80% gun ?

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My thought is that if I had a home-built, I would have a very sincere serial number on it. There wouldn't be a sales or permit record of it anywhere, but a conventional looking number and maybe even a brand name could defuse a lot of tension if you came to official notice.
Barring that, some factual paperwork outlining the regulations might help. I always keep a photocopy of transfers with my Class 3 stuff when I'm out and about.
I don't see any reason to "bar that" (Conventional looking marking of a DIY.)
I understand the law to be as MachIV says, but I would not care to try to explain the minutae of Federal law to a cop on a traffic stop or Man With A Gun call. Just let him look at my ex-80% 1911 or AR, see "Acme Amalgamated Products No. 271828" and go ahead with his field interview.
Ya I didn't think it likely. I just didn't know to what extent if to any extent these home built rifles were reg'd.
Homebuilt guns have to follow exactly the same rules as factory built ones, except for the requirement for a serial number. If they didn't, we'd all be building machine guns. And silencers. And bazookas.
Ms, no problem. What got this started was a talk about some of us getting some 80% Glock lowers, maybe an AR lower, and some have built AK's from flats. I haven't heard of anyone having a run in with a LEO while carrying one or having one on them and wondered what everyone thought the encounter would be like. This assumes everything is legal and a mostly uninformed LEO.
I suspect a little prevention would go a long way. I keep copies of all my NFA stamps in my car so I can prove their legality if needed.

Yes, I know that only an ATF agent has the legal authority to ask to see them, but I'm not willing to spend the weekend in jail to stand on principle.
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