Anti gun individuals, companies, etc.

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Hmm, well I won't give up Levi's. But I prefer Hagen Dazs or Dreyers over B&J's. American Greeting Cards is better than Hallmark (only because a Wingfield owns it or something and I'm related.)

People were surprised that George c-Looney is an anti? All he does is spout his leftist ideologies.
It stinks that I can't go to the movies anymore. Well, maybe a Tom Selleck flick... I still enjoy watching Chuck Norris kick BG's in the head... thats quality viewing. :)
I agree, I emailed the AARP two years ago concerning their anti-gun position and told them to take me off their mailing list.
I've been doing that for ten years -- and they keep putting me back on. Nowadays, when I recieve one of their mailings, I simply take the franked, self-addressed envelope they include, put it a note, "Take me off your mailing list" and mail it back to them. The more they send me, the more it costs them.

And, BTW, I live in jeans -- I ride my horses on my own farm. But I wear Wranglers -- which are better, anyway. Levis have the running fell seam on the inside of the legs, which is murder on a horseman.
Along with all the actors, singers and generally unimportant people we call celebrities in that list, they missed a few.
They should have included all the antis who are burger flippers and toll booth operators. Their opinion on the matter
means to me just as much as that list of nobodies. No offense against burger flippers and booth operators.

While they are at it they should have listed all the opinions on the 1st amendment of those in that list also.
Maybe after they get their RKBA taken away they won't mind losing their right to free speech as well. In fact let's search
their homes and seize their possessions of course with no warrant, falsely accuse them of a crime, make sure bail is
unreasonable, send them to jail with no trial, and finally torture them by way of cruel and unusual means.......... :cuss:Take that!!
i concealed carry into my local walmart where i know its against company policy when i force them to price comp their items with the local grocery store.
As a huge fan of Stargate SG1 it's sad to see Richard Dean Anderson's name at the top of the list:(

Oh well, it's not all that surprising either consider he was MacGyver:rolleyes:
I honestly think that the celebrities list is a bit.......overinclusive. I think they went so far as to include any actor who has starred in a role in a film that was anti-gun, or made any comment like "I would never own a gun" or "Guns scare me to death" but would not and DID not actually support restricting anyone else's rights. Just because someone isn't as pro-gun as we are doesn't automatically make them anti. On this site, WE can't even agree on everything.

If I pulled the plug on every celebrity who doesn't agree with me politically, I would have a very short list left. What I DON'T support is celebrities who start to think they are more important than they are, and do things that endanger lives. (Sean Penn going to Iraq and Jane Fonda come to mind.) But even as extreme as Alec Baldwin is, he's still among the best at what he does and is still able to laugh at himself.

A few years ago I saw Concrete Blonde at a club in SLC. In the 80's they did a song called "God is a Bullet" about gun violence. I have a live cut of the song where they dedicated it to the LAPD. When I saw them live, I got to talk to them after the show, I was talking to Johnette Napolitano, I broached the subject, and she said that she hates violence, but it was mostly directed at those who abuse authority, not people who own guns. It's not her thing, but she doesn't tell people how to live their lives, just not to hurt each other. Not exactly on our side, but not on the Bradys' 'special list' either.
with out seeing the details about why these companies or people are on these lists I don't trust the lists. NRA & GOA seems to be quick to label people as antigun. Now obviously there are some that deserve that label but blindly trusting a list is not how I role.
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