A Different View of Jessicas Rescue

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Dec 24, 2002
Anchorage, Alaska
This is
08/04/03 - Opinion section

The madness of saving Jessica
By Brian Sewell, Evening Standard

To puke was the only proper reaction to the rescue of Private Jessica Lynch, of the US Army's 50th Maintenance Company, as April Fools' Day dawned in Iraq last week. "To puke" has just the right abrupt, dismissive note to it - "to vomit" and "to regurgitate" both have too much Latin gravity at their roots, "to heave" and "to retch" the false gentility of euphemism, but plain puke, good enough for Shakespeare, is onomatopoeic to perfection. Say "puke" and relish the sound.

It is not that I have any ill-will towards the girl - I have none for any young soldier, of any race or religion, engaged in any cause - it is just that I believe women to have no business to be anywhere near the front line in any campaign, other than, perhaps, as doctors and nurses. I am certain that no such effort would have been made to rescue a young man of her age and inexperience.

Jessica Lynch is 19, blonde, 5ft 4in, and weighs rather less than the equipment carried by a British paratrooper on the yomp. Driving across the desert with other US servicemen unable to read a compass or take direction from the sun, she was separated from a convoy, ambushed, injured, captured by Iraqis and taken to a hospital in Nasiriyah, on the Euphrates, nearer Basra than Baghdad.

There she lay, both legs and one arm fractured, attended by the few members of staff who had not fled, a pharmacist the only man of any qualification.

How these injuries occurred we do not know, but General Tommy Franks, commander of the allied forces, knew of them and knew where she was, knowledge attributed to " intelligence" until the truth was revealed - that a sympathetic Iraqi had trudged for miles across the desert until he found a US officer to tell.

General Franks it was who ordered Jessica's rescue, perhaps sharing her family's anxiety over the possibility of rape, perhaps recognising what a propaganda coup could be made of it. To effect the rescue, US marines staged diversionary attacks in Nasiriyah, on a bridge, a telecommunications relay station and the local headquarters of the Ba'ath party; and with these under way, two transport helicopters landed in the hospital grounds, with the protection of four attack helicopters hovering overhead and two patrolling tankbuster aircraft - all this by dead of night, in pitch darkness and with the appalling safety record of US forces.

How many soldiers were involved and at serious risk in this escapade? Six helicopter crews, two aeroplane crews, medics, stretcher-bearers and all the men engaged in the decoy attacks on the other side of the town.

Would so many men and so much expensive machinery have been risked for the rescue of a jar-head marine of 19, a black boy of 19, a homosexual boy of 19 or a poor white boy of 19 from the same incestuous hills of West Virginia among which Jessica was born?

I doubt it. This girl was rescued not because she was a heroine, not because she was brilliantly qualified and not because she was in possession of information and skills that must on no account be betrayed to the enemy.

She was rescued for no other reason than that she is a girl, and the all-American blonde to boot. The rescue of Jessica Lynch was portrayed even in our most sober and sensible broadsheets as an exploit of extraordinary derring-do, of heroism, valour, audacity, chivalry and chutzpah.

Sane men, however, able to assess the risks involved on such a moonless night, must count this rescue a work of sheer insanity, unless those ordering it put into the equation the publicity inevitable with success. Was it done to hearten the male troops?

Again I doubt it, for these, weary, cold by night, sweating by day, now long unshaven and unshowered, stinking with the stale odours of the body, know perfectly well that no attempt would be made to rescue them were they in the same predicament as Private Lynch and through the same incompetence.

"America doesn't leave its heroes behind, it never has, it never will," were the weasel words of a US army spokesman - and to such nonsense the only possible response is "Tell that to the marines." The objective of this cynical exercise was to fortify the folks at home, and there can be no doubt, so deep is the naivety of the provincial American, that the ruse worked.

In West Virginia, Jessica's rescue is attributed not only to the army, but to God in equal measure, God invoked by the power of prayer. It has occurred to none of them that if God had anything to do with it, he would have stayed the hands of Bush and Blair and sent no one into battle.

The point that everyone has overlooked is that Jessica Lynch should not have been sent to Iraq until active hostilities are over.

I don't care a damn what feminists say, the front line is no place for women. It is where men are ripped apart by shells and bullets, where they are incinerated in tanks, the burnt meats of sacrifice, so, to speak, where men lay down their lives for noble sentiments and causes - forgive me, but what bollocks the euphemisms are.

If a soldier's mind is not wholly engaged in battle, he is a risk to himself and his immediate mates - the last thing a soldier needs is a corporal of poetic mind or a philosopher for a sergeant, the one reciting Horace, the other musing on the nobility of man; he needs, instead, mates driven by adrenaline and the unintellectual antidotes to fear that we call courage and exalt as heroism. But the last thing a soldier needs in battle is a woman by his side, her mere presence a diversion from the matter in hand, a tug at his primeval sense of chivalry.

