run when it was prudent to do so.

I know, as a private individual I would run when people point guns at me.
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It is always a good day when a positive firearms related news story is presented to the public.:D Good for her, managed to hit 2 BG's of the 3. Now that's good shooting.:cool:
Good for her. She defended herself and no one important was injured. Were I a less charitable individual I would comment about someone a little closer taking her a box of slugs or at least some good 00 buck.

BTW I personally don't want to shoot anyone and certainly don't suggest shooting someone because of the group they belong to (unless they are like this case where a group is breaking into your home or attacking you). However it is becoming more and more common here in TN to see incidents like this where the perps are hispanic. Most of the similar incidents I have read about recently involve illegals. Now I happen to have a great number of latino friends, my 3 God daughters are Mexican / Puertorican, and we have another "daughter" who is Puertorican, they are wonderful people and I love them greatly, but we need to do a better job with our borders. We need a much better process for people who come here to become productive citizens, and a far far better job of getting rid of those who come to our country and cause trouble.
Just goes to show, Grannies need marksmanship practice also. But two out of three isn't bad at all.
#1: she did good. She defended herself.

#2: that article had no mention of the perps' citizenship. It only mentioned their names and aka's. Where are you getting that they are illegal? And why is it ok to shoot illegals?

As was mentioned before, that kind of talk isn't the high road.
A question about this- what do you think would have happened if she lived in a non- "castle-doctrine" state? There are states that require foolish things like retreat before defending your home, correct?
This thread is not in keeping with the intent or mission statement of THR, and many of y'all should be ashamed for your contributions. Also - we do not discuss issues of social or immigration politics on THR, no matter how much some of y'all want to spin it into a gun related notion. It's not, and it won't ever be topical on THR.


So don't.
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