Americas Army Ops

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I will volunteer myself to be a squad leader on the Blue team.:p

I can't stand the color red...reminds me of blood and I can't stand the sight of blood!:fire:

I've about decided I hate this game now. I love everything about it except the weapon damage amounts. Am I alone in this? Playing you immediately notice it, you have to blast the crap out of people to kill them. Happened to see it mentioned in their FAQ where they actually listed what it takes to kill, it's takes a solid 3 upper chest/neck hits to kill with the 5.56 weapons. If you hit in the legs and arms it or a combination of chest and extremity hits it can take 4-6+ shots to kill. With the way the accuracy system works (which I like other than the bit below) it can take a lot of rounds fired to score that many hits. Jeez, you might as well be playing CounterStrike. This turns close range encounters into magazine emptying strafe fests that are just plain lame. They do the nades right (damn lethal at pretty good ranges) and then they completely wimpify the firearms.....

The accuracy system's way of handling accuracy when wounded and using the iron sights is bothering me too. You have a cone of fire that your shots fall into, being wounded especially drives this cone up to a ridiculous amount. So you are sitting there using the iron sights, perfectly on target and you fire yet your guy misses by 10+ feet at 50 meters. That is pissing me off bigtime, needs to just have some built in movement to the sight like the breathing, that being wounded increases by a large amount (Ie you have to fight to keep the sights on target, but if you fire off a round while the sights are on target you still score a hit, not like this random BS they use now...)

Wish I could find a killer game that does most stuff right. I guess I should just breakdown and buy Raven Shield, it's fairly close with most of this stuff...
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I agree with you on the accuracy system MAKOwner. But I think you're wrong on the damage system. Take a few shots at some dummies and see. Its 1-Face/Neck/Head (About 1.5 if its a glancing headshot) 2-Torso 3-Arms/Legs and 4-feet/hands

And what most people dont realize is that while they're strafing around like a goon blowing thier CEM all to hell I make 1 aimed headshot an drop them. Thats when I get called a cheater. :D
I would change my name but im a expert marksmen, both sniper rifles and a medic. Inless I can just change my name.
I believe you can have multiple screen names using the same dossier, you just have to go to, then hit 'Register' and then 'Manage Account' to add extras ones. I know for sure that you can change your screen name outright using the same procedure.

Yes, you can change your name as many times as you want - only restriction is you can't change more often than once a day.

We need a server! :)

- Gabe
My word! :what:

I thought this thread had died, because it was only today that I recieved notice about new posts!

If I wasn't going to work in about 15 minutes, I'd join you there. Tonight though, I'll jump on that IP and see who's there. In the mean time, I'll read up on setting up a server.
Does anyone know what's going on with the 'advanced' servers? I haven't played this game in months and months but when I last played there were a bunch of servers that were 15 or 20 honor or higher...weeded out alot of the 'angry pre-teen' factor. I can't seem to find any of them up now.

I would imagine that us old fart THR'erers would prefer to keep the games a bit more, ahem, mature? :)

- Gabe

PS: I'll be out most of tonight, but I'll hop on that IP as soon as I get a free minute...
I was there getting my *** kicked , I hate bridge crossing se. I'll be on there in 30-mins to a hour.
Sheesh! Forgot about school... Looks like tomorrow that I'll be at that IP. :(

I'd like to join in but I'm not a bridge fan.
See you all in one of the SE Weapons Caches, I'll be the one with a SAW.
Went to that server, but I'm not much of a bridge fan either. No other THR'ers there except for me and megcatia. BTW, I've changed my name to [THR]Sniper_Newt. See ya at SE Weapons Cache.

Alright, what server can we find you on for Weapons Cache SE?

For Mountain Pass SE I'm usually on Army Official W 073.

For Radio Tower I can be found on Army Official W 103.

I like to snipe, and play in the evening (Arizona time... which this time of the year is PST) :D
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