"Another School Shooting" on youtube

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Jul 24, 2006
This guy on youtube is an interesting personality (just listen to all his other videos other than his proposal for guns and schools). He made a home video on the recent Illinois school shooting. It's interesting all the various views on the shootings across youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NloH2cDXqkE&feature=user
I like how he's like, "You can walk into a university with an automatic weapon, a gun, a rifle!" Although, if we implemented his security lock down plan on every public school, wouldn't they naturally keep out those with concealed permits (if they were to ever make that legal in Illinois and make it like in Utah where you can carry into a university)? That might help for a few campus buildings that have enough money to implement this, but what about someone lawfully carrying while outside and between buildings who can't go inside just a few particular buildings they choose for the lock down because he/she's carrying? If that person has to go into those few buildings on a regular basis, that person would have to leave their gun and pepper spray at home and wouldn't have it available while on all the other parts of campus.
You have to love liberals. They think the solution to every problem, no matter how simple the problem is to fix, is to throw billions of dollars at it. The problem is, we're already operating with a deficit in the trillions of dollars. So, these liberals want to print some more money to spend, raise our taxes (even though in doing so it won't reverse the deficit spending) and then fund a few more thousand programs we can't afford.

Here's a novel idea, instead of spending billions on airport security for every school in America, let's allow the students (of age - college) and faculty to arm themselves. Send those teachers who are interested to training programs and arm them. Post a few ARMED security guards at the doors of the schools to show force and guess what - we won't have nearly as many school shootings. If we do, the shooter won't get far.
concerned with spending?

The USA just gave Mexico a grant to secure the SOUTHERN Mexican border.

(not the Southern U.S. border, the Southern Mexican border)

How much did USA give? One Billion dollars. Talk about spending.

Give here, give there...the only ones who don't get much...are the taxpayers.

I don't think the answer is a gridlock high-tech security system. We simply need an armed populace.
Ok, I watched it through. The best part? After the video stopped and the related videos started scrolling through I noticed one was "Todd Jarrett on pistol shooting." :evil: That one was much better.
You have to love liberals. They think the solution to every problem, no matter how simple the problem is to fix, is to throw billions of dollars at it. The problem is, we're already operating with a deficit in the trillions of dollars. So, these liberals want to print some more money to spend, raise our taxes (even though in doing so it won't reverse the deficit spending) and then fund a few more thousand programs we can't afford.

Here's a novel idea, instead of spending billions on airport security for every school in America, let's allow the students (of age - college) and faculty to arm themselves. Send those teachers who are interested to training programs and arm them. Post a few ARMED security guards at the doors of the schools to show force and guess what - we won't have nearly as many school shootings. If we do, the shooter won't get far.

Funny, I seem to remember the GOP being the ones that wanted to throw huge sums of money at airport security, Katrina, senior prescription drug programs, etc. And then lower taxes on top of all this.

At any rate, anyone living in AZ should help to try and fight for the CCW in schools bill to pass - we actually have a legitimate chance to set a precedent here, and get the ball rolling for the rest of the country.
I really cannot stand when a person rambles about a half-baked proposed solution from the top of their head without doing any research. I cannot say that I'm surprised though. That's how most people roll.

In 2007, Success Tech high school had occasional, portable metal detectors. A gun toting shooter got in because the metal detectors were not up that particular day. (Unrelated side note - the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation happens to support Success Tech.)

Such a half-ass implementation of metal detectors is basically what would happen at any school. The schools can't afford to hire the Secret Service or anything halfway close. They'll hire the bargain basement security team, maybe even student volunteers. Further, metal detectors were semi-possible at Success Tech because the school was basically a single building in an urban setting. Even then, the system broke down.
we actually have a legitimate chance to set a precedent here, and get the ball rolling for the rest of the country.

CCW in schools? You're a little late to set a precedent on that one.
CCW in schools? You're a little late to set a precedent on that one.

I am well aware that AZ is not the first state to allow CCW in schools. However, to my knowledge, we would be the first state to reverse the enforcement of gun-free zones on campus, and to mandate that universities and school districts respect the rights of those with a CCW.
Wow, thats 3 minutes of my life I will NEVER get back. Thanks alot.

And his other videos are really interesting (in that sort of way) too. Like his one on police using tasers on suspects :) The last one or two minutes he went off topic about how he had problems with Microsoft Windows on his computer and how he lost a lot of work. I was thinking that some how he was going to tie his story in to the original police tasing suspects topic, but then the video ended abruptly:rolleyes: LOL, I got a laugh out of that one. You know how sometimes you laugh at weird and stupid humor, that's how it was
So, are you guys going to get worked up over this blithering genius, or are you going to actually do something productive, like send a nice note to your school's president or dean of students or your department chair, asking how they plan to keep you safe on campus? Follow up 24 hours later asking if you can carry on campus with a permit. And put up a few of Oleg's posters on campus bulletin boards while you're at it.
Anyone that thinks you could control traffic like that in a university has never set foot on campus. Anyone that thinks that metal detectors are the solution is oblivious to the reality the people in jail wind up with weapons and that people get banned items (including weapons) onto planes regularly. Attempts at prevention are great, but we also must be ready to respond.
Funny, I seem to remember the GOP being the ones that wanted to throw huge sums of money at airport security, Katrina, senior prescription drug programs, etc.

Nobody said the GOP wasn't full of "liberals."
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