The question is not the numbers. I agree they are all better with 308. The question is, will it make a difference.
A nuke is better than 500 pounds of TNT. Drop either on me and I am dead.
It might make a difference. I've seen guys take solid 5.56 and 7.62x39 COM hits and still be up and about for a bit. They were really jacked up from the shots and most quickly went down and died, but they were ambulatory fit a bit.
The only time I've ever seen someone take a solid 7.62x51 COM hit and stay up was a 350ish meter sniper shot that hit the guy in the low chest/upper abdomin area. He was out of the fight but ran about 150 yards before he keeled over and died.
The Youtuber Garand Thumb recently did a video with two foreign fighters (a US guy and a Brit) working in Ukraine. They talk about using the SCAR H and that the 7.62 Nato is noticeably more effective than 5.56 and 5.45.