Absolutely bizarre attack on Bush...

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I'm going to have nightmares now after reading that crap.

Moford should really get into writing surreal slasher flicks. I think thats his bag.
Here's another candidate for an anger management class!

A couple of thoughts: if Bush, et al are so unimportant, then why did he waste his time trying to tick off Bush supporters? How many of us try to piss off insects, which are generally not considered terribly important creatures?

Of course, that tiny logical inconsistency only scratches the surface with this guy. I'm not even going to try to rebut any of what it says - the thing speaks for itself. I'll just say that he sounds like someone who is very drunk or high on something. The fact that he sat down to write this screed is amazing - I could half understand it if someone in a fit of rage said this to my face, but he sat down and thought about it; he edited this crud - I can just imagine what it was like as a first draft!

That all being said, I hope that this is published far and wide, as a prime example of the thoughts of a liberal Democrat. It will do wonders for the Republicans next November.
This little screed is very reminiscent of what I've come to expect from schizophrenics.


And the same is true of all the leftists - it shows more with this one, but they're all "reality challenged". Think about it - that's the BASIS of their philosophy - the proposition that there are no absolutes.
Don't be alarmed by this.

There isn't anything out of the ordinary about this article. Liberals cannot compete in an arena of ideas so the only thing they have to hang on to is the old mantra of calling conservatives "stupid." Liberals have been using this tactic for years and if you look back on history you will find that most of the greatest presidents this country has ever had were "stupid," "incompetent," "out of touch," and "ignorant"...oh and let's not forget "dumb" unless of course they were liberal Democrats in which case they were the greatest thing since sliced, individually wrapped, American cheese :)

So don't be alarmed but rather look at it for what it is, the writers inability to compete in an arena of viable ideas.

Take care,

Morford's so obviously insane that his "columns" approach some sort of postmodern art form.

I think he's funny, until I remember that he gets PAID MONEY to write that drivel.

To repeat, for those of you who are not familiar with Morford, his purpose in life is to be a troll. He does not intend that any of his writing should approach reality. That is his schtick; roil the waters and tick everyone off.

Don't bother putting yourself in danger of a heart attack or gastric damage by pretending that Morford's stuff is intended to be anything but frothing drama. Just a simpering wanna be.
I would just like to take a moment and point out that good writing is rare, irrespective of ideology.

Orwell was a socialist, and one of the best writers ever.
Hemingway was full of clashing ideas, but also a fantastic minimalist master of crafting English sentences.

Maybe the Spanish Civil War concentrated the minds of these two? Perhaps Morford needs a lot of danger in his life to get rid of his turgid writing problem?

Whatever the case, there is a lot of bad "conservative" writing out there. I see it everyday on this very forum.:D I am responsible for some of it myself.

We should all strive to be anti-Morfords stylistically speaking.
Liberalism seeks to reward the unproductive with wealth taken by coersion
from the productive members of society.

This teaches the unproductive people that there is no reason to move into the workplace and to believe they are entitled to other peoples money.

Redistribution of wealth dilutes the power and viability of the working class.
Personal freedom and "safety nets" don't go together. The growth of the welfare state is a foregone conclusion when you start with that (well meaning, but) flawed premise.

Freedom to fail (and pay the consequences) is the flip side to freedom to succeed. Take one away and you take the other with it.
They reproduce and let them fall into the net. The children grow up on welfare and know nothing else.

the safety net is more of a spiders web.
On the other hand, imagine no welfare AT ALL:

Oh, I don't have to. I can look back before the welfare state and see private charity and family taking care of things. Or the local community. And yes, some people did have hard times. Nothing like what the current welfare state has CAUSED, though.

Never had 4 and 5 generation welfare families then.

That's COMMON these days. Like so many liberal ideas, it SOUNDS nice, but the results are disaster.
Private charity is alive and well.

All the money used on wasteful welfare programs could be redirected to churches,private shelters and food banks
Odd. Not a fact in the article. Want to get a point across? Use facts.

Personally I think the guy was smoking something when he wrote this or was high on a Jack Daniels bender.
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