Activists Urge Joe Biden to Create Gun Control Office to Bypass Senate

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Breitbart used to set the standard for journalism. Then Andrew Breitbart died mysteriously.

The more laws that are passed and ignored, the less effective and influential government becomes. Rome did the same thing. No one cared.
There is a fine line between liberty and tyranny. Those that attempt to circumvent the Constitution or existing laws are not supporters of individual liberty.
Supporters of racially invidious gun controls haven't pretended to be supporters of individual liberty for a VERY long time. INVARIABLY, they're also rabid opponents of the 1st Amendment and any speech which contradicts their totalitarian ideology.
Pushing gun control would be an excellent way to lose the next election.
...assuming it's structurally possible TO lose it.

If not, they can do literally ANYTHING they want.

Gun control is a means NOT an end. It's a way to forcibly remove the 1st, 4th, 5th... and 13th Amendments without fear of retribution.
AlexanderA: Exactly.

Have most people here noticed that regarding "gun control" (and registration etc), the much-feared US Senate, unless I missed it, has refused to even begin formal floor Debate on UBC/univ. background checks?
AlexanderA: Exactly.

Have most people here noticed that regarding "gun control" (and registration etc), the much-feared US Senate, unless I missed it, has refused to even begin formal floor Debate on UBC/univ. background checks?
They're hard at work destroying other rights. Don't worry, they'll get around to it.

If you first ensure that you can never be voted out of the majority, things like that can be attended to at your leisure.
My first thoughts are not family friendly or appropriate for this forum. That being said, There is a reason for 3 separate branched of government for a reason! The Constitution was designed so that no one single branch could become too powerful. We need to make sure the all elected and appointed government officials abide by the US Constitution.
We need to make sure the all elected and appointed government officials abide by the US Constitution.

Those "elected and appointed government officials" disagree... vehemently. Hence the relentless attacks on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendments... which possibly the 13th to follow. They perceive that removing the 2nd first will make removing the rest far less hazardous to those doing the removing.
Those "elected and appointed government officials" disagree... vehemently. Hence the relentless attacks on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendments... which possibly the 13th to follow. They perceive that removing the 2nd first will make removing the rest far less hazardous to those doing the removing.

They forgot to do one thing with all of us military veterans. NO one has properly relieved us of our oath to defend the Constitution against ALL enemies. And that is why they are so adamant to take away our 2nd Amendment rights. I for one will honor my oath as long as I am physically able to do so.
Well, unfortunately, that’ll be for the court system to decide. And I have as much trust in them as I do a drink Bill Cosby mixed.
The last thing I'd advise you to do is to trust them.

I'm telling you to neither respect nor obey any unlawful and unconstitutional directives which emanate from them. These things are clearly laid out in LAW and the CONSTITUTION. I can claim to be the Plenipotentiary from the planet Mars, empowered to rule by decree, but that doesn't make it so. Any such "office" has as much LEGAL authority.
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