An adult question...?

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Feb 5, 2006
Portland, OR
This question is more of an adult nature than most but I hope by no means offensive or overtly sexual or anything negative. I just have a question I am curious about.

I noticed ther are alot of guys and gals in here that are in that 18-30 age group and I am assuming many of them are single. I also notice alot of these people carry.

I know alot of us older married people may not know this but younger single people these days do tend to get together every now and then for activities other than monopoly that might facilitate someone seeing your usually hidden method of carry.

I was wondering if anyone has had this happen where someone reacted negatively or if it has happened at all. If so how do you handle it and if it hasn't happened do you have a set response or explanation?
Man I wish I had that problem:eek: ... but seriously, before that would ever be an issue with me personally, she'd know about the guns beforehand. If the guns were a problem, she'd be gone already. It's part of the reason I am still single, it's stupid to get that far assuming it'll just work out and then have that argument years later and get a divorce over it etc. etc.
Catholic. Don't have that problem. :neener:

(not like I would anyway, CCW is still illegal in WI, and not many places let 18 year-olds carry anyway. :banghead: )
Well, you could either be candid and forthright or lie like a dog. I'd go for option two.
"No, it's not a gun. It's a coffee grinder. Yes, you imbecile. It's a gun. I'm former KGB. Haven't held down a job since the Wall came down, so I do a few jobs for the government. Ken Lay, for example - it wasn't natural causes. JFK? Don't be ridiculous. My uncle did that."
When I was single (up to a year and a half ago) I was always totally upfront about it.

Her: What's that?

Me:It's a gun, you don't have one of your own? Why not? Are you crazy?
When I first started dating my girlfriend I told her I owned and carried. She was afraid of guns, but not afraid of me carrying one. Gradually I showed them to her (unloaded of course). Got her used to the fact they don't go off by themselves. Now we live together, and will be getting married. She has evolved to eagerly wanting to hold my 12 guage when I first purchased it! :evil:
Used to happen all the time. Take off the boots and there it is. No big deal in my experience, just told them to stay away from the gun.

Is that a 7.5" Redhawk in your pants or are you just happy to see me? :neener:

Why do you think I carry a P11?

24, been with the same girl since I was 17, been carrying since I was 22, so not an issue.
Wasn't an issue for me back in my single days either. Actually, it was interesting to learn how many women out there are armed - a lot more than I expected.
I'm with Euclidean - that's a "problem" I'm not sure I'd mind! :eek: :p

Well, for any kind of "long-term" relationship, there's no **WAY** I would consider an "anti," unless there was a 99.9% chance she would turn around.

For a "one-night stand" type deal....does it matter as long as she's hot? :evil:

Well....actually it might? Am I right about restraining orders in that if you've "had relations" with someone then she could fabricate events like saying it was rape - then get hit with RO - then goodbye guns forever? :what:

Makes "saving myself for marriage" sound a whole lot better all of a sudden!

...not that I have a lot to worry about in that regard anyway... :eek:
I would be disappointed if a man I was dating did not carry a firearm. I would ask him why. His answer would be very important to me.
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