As, from the safety of Central Command, US Brigadier-General Vince Brooks said of Jessica's rescue, "Some brave souls put their lives on the line to make this happen." And so they did, but they should not have been required to do so.

If women feel compelled, in their absurd pursuit of equality, to join the armed forces and cannot, will not, see that in the front line they pose a menace to all men, then the forces must draw the line for them, no matter how great a political incorrectitude it may seem to outsiders.

Women should be the army's clerks, cooks and bottlewashers, its doctors and nurses, its counters of beans and buttons, but never - even though I can imagine nothing more terrifying than a battalion of bearded lesbians - bearers of arms, never frontline soldiers.


Find this story at http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/opinion/articles/4245683?version=1
©2003 Associated New Media

Makes a few points yes? Bottom line...maybe Jessica and Lori should not have been there...probably all academic until she speaks....
This guy is a waste of skin.

Would so many men and so much expensive machinery have been risked for the rescue of a jar-head marine of 19, a black boy of 19, a homosexual boy of 19 or a poor white boy of 19 from the same incestuous hills of West Virginia among which Jessica was born?

I happen to think we would rescue any soldier we could if we had the info. That it was a girl and it was good PR - I am not cynical enough to think that was the only reason.

Of course this guy thinks women should be doctors and nurses - which I am guessing would be unarmed, but holy crap, driving a water truck - thats WAY too dangerous.

It has occurred to none of them that if God had anything to do with it, he would have stayed the hands of Bush and Blair and sent no one into battle.

Yeah - we all know that God is always opposed to war - not that this guy has a shred of religious sincerity to actually read about him or even ask him. :rolleyes:

Ok, I can't think of any more words that are appropriate for this forum.

:cuss: :fire:
The guy doesn't know his history very well. Missions to free POWs have been launched in the past and will continue to be. I agree that women don't belong on front line positions. She wasn't. Bad luck and timing put her in harms way. It sounds like she handled it better than many men would have in her place(this puke for sure). She did herself, her unit and her country proud. I'm glad she's coming home. I look forward to the day they all can.
I am certain that no such effort would have been made to rescue a young man of her age and inexperience.

I am certain you are wrong. The U.S. military is rather well known for going out on a limb to rescue its own. Look at the convoy in Somalia that was held up past dawn in the streets of Mogadishu just to pull the body of an American serviceman from a helicopter wreck.

How these injuries occurred we do not know, but General Tommy Franks, commander of the allied forces, knew of them and knew where she was, knowledge attributed to " intelligence" until the truth was revealed - that a sympathetic Iraqi had trudged for miles across the desert until he found a US officer to tell.

Just where the hell do you think "intelligence" comes from, you idiot? Crystal balls?

- all this by dead of night, in pitch darkness and with the appalling safety record of US forces.

"Appalling safety record"?!? Oh, Kee-rist, that's rich! Look here, Mister Nader, in case nobody's brought it to your attention, war is an inherently unsafe endeavour. People run around with the safeties off on their rifles, tear a$$ around the countryside in trucks without airbags or seat belts, fly real low in the dark, ride around in helicopters with their legs dangling out, all sorts of things that would make your sainted mother cringe if she knew about it. This probably seems shocking to someone whose most dangerous career moment was nodding off during an Andrew Lloyd Webber production, but I digress...

How many soldiers were involved and at serious risk in this escapade? Six helicopter crews, two aeroplane crews, medics, stretcher-bearers and all the men engaged in the decoy attacks on the other side of the town.

Don't forget the sweaty, manly commandoes who actually cleared the building. They also risked their heroic, manly lives for this silly little girl that "weighed rather less than the equipment carried by a British paratrooper on the yomp."

Would so many men and so much expensive machinery have been risked for the rescue of a jar-head marine of 19, a black boy of 19, a homosexual boy of 19 or a poor white boy of 19 from the same incestuous hills of West Virginia among which Jessica was born?

Ah, interesting bit of bias sneaking in there; unsurprising from a vaguely fussy, nattily-attired, grey haired old woman-hating art critic who probably spends a fair amount of time thinking about those sweaty British paratroopers on the yomp. ;)


Well, gosh, I figured since you were stereotyping left and right, Mr. Sewell, I'd just join in the fun; sauce for the goose, and all...

Again I doubt it, for these, weary, cold by night, sweating by day, now long unshaven and unshowered, stinking with the stale odours of the body,

What did I tell you? ;)

remind me never to get in a p**sing contest with you.

