Anyone shoot/own guns but not hunt?

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Ant Mod

Oct 5, 2003
No offense to hunters, but I cant abide the killing of any animal. I know that sometimes there is a good purpose and I eat meat, I just could never do it and dont understand the "thrill" to killing something that is living. I own firearms because I enjoy to shoot them at targets and for self defense. I know that a lot of gun rags have to do with hunting and at least hint to it, I dont subscribe to those.

Anyone else like me?

And you dont need to convince me that hunting is necessary and okay to do. I know, I just dont want to do it.
i dont own any guns yet but i will soon enough. i dont hunt and dont want to but dont see anything wrong with it. either way animals will get killed for food. it doesnt matter if you do it or if a meat company does it.
Doesn't do it for me either, but I'm not about to decide what other people should or shouldn't do like the PETA freaks. As long as the animals being shot aren't mine, I can't complain. :scrutiny:
I don't hunt but as others have said I don't have anything against it as long as it is to provide food. I am firmly against trophy hunting for the sole purpose of placing an animal's head over your fireplace. I'm definitely a carnivore so it would be total hypocrisy for me to be against hunting as a source of food. I do love to shoot and am completely taken with handguns and their various designs.:D
As a hunter, I'm not offended at your views.

Unlike some hunters I support the real meaning of the SA.

I just hope if the time ever comes to start up the next revolution you'll be right beside me, gun in hand.
I have never hunted but would never pass up an offer to go. I wish I could go on a pig hunt with my .454 casull or hunt something bigger with the .50, now that would be a great time.
I have hunted in the past, for food, but don't currently bother with it. I might well do it again if the right opportunity presented itself, but I'm more into collecting and target shooting. I have a NM CHL and always carry for SD too.

I can appreciate Ant Mod's sentiments about not wanting to have to kill anything except in dire need such a self defense. I also commed his respect for those who do choose to hunt. That's taking "The High Road" indeed.
I'm with Ant Mod 100%.

and buy guns, boofus and standing wolf.

Wrap all their statements into one and you have my reply.

LAR-15 - Right beside you my friend, armed to the teeth.
Cheerful carnivore

I grew up in Texas in a hunting family. I've shot deer, hogs, squirrel, dove & quail. (And turtles, but that's another story.) (Oh, yeah, plus raccoons and gophers and prairie dogs and suchlike... that's not food.)
But that was all years ago.
One November morning, gutting, skinning, quartering yet another damn deer got to be just too much of a pain. A grocery store will cheerfully sell you meat with much less hassle involved.
I'd probably still hunt birds, but I don't own any land, so that's out.
I own several rifles, and love to shoot them. I eat meat every day. I'd have no problem going out to the mountains and shooting you an elk, but no way in hell will I gut it, skin it, whatever. It doesn't gross me out. It's just more of a pain than it's worth. Beef is tender. Mammalian game is, well, gamy. Feral hog is nice, but who wants to cut up a 250 lb. carcass?
I'd have no problem killing a human attacker. Nobody would would expect me to field dress him.

I'd have no problem killing a human attacker. Nobody would would expect me to field dress him.
And taking human heads for trophies like the ancient Celts is frowned on these days too.

You and I are pretty much on the same page as far as hunting goes. No qualms or moral reservations, just not worth the effort when there is a supermarket right around the corner.
Never said anything about morals. I am a carnivore. I just chose not to do it myself. Don't like the thought of killing.

