Another dumb perp story

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Oct 11, 2003
Just heard this on the local Nashville news. Fella gets off work, drives to his girlfriend's apartment, parks his car, gets out and is hit upside the head with a gun. Perp asks for his money, vic has none. Perp takes him inside vics girlfriend's apt. where perp manages to get $20 and a Sony Play Station, after scaring the you-know-what out of the girlfriend and her 1 yr. old. Perp takes his loot, and on the way out grabs the vic's watch, jewelry and cell phone. Cops get there ASAP, and thinking perp might still be nearby, set up perimeter and dial vics cell, hoping to hear it ring. Much to cops surprise, perp answers cell. Quick thinking cop is former narc and in his best street jargon offers perp $50 for Play Station if he'll bring it back to vics apt. Before the cops can hide perp shows up, takes one look at the uniformed officers, and utters what has to be one of the dumbest things ever, "are you guys cops"? Perp takes off running and is quickly nailed.
:D ... geez, if only they were all that dumb ..... :rolleyes: .... but without the violence.

Mind you .. the other side of this one I imagine .. is, guy unarmed and floating in condition white!! Could have been a useful pool cleansing otherwise.
Maybe that guy and his girlfriend will have a gun next time.

Bill Meadows
There's a reason why we build jails and that's to keep these guys from killing themselves.
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