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American Hunters and Shooter Association?

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Jul 26, 2006
I read about this new organization that has been formed supposedly to support American gun rights and hunters. In the latest issue of American Rifleman, Chris Cox, head of the NRA-ILA, says this group is a front group for the anti-gun movement. The organization is headed up by several anti-gun advocates. The article in American Rifleman was pretty convincing that this group is a farce. They are using a catchy name to mask their real agenda. I worry that millions of hunters and sportsman will buy into this propoganda and support or join this organization. I call this outright DECEIT! This is how desperate these people have become, they have to stoop this low! I guess this illustrates the type of people they really are. The NRA has made it loud and clear, this group is no friend to gun owners! By the way, Bob Ricker is their executive director, he's on the website in a photo with former President Clinton! Ricker is a failed gun lobbyist, he's worked for both sides in the past, you cant trust him as far as you can throw him!
AHSA is akin to "astroturfing."

It's pure BS.

The only "rights" they support are the right to register your guns, and the right to turn in handguns and self-loaders.
This is a blatant attempt to limt the ownership of handguns read the web site.
I also notice on the web site that fees paid are tax deductable!!!!
Typical John Kerry Democrat type scam for Fudd type firearm owners, the ones who belive in comprimise as they get on the cattle cars headded to the re-education camps. WORK WILL SET YOU FREE :barf:
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