another model 19 question

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The trade is made but one thing I will
say for the DW is that the action is lighter but not smoother than the Smith.
Those shorty 19's are pugsly looking little buggers with the funny high adjustable sights, but we've got one around here and it's a hoot with mild loads. As for nasty recoil, swap in some grips. A couple 1x2's taped to the frame would be a step up in comfort from those factory splinters for heavy loads.

Hi Bellzy
Good looking Model 19. Dress up the pitting to keep it from spreading. The turn line looks light so it may not have been used much, so begging to be broken in by use with a set of snap caps and some dry fire, and range time. I have the same "problem";) with my newly acquired Ruger Speed Six. Enjoy your newly adopted family member.
Have a safe and prosperous New Year
TaKe CaRe
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