"Americans arm the Iraqi Army with antiquated Soviet-era weapons" -- Al Jazeera

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These morons at AJ complain about this stuff...I swear...

Last time I checked...AK goes bang...bullet flies out...puts .311 dia hole in target...target bleeds and goes "Argh!"

Um...how much more high-tech does one need to be?

Sorry if I'm repeating what was said since I didn't read all of the posts but:::

Why are you believing lies from a propaganda news org.? The Iraqi's are using NEW and lightly used AK-47's. Why buy new wealpns when there are untold cases of new AK's in-country. It makes no sense for us to arm them with our guns when the AK's and AK ammo is what is used it their part of the world. Why throw away several 100,000 good weapons just to buy more? They are stashed all over the country brand new in crates.
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