I generally dislike humans so killing an attacker won't phase me. Taking aim at Bambi who is just out for a morning stroll looking for food just isn't my deal.
I've never had a desire to hunt, but have nothing against those who do. Sometimes I even get some jerky out of it! :)
I dearly love animals and will go out of my way to save one. At the same time, if faced with going hungry or eating one of those adorable critters, start up the fire because I'm going to opt to feed me and mine. I may feel a little unhappy about it, but my biggest qualm is with needless killing. If there's a need, I'm accepting. So for now, I keep guns and shoot, and hope that those skills could combine with my outdoors abilities to make me a decent hunter if the need ever arises.
Hunt? You mean kill an animal? But that would mean I'd have to gut it in the field! Ewwwwwwwww! :D

Semi-seriously though I'll do it if I have to, but since the existence of butchers and grocery stores means I don't have to, I won't.
I don't hunt anymore, it just didn't work out when I moved to Michigan. I spent sometime fishing and playing golf. Now I'm into handguns and can't get enough, guns or time at the range.
Never said anything about morals. I am a carnivore. I just chose not to do it myself. Don't like the thought of killing.

I generally dislike humans so killing an attacker won't phase me. Taking aim at Bambi who is just out for a morning stroll looking for food just isn't my deal.

It's something I haven't had the opportunity to do. It looks like it might be fun, but the cleaning process looks kinda... messy. :uhoh:

I see it like this: People love to have vegetable gardens. It's a hobby, you know exactly what's happened to those plants from the moment you dig 'em up to the moment you clean up the dinner plates. Same goes for hunting.

As for myself, I've only killed three things. 1) A bird that I didn't know was behind the target in my parent's back yard got hit by an overpenetrating BB. 2) One day at the range, a butterfly landed on the top of my target stand. My M44 was so inaccurate, the next round blew the butterfly to pieces. :what: :scrutiny: :uhoh: 3) Same range, but a few months later, I saw some large arachnid thingy coming toward me... could've been a scorpion or a tarantula, who knows. Emptied 30rds into the abomination and the surrounding grass with my AK.

Since then, nothing.
I once, when I was a kid, shot at unsuspecting sun bathing frogs with a sling shot and green/unripened wild plumbs (they are perfectly round an very hard) but I always felt guilt and eventually stopped.

I personally can't stomach killing an unsuspecting animal going about it's business and meaning me and others no harm. If I had to for food I would.

Fishing, now that's a little different. I have done a whole lot of that over the 29 years of my life. Stuggled with guilt at times but thinking the fish has a choice in the matter to pass on by or bite made me feel better. Plus catch and release is a good practice. I have no blame for anyone who does hunt. I'd be a hipocrate if I did. I don't even eat fish.

This reminds me of an interview I read with Dale Earnhardt Jr. where he talked about hunting. As far as I can recall, what he said was basically along the lines of "you get up at 5am, shoot a deer around 7am, and the whole rest of the day is turning it into food. That's a whole day shot..." I'm pretty much in that camp, although one of my brothers in law won't eat any meat that isn't hunted, because he feels morally opposed to the meat packing industry in general. I can see both sides; it's an area where I think you have to work out what you're comfortable with and go with that. I moved away from hunting (but not fishing) mainly because at the time I had plenty of time and places to hunt, I was a lousy cook and had some really unrewarding meals after a lot of work. There's two whole different arts at least that come into play once you've shot the animal...
I don't hunt, though I own several guns. Growing up in the City has never made me want to hunt any local wildlife as it is mostly inedible (rats, pigeons, poodles, drug dealers.)
One of my best friends is a vegetarian who loves to hunt, and regularly puts meat on the table for her family and friends.

Me, I eat lotsa meat, but haven't hunted since my high school days. I'd probably still enjoy it, but just haven't gotten around to jumping through the expensive and overly complicated government hoops.

My dad was an avid hunter for years, until one day he realized he just couldn't stomach the thought of killing anything anymore. I'm sad he got out of hunting about the time my oldest boy was old enough to take along, and my husband is not a hunter, so my sons are growing up without it.

Two generations from now, even country people won't hunt much. :(

I've got many dozen guns but no I don't hunt.

I don't have any problem with those that do. If I had enough land I'd probably allow hunting friends to hunt on my land.

Personally I don't even like it when I have to kill a Rattlesnake, it's just doing it's thing.
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