Ammo is back!

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Im curious how you know that brass was once fired?

So I will answer this again. The OP really doesn't know. Unless the brass has crimped primer pockets. This is the only way you know for certain it's once fired if you didn't shoot it. But you can also make some assumptions. Reloaders pick up their brass because they want to reuse them. It's the guys that shoot factory ammo that let brass lie. And when a case has been fully worn out. A reloader will take it home and recycle it because we are frugal guys. Most of us crush the case as a safety precaution so it can't be used again. Now these are all assumptions and are not absolute.

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Good score. In my neck of the woods, with the exception of 22LR, everything is in stock and back to more or less normal prices. Thank goodness!
In Alabama this morning around 10 AM at Walmart and they had quite a bit of ammo. 45,380,357,38,40 and several boxes and types of all. No 22 or 9mm of course.
They control sales at this store by making sure there is nobody working in the department.
I didn't ask you dragon813, now did I?

No, you didn't. But the question was answered before. Since the OP hasn't responded to that question I did. And the OP would give you the same answers. It's a baited question to begin with. Most people ask it so they can then put down the answer as not being possible. If you don't like my answers then sorry. Unless you shoot it you don't know how many times it's been fired.

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the brass has crimped primer pockets Winner winner chicken dinner.
Yes most of the brass does have crimped primers. But most times I can tell 1X brass by a visual examination as I'm sure most of you can too. I've been reloading 45 years and do have some experience. Multiple fired brass is usually pretty obvious but as dragon318 pointed out, reloaders don't usually leave their brass on the ground, and when I find many hundreds of pieces of identical brass, I'm pretty sure it was fired by a newbie who doesn't know to pick up his brass. At any rate I do look at all the brass when sorting it into either the "good" bucket or the "scrap" bucket.
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