I agree with this man about women in combat, as I have made clear before. But this was a revolting screed, full of contempt and bile for just about everyone involved, almost nasty enough to make me change sides. A pox on him! Not even I, who hates the idea of women in battle, would deny the honor due to all the actors in this little drama. Guy needs to be EMBEDDED.
Women should be the army's clerks, cooks and bottlewashers, its doctors and nurses, its counters of beans and buttons, but never - even though I can imagine nothing more terrifying than a battalion of bearded lesbians - bearers of arms, never frontline soldiers.

Perhaps someone needs to remind the author that the Army's 50th Maintenance Company isn't a frontline combat unit. Perhaps someone should also remind the author that, at least as far as the US is concerned, even the lowliest clerk or bottle washer in our armed forces is considered and trained as a combat soldier.

I would, however, LOVE to see this 'writer' profess this opinion to the many 19 yeard old 5'4" blonde girls who 'weighs rather less than the equipment carried by a British paratrooper on the yomp' that are in our armed forces. He's probably well aware they'd wipe the floor with him, AND be nice enough to hand him his hat when it was over.
Words literally fail me as far as this piece of trash is concerned.

Anyone got an e-mail address for the newspaper?
It really IS interesting how he managed to turn an essay on a military rescue operation into allusions to sweaty, incestuous gay sex. :confused:

Bottom line: rescuing personnel is a good thing. We rescued the pilot of that A-10 yesterday, and he was a man.
Well, it is obvious that the author never read Black Hawk Down. Much of the Battle of Mogadishu was one big improvised rescue operation for a couple of helicopter crews. See the Medal of Honor citations for details. Last I checked, Michael Durant wasn't a chick, though the author of this peice might conisder him a "hottie." :neener:
This fellow is a fit turd to float in the cesspool that is the UK. Apologies to Tony Blair, but he's a rare exception to the norm.
It really IS interesting how he managed to turn an essay on a military rescue operation into allusions to sweaty, incestuous gay sex.
He's a Brit ponce, he can't help himself.

Nearly all of the good Brits are overseas. "Kicking *** and taking hyphenated names" as Dennis Miller was saying on the "Tonight Show" the other night. :evil: :evil: :evil:
and how many thousands of miles away from the action is this 'reporter' or whatever he claims to be?
they should send him to north korea to get a head start on the action there.
While I tend to be conservative, I'm man enough to admit that there are women who can outrun, out-shoot me. There are women who can fly whereas I can only be a passenger. There are women who know more about littoral warfare and I'm still locked into the 20th century battleship. Heck, if they're qualified, let them go.
Tamara you said:
"Ah, interesting bit of bias sneaking in there; unsurprising from a vaguely fussy, nattily-attired, grey haired old woman-hating art critic who probably spends a fair amount of time thinking about those sweaty British paratroopers on the yomp. "

What? Do you suspect that he wanted to yomp one or what?
I thought The Yomp was on the arcade in London, but I could be wrong. :D

Let's not let this turn into a French-bashing thread or a string of gay jokes, OK? I shouldn't have posted what I did, but if it makes anyone feel better, I did it because it seemed the sort of thing that would irritate this blouse-wearin' poodle walker, not to insult any of my gay friends. Comparing this man to our gay members is as unfair as comparing lawyers to sharks.
brian sewell is one of those people who somehow have found themselves in a life of idleness based on other peoples hard work. if any of you have ever read the superb magazine Viz you may be aware of a cartoon strip called The Critics in which both characters were based on him.

the weird bit about this is he is employed by the Mail group of newspapers, which is the most rightwing of all the British press, and they (obviously) tolerate this nonsense. he also considers human civilization to stretch from kensington to hoxton (west to east) and from tottenham court road to vauxhall (north to south) -ie the rich bits of London. he has become the parody of the art critic made flesh.

saesneg twp as one says at home
I dunno, anybody that can "take direction from the sun" in the middle of the night must know what he is talking about. :uhoh:
Comparing this man to our gay members is as unfair as comparing lawyers to sharks.

Um, Gwinny, I take it you want to be complimentary, but... I am not qualified to judge on the first half of the above comparison but I certainly think you could choose a better example than comparing lawyers to sharks which is dead on accurate, imho. Yes, there MAY BE one or two good ones but the vast majority - :uhoh: :fire: :barf:
the weird bit about this is he is employed by the Mail group of newspapers, which is the most rightwing of all the British press, and they (obviously) tolerate this nonsense.
Maybe he's their version of Geraldo Rivera. Someone so obviously clueless and left-wing that they are really nothing more than a living charicature of what the right sees in the left.
Obviously this Sewell guy....

..didnt consider the idea that maybe Tommy Franks thought our other POWs were in the same hospital and that the mission was no to rescue just PFC Lynch but others as well (Even though i would say that the mission would be totally justified to rescue one female, male, private or general, definitely worth it to save even one of our brave soldiers)
And this guy didnt consider that by all accounts Jessica fought bravely before she was captured.....there are instances of men doing much less than that....I would much rather be backed up by her than this egotist
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