Am I a Stereotype?

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It really wouldnt matter to me if you had guns or not...I still wouldnt trust you around me with a page like that...but hey, maybe that is my fault and not yours who knows.
I think you come across as a little insecure.

Those who are true badmammajammas don't need to claim it all over an internet networking site. They are what they are and could care less if others like or dislike that, I mean, why should such a bad mother care what others think and try to impress them so much?

Hey, you asked... ;)
Ha ha ha ha, this is a joke right. If you aren't joking...
People that look like that make me leave the range for fear of death or serious bodily harm from their sweet tactical moves.
You probably know the answer already.

Your MySpace page is an embarrassment to RKBA advocates and can either be assumed to be anti propaganda attempting to sabotage the 2A movement or the work of someone lacking an understanding of how to represent a pro-2A cause.

While the "inside jokes" may be intended for close friends and family there's nothing private about anything on MySpace and is viewable by any and everyone.

That public display ensures that fence sitters and undecidedes get the impression that RKBA advocates are immature and untrustworthy and potentially dangerous.

If you are actually pro-2A change the whole thing or at the very least drop any reference to 2A and THR.
You are a bit stereotypical. Why pick the moniker of a particularly vicious 19th century murderer? Sorta doesn't help in a way...of course this won't matter with your friends.

BTW..."Billy the Kid's" real name wasn't "Bonney," it was William McClarty.
Frankly, your page makes you look like a moron. Doesn't have anything to do with RKBA, save perhaps being useful when arguing that just because one is government-trained to carry a gun doesn't mean one is necessarily the least bit skilled or safe with guns.

The pictures are really much less damning than the front page with its photo and text. Those convey moron. The photos just say typical young enlisted soldier.
If you want my honest, completely objective opinion with no offense intended:

Your myspace doesn't make you look like a stereotypical gun owner.

It does make you look like a stereotypical redneck.
Yeah, your page makes you look like a mall ninja wannabe who I wouldn't trust with an airsoft rifle.

But then, lo and behold, I scroll down and see you have the best song ever, by Marty Robbins, and it makes everything better! we can break bread any time you want, b/c now I feel like I've known you forever. It takes class to pick a classic song like that. Kudos. :D
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