Absolutely bizarre attack on Bush...

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Know what ticks me off?

The European ignorance about the United States.
How they only have one way of seeing us: as the ingnorant, unlettered bully.
How they sum up Bush's character completely on the basis of his travel history.
How they tell us to "get educated"....in what? How to defeat communism? How to develop the computer? How to go to the moon? How to develop most of the world's new drugs and cutting-edge medical care?

I had a most interesting exchange with a Swiss gentleman who gave this this exact kind of nonsesnse over a column I wrote. Told me to learn about the rest of the world, get educated. I had to tell him that holding an opinion which Europeans dislike does not correlate with education or experience of the world, seeing as how I speak French, Spanish, and a smattering of Italian, have a doctoral degree as well as a business degree, am half Costa Rican, have visited Latin America, Spain, France, and Italy, and know more about European history and politics than most Europeans I meet seem to know about America.

After the man calmed down we had a very nice conversation. He's a teacher, and pretty learned. Get this: he was surprised to find that I live in the Northeast and have a medical background. He thought because of my conservative views that I was a Baptist from the South, a bible-thumping fundamentalist. Who's ignorant about who?
Khornet, we seem to have a common grudge going in opposite directions. Too much generalization will obliterate any room for discussion, so let me clarify that it wasn't my intention.

I most certainly don't have only one way of seeing anything, don't sum up Bush's character solely on one basis nor try to tell you to get educated, as you obviously are. I was addressing an earlier case who was exactly in point.

Europe is in the throws of it right now. Their population is aging. (...) A person would almost have to be mentally ill to bother to work in that society.
The context tells more than the actual wording.

A bit elaboration on getting educated... the likes of things you brag about I could too, and make a good point on my country being at least as innovative as yours in relation to size and environmental factors, but that'd be a case of "my dad's hairier than your dad".

Getting educated beyond the point of broad generalizations and disruptive criticism based on wooden-eyed, often pseudo-religious notions and forced, value-loaded categorizations just would mean that we could discuss things on both sides of the Atlantic and beyond on an analytical basis and exchange in a positive way. I just can't help seeing that the prevalence of the former here and elsewhere, including W, stands in the way.

Which somebody, no doubt, will prove shortly along the lines of "we have nothing to learn from backwards socialist euro-trash". :rolleyes:

Sorry about the thread hijack in the works. I'm prepared to take this to PM with anybody capable and willing.

shove this country into a bloody unwinnable war

Two words..

Clinton. Somalia.

Maybe you want to do a little research on which President "shoved" us into Somalia. (It wasn't Clinton...)

I know the guy is a loathesome piece of slime, but it hurts our credibility when we blame him for everything from the stock market crash of '29 to the sinking of the Lusitania...
The Marines hit the beach at Mogadishu when Bush the First was in the Oval Office.

Saying that Clinton is responsible for Somalia because he didn't pull everyone out the day after his inauguration is like saying that Richard Nixon is responsible for getting us into the Vietnam mess.
I most certainly don't have only one way of seeing anything, don't sum up Bush's character solely on one basis...
Which is why you did, right? LMAO

Hey there igor, since Bush is dumb (you said so, so it must be true), then tell me Mr. Socialist, how does it feel to be politically defeated by a dummy again, and again, and again.....
Which somebody, no doubt, will prove shortly along the lines of "we have nothing to learn from backwards socialist euro-trash".
Well, I for one would never say that. I think that if anybody really wants to learn what it is like to spiral from a 1st or 2nd rate country into a 3rd rate country, then studying "backwards socialist euro-trash" - as you call them - would be an excellent start.

In my travels abroad, I heard countless people tell me how much they wanted to live in America. As soon as I hear one person say how much they would like to live in Suomi, I'll be sure to let you know.
The guy is in serious need of surgery.......The name of the medical procedure is an "Eyectomy". The purpose is to delete the nerve that runs from the eyeball to the sphincter. The result is the removal of one's crappy outlook on life.

:D :evil: :neener: :what:
Marco Kloos

Saying that Clinton is responsible for Somalia because he didn't pull everyone out the day after his inauguration is like saying that Richard Nixon is responsible for getting us into the Vietnam mess.
What was the problem was not the fact he left them there, as you state, but the fact that he failed to provide the necessary materiel that was requested and never delivered. People who were there died because of Washington's retiscence.

As for the battle itself it was the efforts of the United Nations, when they took over, that caused the problem. They insisted on capturing Aidid (sp?) and disarming everyone; while the Americans, when they were in charge, merely went about distributing foodstuffs to the populace.

I knew a guy who was there when all of this was going on. He said that when the effort first got under way, they were doing the disarmament thing as they distributed food. He said that as they moved to the next village, the previous village's elders would approach them for more food. When they told them that they had just given them food, they told the Americans that the gangs had come right behind them and stolen it away.

After this, the Americans started making sure that they left one firearm in every home and this activity came to an abrupt halt. Everything was copesetic as long as the Americans were in charge. Once the UN took over, the whole thing went to Hell in a handbasket.
It's a recycled euphemism that has to do with ignore lists...

This never was about "my continent is better than your continent" or "my dog's bigger than yours". I rest my case. :banghead: :mad:
This one is closed for veiled insults, general discourtesy, and lack of civility towards other THR members.

Lights out.

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