Anti-Gunners are Unable to Separate Guns From Killing

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This is essentially saying that "weapopns of war" are a bad thing and we need to try to convince people that our guns are not weapons of war and thus shouldn't be banned.

Bingo. That's what I was trying to get at. I wasn't trying to say that guns have a will of their own but I do think it's unrealistic to think we can convince others that many guns weren't designed to kill. Shadow 7D also does bring up a good point that one should also recognize that those guns were designed to be as effective as possible to protect the lives of the gun carrier and his comrades (not too mention to protect those back at home who could not protect themselves). Regardless, it is important to state that guns don't have an intent to themselves, that the gun owner determines how the gun will be used (I'm in full agreement with you here, Cosmoline).

I don't think we should take up a defensive stance by trying to suggest that guns aren't dangerous tools or in any way buy into the notion that guns are only acceptable if they are not possible "weapons of war." I think it could lead us, inadvertently, into trying to justify our guns for "sporting purposes" which we all know is only one facet of gun ownership.
You can lay any of these weapons designed to kill, down on a table, and until the hand of man reaches out and lays hold of it, and uses it for it's design purpose, it is just an inanimate object, and will harm or kill no one.
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