Another gun crime in a 'Gun Free' zone

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I'm sorry... but this story must be false as guns aren't allowed in post offices.

But wait... perhaps this guy didn't get the memo or didn't know how to read.

That's it! Education is the answer.... let's pump another couple billion into our failed system of education.
The city of Chicago is a "handgun free zone" it has 4-5 shootings every DAY, 95% by handguns. The only people "carrying" in the city are a few off duty LEOs, and of course: drug dealers, pimps, and gang bangers :cuss:. The reason so many innocent high school kids are literally executed on the streets (a car with 2-4 gangbangers shoot an unarmed kid) is that the innocent are unarmed sheep- sorry for the rant - I work at a level I trauma center on the city's west side- we see kids shot EVERY day :banghead:
If law abiding citizens could carry, the cowardly gangbangers would at least think twice before cruising a neighborhood looking for trouble.
After reading the article, my question is what caliber were the plastic explosives?:D
"Shots were fired earlier, but there were no reports of injuries" First line in the article???

I'm not saying a gun toting citizen/personal carry is always the answer, but I think the irony here speaks for itself.
I was walking into a Doctors building in Ohio yesterday on my way to taking my mom for an appointment as she is on a walker.I spotted the "NO guns permitted on premises" on the outer door and i told her "I sure hope all the criminals read and abide by that sign" as i walked in.
The only gun free zones i feel that should exist is Courthouses/Govt buildings that have more than ample security and bars.And you can bet i stopped going to bars once i received my ccw.

As a matter of fact my alcohol consumption while was low prior to getting my ccw,mabey 2 visits to a pub a month for some good Micro brew Double pale ale.
This has stopped and i don't even remember drinking my last beer as i live with my older folks who don't allow alcohol in their home.
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