Air Force: Test Lethal Weapon U.S. Citizens First

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Aug 20, 2006
Now, why would the Air Force do that when better targets are illegal aliens crossing the Mexican border. Save the National Guard and The Minutemen a bunch of extra work:

Or how about some old Negroes at Tuskegee University in Alabama? They should be over those government sponsored syphlis experiments by now.

About all that can be said for the later is the Air Force didn't do it.

Does anyone in Washington D.C. have a brain in their head?
First af all the source for this story is CNN. I don't remember them tellin the truth to often.CNN has been burned constantly over the years for not checking facts or dismissing reporters because the public or bloggers caught them with the lies and fantasy CNN regularly puts out. Secondly, one has to read between the lines. What the Air Force Secretary is saying is that one should never use an untried questionable weapon on anybody. If the weapon is uncivilized and cannot be depended upon to stop violent people i.e.hopped up druggies,hyper violent types, and death by cop types, then don't use it at all. There have been riots and violent incidents that the authorities have had to subdue. Since less than lethal weapons can and have been documented to kill people the common sense approach is needed. Taser,rubber buckshot,even pepper spray mixed with violent offenders antics and physical condition have together caused causulties.Using weapons that are supposed to incapacitate humanly and it kills victims is not what a moral society wants to do. The Air Force Secretary obviously misspoke. He has never advocated wholesale killing and wanton destruction on anyone.Background checks(yes they are done folks) would have shown us mental imbalance or troubling signs of degeneration. Since the man a proven moral center I will not condemn him. A watchful eye will be on him at all times. This is not a conspiracy of the forces of evil or black helicopter mantra. Take this with a grain of salt.Clinton and his cronies were the ones asking on armed forces entry exams if the newbies would be willing to kill American civilians if so ordered.Remember the Killings at Ruby Ridge, Waco,and the Cuban boy in Florida who was dragged from his home by heavily armed U.S. police forces.The Waco fiasco was started by the agents in the raid firing into the compound before the firing on the ground started. It is on film showing the armored vehicles shoving flammeable tear gas canisters into the compound building. There are many recorded instances where tear gas cannisters have started fires in dwellings that killed or injured many people. Not to mention burning the building down to the ground,or causing massive damage to dwellings. The helicopters were borrowed from the military and the agents told the military the helos were being used for anti-drug operations. So give the guy a break. We have authorities who will kill civilians without remorse. Why the gun confiscation by heavily armed and armored police forces of New Orleans of innocent gun owners who were trying to defend themslves from crime? That was done by a Democrat politician and his cronies. Had somone resisted there would have been carnage.The victims have enough to think about without being traumitized by thugs. So folks let us not get to over involved or read to much into this. Keeping a wary eye on goverment is never a bad thing.
PCA: Posse Commitatius Act

Why and/or when would active duty USAF troops even use non-lethal/crowd control weapons on US citizens in CONUS? Wouldn't that be against US law/Posse Commitiatius Act?

I served 04 yrs in the US Army Military Police and we were trained in riot control/civil disorder tactics but we were never told we would use them on US citizens in CONUS.

Why would the Sec of the USAF want to go public with this information?


Why and/or when would active duty USAF troops even use non-lethal/crowd control weapons on US citizens in CONUS? Wouldn't that be against US law/Posse Commitiatius Act?

We had protesters show up at our gates at FE Warren a couple of times during the nuclear freeze movement back in the '80's. We were only to take action when someone trespassed on government property, and even then the only action we could take was to apprehend them, process them, warn them to stay off the base, and escort them off government property. Anything more than that we left up to local authorities. I could see a potential use for crowd control in that scenario (we were even trained in the old stomp and drag riot control formations in SP tech school), but Posse Commitatus never came into the picture.

As long as we stayed on Federal property, we were within our jurisdiction. Off base, it was the locals or federal law enforcement.
I got involved with the boys from the joint non-lethal weapons directorate at Quantico a couple of years ago. They were seeking my boss's approval for a doctrine that involved testing of their goodies against U.S. troops. My boss is the chief tester in DoD (DOT&E).

Their estimates of non-lethality of some of their toys was finite--in the 98-99% probablility range. i.e., there was a 1% or 2% chance of hurting somebody seriously. They actually proposed this with a straight face. We tossed 'em out.

Our policy is simple: we don't test with any real probability of hurting people. While accidents do happen, we don't knowingly accept any real risk of injury or death in operational tests.

Please do not bring facts and real-world experience to posts like this!
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