A gun is not a magic wand.

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didn't mean to offend. I have immediate family who are police, its nothing personal.

it's just that the justice system is so ridiculous and i'm in a very liberal city I would face hell if I intervened.

Having a chl doesn't make me a cop with all the protections they get, or the duty to act. it's for self defense. I have nothing but respect for people who choose to take on that burden, but it's not a requirement and doesn't make you a bad person to refrain.

Changing the facts a little, there's another huge danger intervening. You better be damn sure that the person you're intervening on behalf of would be justified using deadly force. If you read the situation wrong you could face jail time or massive civil lawsuit.
I fully understand your stance. But....if someone sees a situation that is as bad as the one described in the story, there needs to be some action. More that just a good witness and a phone call. There is a person who is about to be killed. A police officer, who has sworn to risk his life for others. Please lend a hand and help.

I think you would do more than just place a 911 call. I really think your blood would boil a little and you would help out if you were physically able.

I am here today due to the actions of two fine people who did not want to see me killed and they wanted the bad guy go to jail.

I do not wish to make enemies. Just enlighten.

(forgive the spelling)
I respect your view too. I'll keep it in mind. If I had less lethal options (tazer) or I could clearly take the guy I'd definitely be more prone to intervene.
Lets clear things up on the legal right to use deadly force.

In this particular situation, the police officer already fired on the suspect. This means he felt his life was in danger and was trying to stop the threat. One can interpret that the shot or shots fired from an officer as a means to become more aware of a situation at hand, and, like in this circumstance, help assist the officer if he/she is being assaulted, beaten, and more than likely stripped of his/her duty pistol to be finished off.

Do onto others as they would do to you...
Playin Devil's Advocate

640400 I can see why Glockfan1954's statement pissed you off, and it actually pissed me off twhen I read it too that a person with a CCW wouldn't step up to the plate to save an life, but Glockfan has a point unfortunatly.

The shooter as justified as he is, is still being sued in civil court. God knows how much of his time, and money in legal fee's he's going to waste defending himself for saving a life! What if this scumbags mother actually walks away with a judgement in her favor? What if its an amount that cost Mr. Stephens his home? He may have saved that officers life, but now hes in his own fight for; figurativly his life.
That's my concern seenterman. Even if you walk, you've just spent thousands of $$$$$$ and lots of time/stress/anxiety in the court room.

And for those who argue justification - yes, this seems clearly justified, but it could have easily turned out the other way. Let's say the cop was already dead (unbenkownst to the good samaritan), and you intervened with deadly force. Bad guy lives. What if he argues - and the DA who is in with the NAACP believes - that the cop was unjustifiably using deadly force against HIM and therefore you were unjustified to use it as well? Again, you'd probably end up walking because your belief was obviously reasonable in the circumstances (cop getting pounded) but the legal process would be a nightmare.
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If I didn't do anything, and the officer died, I know it would haunt me the rest of my life.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. But I hope I would do the right thing under the same circumstances.
The fact that this goober could function at all, however briefly, after being popped in the head, strongly implies that he was a bit of a dinosaur: big on brawn, small on brain. No surprise there...:evil:
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